Ruan Ruan's breath surrounded him, just like the pheromone entwined around him all the time today... but it was warmer and more powerful than that.

Ruan Ruan's head lowered a little bit, sniffed near his face, and flattened his mouth and said, You didn't lie to me, did you?

Jiang Yanzhan: ...No.

Ruan Ruan's breath was right in front of him, his heartbeat was a little faster, and the other hand wrapped her waist almost subconsciously.

It's fruit wine. Jiang Yanzhan whispered, It's orange flavored.

Ruan Ruan: Well...

She did smell a little orange.

It is also accompanied by a nice wine aroma. smells pretty good.

Ruan Ruan: I don't believe it, let me taste it.

Jiang Yanzhan: Huh?

Before he could react, Ruan's soft lips were already pressed against him.

Maybe it's because Ruan Ruan is still very young - she is always very enthusiastic when she is in close contact, and there is no twist.

She liked being close to him, whether it was sleeping or kissing.

Ruan Ruan's body was close to him. The back seat of the car was not very spacious. Even if both of them wanted to step back, they couldn't go anywhere.

Not to mention they just want to be closer to each other.

Ruan Ruan's hand was still tightly clasped on Jiang Yanzhan's. At this time, she had already raised her hand and pressed his hand on the seat back.

Jiang Yanzhan leaned against the back, with one hand beside his face, was pressed firmly by Ruan Ruan, his fingers clasped tightly.

His other hand was on Ruan Ruan's waist, subconsciously tightening because of her lips and tongue, making them come closer.

Ruan Ruan finally straddled his lap.

She also held Jiang Yanzhan's face, deepening the kiss while touching his ear as if nostalgically.

Ruan Ruan likes human earlobes very much.

Especially Jiang Yanzhan's.

His earlobes weren't very thick, but they were nicely shaped, boneless in the hand, and soft—like a fudge.

Ruan's soft lips reached into his mouth, and he tasted a little bit of orange-flavored fruit wine.

Says it's orange, but it's actually very mild.

What's more important is the aroma of very fragrant wine.

Ruan Ruan sat on his body and bowed his head to kiss him, the softness stayed near his collarbone, and the hot hard candy pressed against his lower abdomen.

Jiang Yanzhan's body trembled, and a broken whimper came from his throat.

This was Ruan Ruan's first time kissing him so deeply.

Before, it was more just a light touch of the lips, and a lot of times it was a kiss on the corner of the lips, or a very light lick.

This time he felt that he really tasted a strong orange flavor.

It is sweeter and more intoxicating than the fruit wine drunk at night.

Ruan Ruan kissed for a while before slowly raising his head.

The breath of the two of them became a lot faster, and the temperature in the small space rose sharply.

Jiang Yanzhan's suit was wrinkled again.

Ruan Ruan sat on his lap and his body was very low.

Because if you lift it up a little more, you may accidentally hit your head.

She let go of Jiang Yanzhan's hand, turned to hold his face, and kissed the corner of his lips happily again, and said in a low voice, I don't seem to be lying... That just, it's a rewarded kiss, right?

Jiang Yanzhan laughed, the hand that had just been pressed on the back fell down, and the hand that held her slender waist also slid down and placed it by her leg, What if I lied?

Ruan Ruan was kissing him when he heard this and bit his lip, That...that's punishment.

Jiang Yanzhan curled his lips, wrapped his arms around her waist again, raised his body and kissed her: I won't lie to you.

Ruan Ruan snorted: Better.

She licked her lips and felt that Jiang Yanzhan, who had been kissed fiercely, was even more attractive, her face was flushed, her eyes were watery, her eyebrows were sharp, and her smooth forehead was full and fair...

Ruan Ruan touched Jiang Yanzhan's hair with his hand, and said unhappily, You have done your hair.

Jiang Yanzhan: ...Huh?

How did this topic get to the hair?

Ruan Ruan lowered her head and took a bite of the earlobe she had touched for a long time.

Jiang Yanzhan: Hi...

Su Ma and a little tingling, I don't know what it feels like.

Ruan Ruan lay on his shoulders and muttered dissatisfiedly: You are so handsome today, I am so handsome by you.

Jiang Yanzhan: ...

This is the first time someone has praised him for being handsome in front of him.

He pursed his lips and subconsciously wanted to reply, Am I not handsome before?

Ruan Ruan snorted again, her voice soft, and continued slowly: So many people have seen it, I'm so jealous.

Jiang Yanzhan: ...

He didn't know how to answer.

Ruan Ruan was clearly talking about lines that should be considered domineering, but he just seemed to be acting like a spoiled brat.

But he didn't have to answer.

Because Ruan Ruan soon understood, she raised her body a little and looked at Jiang Yanzhan leaning on the seat and being kissed fiercely.

She smiled, kissed the corner of his eye again, and said a little proudly: But you are the only one who can see you like this.

Chapter 30

Jiang Yanzhan was suddenly very fortunate that Ruan Ruan's classmate lived far away.

When the car stopped, it was already ten minutes later.

He also had plenty of time to calm down.

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