...Don't make trouble. Jiang Yanzhan still didn't quite believe it, Really not hurt?

Ruan Ruan shook his head honestly: No. They didn't touch me.

He probably remembered how strong Ruan Ruan was. When he was being held down by her, he could not move her arm even with all his strength... Jiang Yanzhan silently closed his mouth.

He still knows how to fight for himself.

Since neither oneself nor Ruan Ruan can get a good deal, then there may be very few people who can hurt Ruan Ruan.

Jiang Yanzhan sighed, his eyes still gloomy: I'll go out first, you can change your clothes.

Who bullied her, this matter can be said slowly immediately.

Huh? Don't you want to check? Ruan Ruan looked at him innocently and innocently, It's a pity...

Jiang Yanzhan didn't answer, silently closed his mouth, turned around and walked out the door.

The back of his escape may be awkward, but his expressionless face and blushing ears are really handsome.

Ruan Ruan snickered behind him.

Jiang Yanzhan walked out the door, just as the assistant had already opened a room next door, and just came over to deliver the room card.

Fortunately, I didn't mess with Ruan Ruan just now, otherwise who knows how the sound insulation is here.

Jiang Yanzhan maintained his expressionless face just now, and took the room card solemnly, as if he wanted to stay here to discuss some important business.

Chapter 34

Jiang Yanzhan's heart was all about Ruan Ruan's fight with others.

Although this child always speaks amazingly, he still leaves a simple, sweet and well-behaved impression in his heart. When he thinks that she will fight with someone, Jiang Yanzhan just thinks that someone is bullying her.

He thought about it, but he didn't notice the little assistant's hesitant expression beside him.

The room Ruan Ruan lived in was not cheap. In fact, it was more than enough for two people.

I don't know why Mr. Jiang didn't live in a room with his girlfriend, but had to open another one next door.

Too expensive.

Maybe President Jiang is also used to taking everything in his own hands in terms of emotions.

The little assistant silently closed his mouth, and didn't dare to think about his boss's personal relationship.

After finishing the formalities, he left some luggage and documents at Jiang Yanzhan's request, and hurriedly left to do Jiang Yanzhan's follow-up arrangements.

Ruan Ruan changed her clothes in the room, and suddenly remembered that she didn't even eat lunch today.

After all, although most of her body structures are the same as those of humans, the way her body energy is converted is not the same as that of humans, and it won't have much impact if she doesn't eat for a long time.

I usually eat only because of my cravings. It is too expensive to simply think that I can eat delicious food but not eat it...

When you're busy, you don't care about what to eat.

She touched her flat stomach, opened the door, and saw Jiang Yanzhan waiting at the door.

Let's go eat something good! Ruan Ruan said, I want to eat beef stew.

I often hear humans say I'm so hungry that I can swallow a cow, Ruan Ruan subconsciously thought of beef when he was too hungry.

Well. Jiang Yanzhan replied, Then I'll reserve a seat.

Ruan Ruan walked to his side and hooked his arm skillfully, Do you know any delicious stewed beef?

Jiang Yanzhan nodded.

Beef stew sounds delicious, but there are various ways to stew beef, and there are different ways to stew it in different dishes.

Jiang Yanzhan took Ruan Ruan to a French restaurant whose signature is the beef stew in red wine.

This is Ruan Ruan's first time trying this kind of stew.

She didn't react to alcohol, and she didn't get drunk or feel good when she drank before, but she could taste a little of the aroma of the wine.

Stewed beef in red wine is also a dish that can taste a little wine.

The beef was stewed very softly, but the meat pieces remained intact without any splintering.

After eating perfectly delicious stewed beef, Ruan Ruan suddenly felt that it was not an exaggerated sentence for human beings to say you can swallow a cow.

They made a sudden decision to go out for dinner, and there was no other arrangement after the meal. Jiang Yanzhan drove back to the hotel with Ruan Ruan by himself.

On the way back, Ruan Ruan sat in the co-pilot and told Jiang Yanzhan that he should have done well in the midterm exam.

Jiang Yanzhan raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

Their family Ruan Ruan is so well-behaved and serious in study, how could they take the initiative to fight with others?

Ruan Ruan didn't realize that Jiang Yanzhan was still thinking about that matter. She only saw the corners of Jiang Yanzhan's mouth rise, feeling that he should really like what he said.

She feels very lucky.

Jiang Yanzhan's knowledge, ability, social status, etc., she knows all these things, and she also knows that there may be a big gap between herself and the other party.

But Jiang Yanzhan was willing to abandon that experience and knowledge, bowed his head and bent down, and patiently listened to her rambling nonsense...

This is really a lucky thing.

Jiang Yanzhan's car stopped at the intersection of a road, and while waiting for the red light, Ruan Ruan smiled and leaned over to kiss him on the face.

You are so kind. Ruan Ruan said, I am really happy to be with you, thank you.

Jiang Yanzhan turned around in surprise.

Glancing at her.

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