Ruan Ruan went out with Fang Xu after school.

Fang Xu also knew that Ruan Ruan was going on a date. This was the first time he had met the legendary Ruan Ruan's boyfriend, and he was very excited.

He even said to Ruan Ruan, I'm probably so excited only when I go to see my future girlfriend...

Ruan Ruan didn't realize the logic, so she asked casually, Have you met your future girlfriend?

Fang Xu: ...Please stop talking. Woohoo hoo.

Ruan Ruan: ...

She probably knew what Fang Xu was whining, and smiled and patted his shoulder: Don't cry, there will be.

Really? I don't ask for anything now, just have a gentle Beta sister. Fang Xu exaggeratedly sniffed, When will sweet love be my turn.

He is so cute.

Ruan Ruan said with a smile: Don't worry, you are still young, you should focus on learning.

Fang Xu: ...?

Are you saying this to me?

You make videos and fall in love again, you tell me that learning is the most important thing?

...Well, your studies seem to be doing pretty well, too.

Fang Xu silently closed his mouth.

He followed Ruan Ruan to the school gate, and then saw a very familiar car parked at the gate...

Fang Xu had no interest in these luxury cars since he was a child, but he was also forced to learn a lot of information in this respect from a wealthy family.

Parked in front of their ordinary school is indeed a limited luxury car in the world.

Fang Xu didn't know why, so he glanced at Ruan Ruan subconsciously.

He saw Ruan Ruan take a step towards the luxury car, and then a man in a suit and leather shoes got off the driver's seat of the luxury car, with the words I'm very good written on his face.

Ruan Ruan took two steps closer.

The man in the driver's seat went around to the back and opened the rear door of the car.

They all saw a man sitting in the back seat of the car who exactly matched the luxury car. He was wearing a suit that was worth a lot of money at first glance, his fingers were folded on his knees, and he glanced outside with a blank expression.

In an instant, the man in the driver's seat just now had the words I am the driver on his face.

Ruan Ruan happily waved to the man sitting in the back seat, and then the other side said: I see him, so I'll go first. We'll see you tomorrow.

Fang Xu: ?

Fang Xu: ...

Fang Xu: .

He was wrong, he shouldn't think Ruan Ruan's love would be an ordinary love.

Ruan Ruan has never done anything ordinary.

There are not many of this car in the city, and if you go back and guess, you will know who it is - but it seems that some of the wealthy young masters in their city are Alphas.

A wealthy Omega like him either stays at home with all his private education at home... or just stuffs some money out of the house without asking any questions.

There is no chance to drive a luxury car out to fall in love with someone.

Is Ruan Ruan really engaged in AA love?

Fang Xu blinked and waved at Ruan Ruan: See you tomorrow. Ruan, pay attention to safety!

Ruan Ruan: Okay! You too, send me a message when you get home.

... Fang Xu began to look through old accounts, The last time you said that, you didn't reply to my news in the end.

Ruan Ruan: ...

The last time was the one temporarily marked by her and Jiang Yanzhan.

Ruan Ruan whispered, There was an accident last time.

Got it. Fang Xu waved his hand again, thinking that if Alpha likes such a cute little girl, if Alpha likes her, Go ahead.

Ruan Ruan said goodbye to him, turned around and got into Jiang Yanzhan's car.

He didn't even notice if there were any classmates looking at him behind him.

Jiang Yanzhan himself didn't mind, and Ruan Ruan naturally didn't care much either.

More importantly... Ruan Ruan doesn't know any luxury cars either.

After she got into the car, the driver closed the door for them and turned to drive.

Not long after the driver got into the driver's seat, the partition between the driver's seat and the rear seat slowly rose.

Ruan Ruan found that this partition is also equipped with a pheromone blocking device.

Jiang Yanzhan seems to have done a good job in this aspect of protection.

Ruan Ruan stroked the partition and asked Jiang Yanzhan softly, Have you encountered any accidents?

Jiang Yanzhan looked at her actions and guessed what Ruan Ruan was thinking.

As a self-controlling ability, although he is an Omega, he has always been a powerful leader who has always competed with Alpha.

Jiang Yanzhan curled the corner of his lower lip and answered confidently, No.

Ruan Ruan: Then we meet for the first time...

Jiang Yanzhan: ...

Why doesn't this woman open the pot and lift it?

That time doesn't count. Jiang Yanzhan said calmly, Accident is a bad thing. It's obviously not.

Ruan Ruan laughed: Hey, you can talk love.

Jiang Yanzhan: ...

He was actually justifying his own mistakes.

Ruan Ruan looked at him with a smile.

...forget it, let's pretend it's a love story.

When the two of them were talking, the car had already driven towards the restaurant they had agreed upon.

Ruan Ruan suddenly leaned against Jiang Yanzhan's ear.

Jiang Yanzhan: ?

Ruan Ruan was sniffing his body.

Jiang Yanzhan was suddenly a little nervous, all the muscles in his body tensed, and he stumblingly asked Ruan Ruan: What, what are you doing?

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