As soon as he got out of the car, Jiang Yanzhan's driver walked over.

Ruan Ruan saw his driver up close for the first time.

The driver looked like an ordinary middle-aged man, not very tall, but well-proportioned. He was wearing a decent suit, his hair was neatly groomed, and he walked towards them with no expression on his face.

He also had two paper bags in his hand.

Ruan Ruan: ...?

Jiang Yanzhan took the paper bag from his hand and gave one of them to Ruan Ruan, with a more serious expression than the driver: Eat well.

It seemed that Jiang Yanzhan took her words to heart.

Now it’s time to start paying attention to breakfast!

Ruan Ruan was very moved: Okay.


When he was with Jiang Yanzhan, he actually had no concept of time.

As a result, as soon as we separated, it felt as if time had passed a few hours at once, and before anything was done, it was time for separation.

And every time we separate, it will be more difficult than the last time.

I knew we could meet tonight.

Ruan Ruan sighed and scratched his heart while he was in class in the school.

After class, Fang Xu came over and asked her in a low voice, Did you get kidnapped home by President Jiang yesterday?

turn home...

This term...

It's like she's some kind of weak Omega who was smuggled home and couldn't resist.

Ruan Ruan shook his head and said honestly, He didn't kidnap me.

Fang Xu: Oh?

Maybe, if I abduct him, it should be more appropriate. Ruan Ruan finished speaking, and he had already agreed with this statement.

Fang Xu: ...Alas!

understood. Damn love.

The two of them now only talk secretly after class.

Be very serious when you come to class.

The appearance of studying hard really made Song Zhixing look silent, and Ding Ranran cried.

Since Fang Xu studied hard, Song Zhixing never found fault with him.

On the contrary, he will be very serious and patient to help him answer some questions during the class.

This made Fang Xu change his opinion of Song Zhixing quickly, and even began to feel annoyed when he heard other people keep saying that B, that B.

He felt his pain and said to Ruan Ruan, I was really naive before. Teacher Song is actually quite a good person.

... Ruan Ruan was silent for two seconds before answering him, You have become so fast.

Fang Xu: ...

These words were said between classes. After speaking the next math class, Ruan Ruan, who was in a daze for a second, was caught by Song Zhixing and asked her to do the problem again.

Ruan Ruan knew that he was wrong, and had no resistance, so he did it honestly.

She does the questions very slowly, but the correct rate is absolutely guaranteed.

Song Zhixing couldn't pick out anything wrong, but he just looked at Ruan Ruan doing the question, and always kept an expression of I'm really unsure.

When Ruan Ruan finished, he sneered and said, It's okay. It's excellent in Alpha.

Ruan Ruan didn't understand. Is this a compliment or a demeanor?

Her dazed expression made Song Zhixing also punch the cotton, so he could only wave his hand and say, Go on. Mingsu, you come to the next question.

Ming Su, who was suddenly named: ...

He is also an Alpha.

In fact, it was obvious that Song Zhixing didn't like Alpha very much.

After the math class, Fang Xu wentssips with Ruan Ruan while doing his homework: Do you know why Teacher Song doesn't like Alpha?

Ruan Ruan didn't react too much.

He suddenly stopped calling that B, and Ruan Ruan almost didn't hear who he was talking about.

And... Teacher Song doesn't like Alpha?

Isn't it a matter of his sexuality...what does it have to do with them?

Ruan Ruan has read through the book guide.

In the books of this era, there is no teacher-student relationship.

Why do you say that? Ruan Ruan asked Fang Xu, Do you also know the teacher's sexual orientation?

What, no. Fang Xu shook his hand, almost writing D to B with a shake of his hand, I'm not talking about that.

Ruan Ruan: ?

Didn't you find out? He is very special to Alpha. Fang Xu put down the pen, moved a little closer to Ruan Ruan, and said in a low voice, It's... the kind of prejudice.

Ruan Ruan recalled it carefully, and finally shook his head: Is there any?

Fang Xu: Then did you find that Ming Su and Xi Yaoxin have a lot of opinions on us?

...This seems to be a little bit. Ruan Ruan said honestly, Every time I meet them, I seem to be a little bit weird... But I'm not sure...

She can understand some straight words better.

That way of beating around the bush and expressing around the corners may be a kind of culture unique to human beings... She hasn't learned much yet.

Fang Xu sighed, wanting to touch her head a little, and then say fool.

But on second thought, he is studying so well, his career is developing, and he has such an excellent boyfriend... It is only him, who has nothing, and is still gossiping about other people's affairs.

He is the fool. Woohoo.

Fang Xu hugged and cried.

Ruan Ruan looked at his sad look, and couldn't help but ask, What's the matter, do you know any gossip?

Fang Xu immediately came to the spirit.

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