Sniper Track

Chapter 105: emblem

Chaos, Hongmeng...

Apart from these adjectives describing the beginning of the world, Chen Xingxi searched his entire mind and could not find any other adjectives to describe the appearance of this galaxy a second ago.

But now it is different.

The awakening ceremony was very successful.

Chen Xingxi has the only gun partner in his life, his auxiliary gun was "created" in his spiritual space.

Just as God said: "Let there be light", "Let there be life"... The world will naturally produce corresponding substances.

Created from nothingness.

At the very center of the black galaxy, the stardust and all kinds of dust condensed and shaped into a pistol.

The world is so weird.

In the entire universe, there are blood-red planets and colorful nebulae everywhere.

That is the appearance of the body's blood and spiritual power.

At the center of the universe, a double star system hovers.

The entire galaxy revolves around two cores, or in other words, two separate galaxies orbiting each other and chasing each other.

One of the cores is Chen Xingxi's rifle.

Surrounding it is a silver-white starry sky, corresponding to the silver mark on the rifle.

Unlike the Rifle Galaxy next to it, most of the celestial bodies in this Pistol Galaxy are black, which also makes this half of the galaxy dominated by black.

The pitch black and silver-white gnawed at each other, forming a map of galaxies similar to the Taiji map.

Chen Xingxi didn't pay much attention to the half where the rifle was, and his eyes were all on the "newborn" pistol.

This pistol looks a little bigger than ordinary pistols. It looks majestic and powerful.

Chen Xingxi was very familiar with this feeling.

The same fluctuation, he had sensed it in Shen Longxiao when he was a sophomore in high school.

The guns of the fittest for any two people are different and vary from person to person.

The same is a pistol, and everyone's gun type is different, and the values ​​of power, attack speed, etc. will also fluctuate slightly above and below the average level.

At that time, he felt that Shen Longxiao's pistol was unusual, and all attributes were the best among pistols.

Now, he also has the same feeling on his auxiliary pistol.

This gun looks very much like the "Desert Eagle" pistol. There is no doubt that it will be a very powerful hunting pistol.

Son of Hawkeye... Desert Eagle...

It looks so good!

Chen Xingxi was very satisfied with it.

On the dark gun body, the black iron mark on the side of the gun body can be vaguely seen.

Named black iron, bronze, silver, gold, and diamonds.

The firearms of birth are naturally the most basic black iron marks.

After all, it was extremely rare for Chen Xingxi to go straight to the second rank when he was under tremendous pressure.

Chen Xingxi's right hand slowly left the Awakening Stone.

Yan Zhenghong said tentatively: "How is it? ... Has it been successful?"

Chen Xingxi smiled and nodded.

Yan Zhenghong stretched forward with two hands, pressed down, and made a gesture to persuade people not to act rashly, preventing Chen Xingxi from moving, and said slowly: "Don't move, listen to me... the first time you summon firearms, don't Be anxious... Slowly use your emotions, use your heart... Yes, 'seduce' it, don't be too hasty..."

Chen Xingxi had some doubts in his heart.

Ok? Why does the awakening master say that it is the first time that I have realised a firearm?

Did he misunderstand something?


Chen Xingxi was already very familiar with how to summon his own firearm.

With a thought, a black pistol appeared on his right hand, he held it tightly, aimed at the place where no one was, and gestured twice.

Looking at this pistol, Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye both twitched their mouths and showed a smile.

Pistol - the rumored "strongest auxiliary gun", doesn't it look good!

If what was awakened was a firearm of another type, Chen Xingxi could only passively accept it.

According to the category of auxiliary guns, he must comprehensively consider the use of his main gun, the "rifle", to determine his general fighting style in the future.

And if, like now, the pistol is awakened, there will be many more routes to choose from.

Because, no matter what fighting style he chooses, the "pistol" will be his help, not an obstacle to hinder him.

Chen Xingye said, "Brother, congratulations."

Chen Xingxi smiled: "Xiao Ye, you have to do your best, take it easy, as far as the level of the two of us is concerned, there is no problem!"

Chen Xingye: "Mmmm."

Yan Zhenghong's eyes widened, looking a little shocked.

Yan Zheng Hongxin said, "Pistol??

Isn't this the weakest main gun?

