On the one hand, this kind of life will make her more like a human being, on the other hand... the meal is really delicious.

Everything is delicious.

Humans really enjoy it.

Ruan Ruan took the takeaway and watched the material he had recorded before while eating, and cut the video as soon as possible after eating the takeaway.

By the time everything was done, it was almost half past eleven.

Ruan Ruan went to take a quick cold shower.

She hated hot water because she always felt like she was going to melt.

Although she is no longer in the body of Gummy, the old habits are still preserved.

Ruan Ruan got into the bed after taking a bath, and it was almost twelve o'clock.

She has to go to bed before twelve o'clock.

Ruan Ruan got into the bed and let out a long yawn.

Only then did the phone turn on.

The previous friend request has been hanging for hours.

Strangely, Ruan Ruan originally thought that her aunt would call to urge her to add friends, but she didn't answer a single call.

Ruan Ruan thought about it, probably because the blind date didn't complain.

Her affection for the blind date increased a little, and she even felt that he might be a good person for a while.

Ruan Ruan passed a friend.

The friend application of the other party is very cold, it is a very simple period.

The picture is pitch black.

The nickname appears to be a space.

No signature, no circle of friends.

... It's not like she's coming for a blind date, like she's coming to Dark Shark.

Ruan Ruan hid under the quilt and gave him a note good bad guy.

Then he opened the dialog between the two and typed slowly.

Gummy: [Hello. ]

Gummy: [Sorry, just saw it. ]

The opponent responded almost in seconds.

Nice bad guy: [. ]

Ruan Ruan: ...

If this person came to Dark Shark, that period might be his weapon.

As she thought so, she sent out the remarks she had prepared for a long time.

Gummy: [I'm still a high school student, and I have to get up early tomorrow morning. It's too late today, I'm going to bed first. ]

She waited for two or three minutes, but there was no response from the other side.

Ruan Ruan thought about it, and always felt that it was really not polite to look like this.

Gummy: [Good night. ]

After sending this sentence, Ruan Ruan locked the phone with satisfaction, turned it off and went to sleep.


Early the next morning.

After Ruan Ruan woke up, she brushed her teeth, took out her mobile phone and turned it on as usual, ready to take a look at her backstage.

Her fans are in the tens of thousands, and many of them are live fans.

After each video is posted, I will interact with her in comments and private messages.

But it was late when her video was uploaded yesterday, and it was three or four in the morning when she passed the review.

Ruan Ruan saw that there were only two familiar sisters in the comment area, and they all said: Who do you look down on? Post again in three hours!

This is what fans are playing. The meaning is probably - your video is too late! But we can stay up even longer!

Ruan Ruan obediently replied rest early to the two of them.

She quit the background, shut down and went to school.


Today's morning reading class is a language class.

The Chinese teacher is a gentle and gentle female O, and all the students in the class like her very much.

However, when a few Alphas were talking about her, their words were really not clean.

As soon as Ruan Ruan sat down in the seat, he heard the voice of the same desk reading the textbook becoming gnashing of teeth, as if to change to A in place, and then squeezed a fist the size of a sandbag and went out to hammer someone.

Ruan Ruan opened the textbook and heard Fang Xu say, Ruan! I'm going to die of anger!

Ruan Ruan hid behind the textbook and whispered to him, I hear it... What's the matter with you?

Ming Su and Xi Yaoxin, those two bastards. Fang Xu was talking almost grinding his back molars, Insulting Mr. Ding, I still feel very proud - I really don't know what's so funny! I'm so pissed off! already.

Teacher Ding is Ding Ranran, a Chinese teacher.

Everyone likes a beautiful and gentle female teacher like her, and I don't know how many other classmates envy her.

Why would the classmates in my class... insult her?

Ruan Ruan was stunned and asked him in a low voice, What do you mean?

Fang Xu bit her lip and looked at Ruan Ruan, looking aggrieved and angry: They said that Teacher Ding had a big fart and a big butt, and they also said that sooner or later, they would form a knot in Teacher Ding's body, and they would mark her and let her take it with her. Their pheromones come to class...

He stopped here, with a resentful expression of I really can't go on anymore.

I'm pissed off. Fang Xu said, Why is Alpha so disgusting!

Although he was scolding Alpha, Ruan Ruan didn't feel that he was caught by the map at all.

Fang Xu scolded again: It's disgusting!

Don't be angry. Ruan Ruan glanced at the two groups of people who were separated from him. They're so good, they're not worth your anger.

Fang Xu still felt that the anger was hard to disappear.

The night before, Ruan Ruan set up a study bureau—although I didn’t study at all in the end.

Today, Fang Xu decided to set up a vent with Ruan Ruan and go drink some milk tea to vent himself

anger in my heart.

Ruan Ruan touched Gān's deflated wallet, and with the determination to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman, went with Fang Xu with tears in his eyes.

This time, the two of them didn't sit in the milk tea shop and went out after buying the milk tea.

Fang Xu was in a really bad mood. He wanted to go for a walk in the park and begged Ruan Ruan to accompany him.

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