It is usually difficult to meet, such as this kind of continuous math class, when the Chinese and English teachers have no time, and can only reluctantly take a class.

But physical education teachers are known to be in poor health all year round.

Therefore, the rare physical education class, the physical education teacher himself has no time to participate.

This time becomes a time for students to rest and relax.

Everyone ran a few laps on the playground under the leadership of the sports committee, and then disbanded in place and moved freely.

The teacher in the next class who is in the physical education class will take it with him to look at it. Sometimes he doesn't watch it, and some students slip into the classroom to do the problem, and the teacher just turns a blind eye and pretends that nothing happened.

Ruan Ruan is usually the one who goes back to do questions.

She has no interest in sports, so she might as well go back and write her homework in advance.

But today, Ruan Ruan was pulled by Fang Xu to the edge of the grove in the corner of the playground.

Ruan Ruan followed him all the way, and couldn't help but ask him suspiciously, What's wrong...?

You asked me what's wrong! Fang Xu raised her voice.

Ruan Ruan: ...?

Fang Xu coughed twice, lowered his voice again, and whispered beside Ruan Ruan, You smell like Omega, are you sure not to stay on the playground?

Have it?

Ruan Ruan raised his arm and sniffed.

...Did you hang out with some kid yesterday? Fang Xu asked, How old are the men and women, where are the constellations, where are the constellations, and are there any final signs—

Ruan Ruan: Wait, wait a minute.

Fang Xu: ?

Ruan Ruan: You speak too quickly.

Fang Xu: ...

Just a normal speech rate.

Ruan Ruan thought about it and asked him sincerely: Is the smell on my body obvious?

...It doesn't count. Fang Xu said, You can smell it when you get close.

After Fang Xu finished speaking, he frowned and thought about it, and then added: It will be obvious after smelling it... No, it can't be said to be obvious...

how to say.

It is more accurate to describe it as smells irritating rather than smells distinct.

Ruan Ruan whispered, Then how could Mr. Song smell it? He is a Beta and doesn't feel pheromone.

That's what I said. Fang Xu said, You can see that your face is full of smugness, and you can feel something good about you even if you can't smell the pheromone.

Ruan Ruan: ...

Fang Xu looked left and right, and seeing that there was no one around, he approached Ruan Ruan and said, Did you... mark it?

Ruan Ruan touched his face, as if there was no blush.

She confessed to Fang Xu: Well. Just, help with temporary marking...

There aren't many AOs in our class. Be careful to stay away from those annoying Alphas. Fang Xu snorted coldly, Who knows if they will go out and talk about it, and smear our soft innocence out of thin air.

Ruan Ruan: ...

Maybe, should... Ruan Ruan said to Fang Xu, It's not so innocent.

Fang Xu: ...?

Ruan Ruan: I'm with him... Otherwise, I wouldn't tag people casually.

Fang Xu: !!!


The sisters fell in love, and Fang Xu felt very sad.

But he still blessed Ruan Ruan. After all, he has a prejudice against Alpha, and maybe he will insist on not marrying or something in his life... It is impossible to drag his sisters to be single with him for a lifetime.

In order to celebrate Ruan Ruan's departure, Fang Xu decided to go out with Ruan Ruan to eat something good.

For example, the cakes in the previous store were very good.

Ruan Ruan readily agreed.

Just the day before, Fang Xu invited her to drink, and the price was not cheap.

She had to invite Fang Xu to eat several times.

Today's cake was just one of those meals—she decided to treat.

Moreover, the cake shop happened to be near Jiang Huan Entertainment.

If Jiang Yanzhan has nothing to do, she can still wait there for him to get off work, then hang out together and do some very interesting things.

...that is, what humans call dating.

Chapter 19

It was not the first time for Ruan Ruan and Fang Xu to go to the cafe, and they were very familiar with the route.

They plan to leave after class, go early to get a good seat, and do their homework while eating cake.

Then disband sooner.

In this way, Fang Xu could go home earlier and pretend that he hadn't played outside for too long.

...Unfortunately, the plan didn't keep up with the changes.

In the penultimate class, Ruan Ruan was named by Song Zhixing and asked her to go to the office after school.

Fang Xu was so angry that he died.

Ruan Ruan coaxed him with a good temper.

She felt that she shouldn't have made any big mistakes, and even if she was caught in the office, she would be able to leave quickly, so she was not too embarrassed.

After school, Ruan Ruan walked to Song Zhixing's desk and realized what was going on.

On the desk in front of Song Zhixing were two workbooks.

One is Ruan Ruan's and the other is Fang Xu's.

Fang Xu, this kid

The homework is still a bit technical. He copied and modified it, and basically he couldn't pick out any faults. It was difficult to accurately catch his plagiarism target.

Song Zhixing took Ruan Ruan's homework and looked up at her: You got a perfect score in your math test? You can still copy the homework for your classmates.

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