Over the years, it is rare to see someone whose main gun is a pistol!

This is almost a one-of-a-kind 'garbage talent'! "Unfortunate" chosen by the **** of bad luck.

It was someone else who woke up with a pistol when he first awakened. Isn't he all looking for life and death?

Why is he still so happy? ? ? ?

Is the world crazy or am I crazy? "

Yan Zhenghong pondered for a moment, then thought in his heart: "Also... these two children are both eighteen and have never read a book. They should be thinking: 'As long as they can wake up successfully once, they will be very satisfied, right?

"It's really distressing..."

Yan Zhenghong had to interrupt the twin brothers' "celebration" and said, "While the power of the Awakening Stone is still in a state of excitement, hurry up and wake up."

Upon hearing this, Chen Xingye knew that the Awakening Master was reminding himself, exchanged glances with Chen Xingxi, smiled at his brother, and then walked towards the dream stone.

The blue energy surged out again, spread out in an instant, lingering and flying.

Chen Xingxi's eyes stared at Chen Xingye and the Awakening Stone, silently cheering for Chen Xingye.

"Xiao Ye can definitely do it!"

Kaisha: "..."

Chen Xingxi thought: "Come on, let's cheer for Xiao Ye together!"

Kaisha: "I don't want it!"


The light blue energy was excited, forming a small storm, and then slowly dissipating.

Chen Xingxi cast a questioning look at Yan Zhenghong.

Yan Zhenghong said with a smile: "It was the same scene when you woke up just now, but you can't see it yourself...

Rest assured, judging from the tidal surging of this energy storm, your brother's awakening was very successful.

Today is really a good day to remember. A pair of twin brothers successfully awakened with me one after the other. They are one step closer to becoming the real fittest. "

Chen Xingxi looked at Chen Xingye and showed a smile of joy from the heart.

But Yan Zhenghong thought slowly in his heart: "If this 'brother' awakened not the 'weakest' pistol, this story would be complete..."

Chen Xingye slowly recovered from the awakening ceremony, looked at his body and hands in disbelief, smiled brilliantly, and seemed to be happy for the successful awakening of both brothers.

Now, he can clearly feel that his auxiliary gun is hovering in the galaxy of the fittest, intertwined with the galaxy of the main gun, and complementing each other.

Chen Xingxi was very happy, even happier than his successful awakening: "Xiao Ye, hurry up, take it out and take a look."

Xiao Ye nodded: "Mmmm."

Frightened, Yan Zhenghong waved his hands again and again, and repeated what he had just said about "realizing firearms tricks".

The adaptive energy surged, and then quickly returned to calm.

Between the rising and falling of the energy tide, a pistol appeared in Chen Xingye's hand.

The appearance of the pistol is similar to Chen Xingxi's one, with only slight differences in texture, line, size, etc. Overall, it is also a variant pistol similar to the Desert Eagle, with great power.

Chen Xingxi: "That's great! Xiao Ye, what you woke up to was a pistol too."

Chen Xingye: "Yeah! Yes! When I saw my brother wake up with a pistol, don't mention how happy I am for you..."

Yan Zheng Hongxin said: "?? How much hatred?? Why do you want to curse the other party for awakening a pistol? ...

It's a pity...these two boys are good looking, but their heads are not very good..."

The brothers quickly calmed down from the joy and excitement they felt after awakening, and thanked Yan Zhenghong: "Thank you, Awakener."

Yan Zhenghong said with a heart, "Are you making fun of me??" She quickly waved her hand, sighed and said, "Don't say that... It's all life."


Chen Xingye put his head close to Chen Xingxi's ear, and said in a particularly low voice, "Brother, does this old grandfather regard our family as the master of awakening..."

Chen Xingxi smiled "puchi" and said in a low voice, "I think so!"

Yan Zhenghong lost interest after witnessing the awakening of the pistols by the two "waste wood", took off his reading glasses, and slowly put them into his jacket pocket.

As he walked towards his rocking chair, he waved his hand impatiently and said, "There is a cash register over there, go and swipe your card."

Saying that, the hunched back gradually drifted away.

Chen Xingxi flipped his right hand and took out an unremarkable bank card from the storage.

Although this card is not a VIP card of a prestigious bank, it is not a gold card, silver card, black card...

