Ruan Ruan: ...

She has never eaten snail powder.

Just heard the smell is amazing.

Ruan Ruan did not reply to these private messages for the time being.

Regarding the promotion of this aspect, she has to think about it slowly.

She exited the backstage, clicked on WeChat, and saw the message Jiang Yanzhan sent her.

Nice bad guy: [What are you doing? ]

Ruan Ruan smiled and took his mobile phone to text him back.

Fang Xu lay across from her and looked at her.

After Ruan Ruan replied the message, she raised her head and just met Fang Xu's gaze.

Ruan Ruan: ...what's the matter?

Soft. Fang Xu was expressionless, ...Are you in love?

Ruan Ruan: ?

She looked bewildered.

Fang Xu: ...It's alright.

He felt that it was too difficult for him.

Even without the other party noticing, he felt like he had eaten dog food.

He wiped his face and said to Ruan Ruan, I'm going to the aisle to get some air -- take a look at my fish by the way.

He became the fish pond owner again.

Ruan Ruan smiled: Then be careful, call me if you have anything.

it is good.

Fang Xu pushed open the door and went out, lying on the armrest, and sighed faintly.

Before he could slow down, he heard a surprised voice coming from beside him.

Hello? Ah, it really is you.

Fang Xu turned his head and saw the Alpha that he had just secretly told Ruan Ruan who had chatted with her, standing in front of him.

Fang Xu: ...

So I just read it right. Duan Si had a gentle smile on his face, Are you and your friends here to play?

Fang Xu nodded: Hello.

It's not particularly safe here. It's best not to run around alone. Duan Si said very politely, Your friend... is that very cute girl.

Duan Si thought for a while, not knowing how to describe Ruan Ruan.

He has done psychological construction for a long time, and finally accepted the fact that he likes an Alpha.

Finally decided to give it a try.

Maybe falling in love with Alpha will have a different taste.

Fang Xu looked at Duan Si and said slowly, She is an Alpha...

I know. Duan Si said with a smile, I don't mind.

Fang Xu: ...

Fang Xu has always been prejudiced against Alpha, to be precise - hates all Alphas except Ruan Ruan.

Most of these people have one thing in common.

Extremely confident.

When this confidence reaches a certain level, it directly turns into arrogance and arrogance.

Even if not exaggerated to the point of disgusting.

But most Alphas are, born with the gene to regard themselves as the controller.

Just like this one in front of me.

On the surface, he is polite and sincere, and when he is willing to compromise for the sake of true love, his mouth is - I don't mind.

I didn't even ask them if Xiao Ruan would mind.

You may have misunderstood something. Fang Xu looked at Duan Si, Our little Ruan never said that she likes Alpha.

His eyes swept up and down Duan Si, and said with a smile: She just likes me, a sexy little boy O with thin waist and long legs.

Duan Si: ...

Chapter 14

Duan Si was very uncomfortable.

He is lost.

It's the first time I've fallen in love since I've grown up.

As a spirited Alpha, this is probably the first setback in his life.

Duan Si returned to his private room dejectedly, holding the wine bottle, raised his head and gulped down several gulps like boiled water.

Jiang Yanzhan played with his mobile phone and looked at him blankly: I won't send you back.

Duan Si: ...

After all these years, Duan Si knew what Jiang Yanzhan meant.

Isn't it just to keep him from getting too drunk.

I'm fine with this little wine. Duan Si twitched the corners of his mouth, I can go home by myself.

Jiang Yanzhan's eyebrows didn't even move: What happened to you?

Duan Si: seem like a scumbag.

Jiang Yanzhan: ?

Isn't this a scumbag quote? Duan Si hiccupped, what's the matter with you, whatever you think, can you be more sensible, I'm busy, are you free—

Duan Si: This kind of thing.

Jiang Yanzhan: ...

It seems that it is indeed his favorite lines.

It also eliminates a lot of troublesome things very well.

Alas! Duan Si sighed heavily, Forget it! Brother drinking!

Jiang Yanzhan: Have you met that female A again?

Grass. Did you put a camera on me? Duan Si said, I met her Omega!

Jiang Yanzhan: ...

Duan Si: I'm so pissed off! Tell me she likes a sexy guy with thin waist and long buttocks—

Jiang Yanzhan: ...?

Duan Si: Isn't Laozi up?

Jiang Yanzhan: ...

Jiang Yanzhan: .

I used to be a brother with Duan Si, but sometimes I would get angry with his straight A remarks.

Now the brother is bent and in love with female A.

Should you be wary of being disgusted by his tone?

Jiang Yanzhan looked at Duan Si expressionlessly: Why don't you ask her directly?

Duan Si: ………………Hiccup.

He was already drinking a little too much, his face was flushed red, he was staggering when he walked, and he opened his mouth with a burp.

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