Is it her illusion that President Jiang seems to be saying something else?

Ruan Ruan blinked, not knowing how to respond for a while.

She thought that she would talk to Jiang Yanzhan if she wanted to. Although it was a little awkward to talk about this while standing on the road, he had already hinted at it, and it would be a little embarrassing not to say anything...

Just when she hesitated for a moment, President Jiang's driver came.

This place is not far from the company, and it is reasonable for the driver to come quickly. It's just that the timing was too wrong. Ruan's soft words came to his lips, and he was forced to swallow them back.

She glanced sadly at the driver.

Her expression made Jiang Yanzhan want to laugh a little, but the topic he almost said just now made him unable to laugh.

Ruan Ruan and Jiang Yanzhan got into the back seat of the car together.

This time Ruan Ruan got in the car first. As soon as she got in the car, she pressed a switch on the back seat of the car. The bulkhead rises slowly between the rear seats and the front row.

Jiang Yanzhan turned his head to look at her.

That... Ruan Ruan organized the language, Sweetheart, I want to confess something to you.

Jiang Yanzhan: Huh?

Ruan Ruan: I'm not actually human.

Jiang Yanzhan: ...?

Ruan Ruan: ...

She felt that her language lessons were all in vain.

Human language is so broad and profound, why did she only learn a short and powerful one in the end.

Even Jiang Yanzhan didn't know how to answer this. Although he had discovered a lot of clues long ago, he also had a lot of guesses about Ruan Ruan's identity - according to the information Ruan Ruan usually revealed unconsciously, she was probably from another time and space.

When I first met, I checked her information, and Jiang Yanzhan felt a little strange at that time. Looking back at her past, almost every piece of information and traces of the past are very clear, but I can't find anyone who is closely related to her.

The most intimate pair of uncles and aunts were cut off by Ruan Ruan after uploading Ruan Ruan's information to the matching system.

They tried to contact Ruan Ruan, and even contacted him. But both of them ignored it, and the couple quickly forgot about it and returned to their lives - as if Ruan Ruan had never appeared.

These little things are not very special when viewed individually, and when they are connected together, the inconsistencies can be found.

However, President Jiang had not paid much attention to these details before.

In the final analysis, those are just the information found, and there are some speculations without evidence. They are just some statistical data, and they are on paper.

And this little alpha who stays with him every day and smiles at him is the real and real existence.

She was right in front of him, and he remembered everything she did and said.

Jiang Yanzhan trusted her, so he didn't go to investigate, and he didn't think deeply.

However, Ruan Ruan was really exposed when he got the certificate that day.

She is not very clear about many abo's marriages, but when she mentions words such as the bride and groom, parents, only males and females, she quickly understands and accepts them. It doesn't seem like she is listening to something new. Knowledge.

At that time, Jiang Yanzhan was thinking that she might have come from another time and space.

Another, legendary, is a time and space where only men and women exist.

Nine times out of ten, this guess was true. He believed Ruan Ruan, and naturally he also believed Ruan Ruan's reaction at that time.

However, Jiang Yanzhan has no direct evidence.

A lot of Ruan Ruan's identity information should be false. He didn't know why Ruan Ruan had that information, or why she appeared here and by his side, and he didn't know why Ruan Ruan was here to stay. what.

But Ruan Ruan's kindness to him is real. Ruan Ruan has been conscientiously enriching his life since he was with him, and he is also serious and wholeheartedly good to him.

- She didn't just stay in this world for a while.

- She will not leave, nor does she want to leave.

With such a judgment, Jiang Yanzhan was no longer in a hurry to explore Ruan Ruan's little secret. After all, he knew how much she couldn't hide her secrets.

Sure enough, he just suddenly thought of it today, and by the way, she made all the moves.

...It's just that the content that was recruited was slightly different from what he thought.

...No. Ruan Ruan suddenly said, I should be a person now.

Jiang Yanzhan: ?

Ruan Ruan pursed her lips, like a child who did something wrong, and looked aggrieved: You don't hate me, do you? I mean...

Jiang Yanzhan sighed slowly.

He reached out and patted Ruan Ruan's shoulder. Although there was no expression on his face, his movements were so gentle that he seemed to have the words gentle written all over his body.

This picture is extremely infectious, Ruan Ruan suddenly felt like he made a mistake and was covered up, and was very moved.

Don't worry. Jiang Yanzhan said, Let's go home.

Although there is still sound insulation in the car, what if?

After all, what Ruan Ruan wants to say may be something that subverts human common sense...

After being with Ruan Ruan for so long, Jiang Yanzhan was ready to be slaughtered, so he was very calm.

The car drove smoothly to their door.

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