However, as a district guard's salary card, and bound to the bank card of the eighth-rank Lord, the eighth-rank beast hunter, and the mission commission...

Chen Xingxi couldn't imagine how much money there would be.

Chen Xingxi approached the cash register.

Under the receiver's fuselage is an ordinary wooden table, which is completely different from the golden-grained wooden bracket carrying the Awakening Stone.

Sure enough, if you want to be worthy of higher-level things, you must first make yourself more valuable.

On the wall is a piece of A3-sized white paper with the words:

"The main gun awakens: 6,000 yuan.

Auxiliary Gun Awakening: 30,000 yuan. "

The price of the auxiliary gun awakening is far five times higher than the main gun awakening price.

Without blinking, Chen Xingxi first clicked the "Auxiliary Gun Awakening" button on the machine, then took the bank card and swiped it twice.

He waved at Xiao Ye, and Chen Xingxi said, "Let's go, Xiao Ye, I've already paid."

Chen Xingye took two steps, turned around and said to Yan Zhenghong, "Grandpa, thank you, goodbye."

Chen Xingxi said, "Goodbye."

Yan Zhenghong lay leisurely on the rocking chair, rocking slowly. A newspaper was covering his face, and there was an enamel cup and a kettle on the small tea table at hand.

How comfortable it is to be.

Chen Xingxi grabbed Chen Xingye and whispered, half-jokingly, "What are you saying goodbye to say goodbye? How can we still have a chance to come here in this lifetime? How can we say 'goodbye'."

Chen Xingye tilted his neck and thought for a while, then smiled awkwardly: "Yes. Hahaha, I forgot."

The fittest only have the main gun and the auxiliary gun. At this time, they have all awakened, and they will never need to touch the awakening stone in this life.

If you insist on "goodbye" Awakening Stone, I am afraid that you have to wait until the two get married and have children, and accompany the children to awaken, right?

The two slowly walked out of the awakening room and closed the wooden door.

Between the opening and closing of the door, the light from the outside came in, illuminating a corner of the dark room.

Then, with the sound of the door closing, the entire awakening room returned to darkness and silence.

In the dark environment, the old **** Yan Zhenghong was there, lying on the rocking chair, wondering if he had already fallen asleep.

A low and old laughter came from under the newspaper: "Hahaha, although these two children are not very qualified, they are very open-minded.

Knowing that the third grade is hopeless, have you given up the idea of ​​seeing me here again..."

In the dark room, there was a small green light on the cash register, only the size of a grain of rice.

On the screen of the cash register, a line of small black characters was displayed.

"The collection was successful, with a total of 60,000 yuan."

After a long time, the screen automatically dimmed, and the machine entered the standby state.

Ten meters away, Yan Zhenghong was still lying on the rocking chair, leisurely, ignorant of all this...


Yu Jinding sat in the hall for a while, waiting left and right, waiting for Chen Xingxi and Chen to have nothing to do, and started running around in the mission area and the sales area.

Looking at the dazzling variety of accessories, raw materials, combat skills, metals, monster corpses, etc., Yu Jinding had long forgotten the brothers.


Suddenly, a hand climbed onto Yujinding's shoulder. Looking back, Yujinding almost broke out in cold sweat: "My God! How did you two find me?"

Standing behind him were Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye, who had promised Yu Jinding that they would stand in the hall and wait.

Only then did Yu Jinding remember his responsibilities.

"Where do I go shopping?!

If this throws the two brothers away, can't Brother Chen throw me into the king's nest? ", Yu Jinding's little heart thumped thumpingly.

Chen Xingxi said helplessly: "The staff in the entire hall are talking about a sixth-rank powerhouse... We inquired all the way, and we chased after him..."

Seeing the eyes of the brothers who wanted to "eat people", Yu Jinding smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Well, it's getting late, I'll take you two to rate the fittest and apply for a badge of the fittest. !

In the future, this badge will be very useful no matter what time it is. "

Saying that, Yujin Ding pointed to the sixth-rank badge on his chest.

Chen Xingxi rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, "Yes, if I secretly run away and lose it in the future, others can ask for directions based on my badge and find me, right?"

Yu Jinding's face twitched, extremely embarrassed.


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