Sleepless Doctor

Vol 2 Chapter 1182: From vitamins to scum

Text 1182 From Vitamins to Scum

"Doctor Wu, don't say anything-you don't understand it." The patient said with a smile.

He heard all the previous conversations, and used them to make fun of Wu Mian.

The cabin was too idle and it was really boring. He also wanted to chat with this cute hospital manager, so he ran over to ask.

"This is really a good question, I think about it." Wu Mian stroked the bunny ears and said after thinking for a few seconds. "But what I said is because the books we have read are different. You know every word, but you don’t know what it means together. Don’t say it’s you, even a general doctor can’t understand rheumatology and immunology terminology.”

"Yeah, I know." The patient was idle and felt that Wu Mian's big yellow rabbit ears were very kind, and it was much more interesting to spend time with him than chasing a drama. He was not in a hurry, and listened with a smile.

"With regard to vitamins, the source is more interesting. In 1886, beriberi was widespread among Dutch soldiers and seamen.

Therefore, scientist Christian Ekman chose to experiment with chickens to find possible pathogens.

Aikman found that chicken feed had changed from brown rice to polished rice, and the symptoms of beriberi in chickens appeared when they were eroded and disappeared when they were fed brown rice.

But he only discovered that rice bran can treat beriberi, but he didn't know the specific ingredients.

It was not until 1910 that the Dutch chemist Casimir Funk extracted and purified an amine crystal from rice bran, and believed that this was the ingredient for the treatment of beriberi. Because the crystal contains amines, the substance is named vitamin. "

"This is a misconduct in the history of science. It is an experiment with better luck. Therefore, luck is very important in scientific research. This is the principle.

Let me give you a simple example, you must know it.

Viagra was developed to treat heart disease, but unexpectedly it became Pfizer’s leading drug, bringing billions of dollars in profits every year. "

"But I always feel that scientists' research is too unreliable if they are fateful." The patient was not anxious to listen to vitamins, but chatted with Wu Mian.

"Technology trees are different from games. Some scientists have studied for a lifetime, and finally found that they took the wrong path from the day they entered the industry. The only result of this life is to tell posterity that this road is not working. So, luck is very important! "


"It's all tears. It's sad, really." Wu Mian said earnestly. "There is also a lot of crooked results in the history of science. Let's turn around and talk about vitamins."

"At the very beginning, vitamins referred to amines needed for life; now, we believe that vitamins refer to the three major nutrients, fat, protein, and carbohydrates, and a small amount of substance in the body that is very important for normal physiological functions.

The human body's own synthesis is often unable to meet the needs, but if it is lacking, it will cause idiopathic diseases. "

"In 1915, it was discovered that the "vitamin" named by Casimir Funk essentially contained two substances that are fat-soluble and water-soluble.

These two substances are named vitamin a and vitamin b, respectively. At that time, people decided that if new vitamins were discovered in the future, they would follow the alphabet from a to z. "

"Like the First Emperor and Qin II?" the patient asked.

Wu Mian was startled slightly, then stroked the bunny ears, and smiled, "Don't tell me, your description is very appropriate."

"Right." The patient smiled.

"Originally according to the plan, it should be like Mendeleev's periodic table, with the vitamins neatly arranged, waiting for everyone to discover.

It was very smooth at the beginning. Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E all appeared obediently according to this rule, but when it came to f, something went wrong. "

"Scientists quickly identified two of them and called them "vitamin f" and "vitamin g". However, since these two substances are separated from vitamin b, many people also call them "vitamins". b1" and "vitamin b2"."

"However, Vitamin F was picked up again soon, and was finally given up."

"Is it because scientists don't want to believe that vitamins are different from the periodic table?"

"Yes, no one wants to do research work for a lifetime, and nothing can be left." Wu Mian said, "How good is the periodic table of the elements, Comrade Mendeleev has already calculated it, and others can leave a strong mark in the history of science if they find it." One stroke."

"Tsk tusk, you say that, I think scientists are also pretty cute."

"A particularly miserable group of people who don't have the money to do scientific research. They have to flatter the capitalists. You watched the life of Mercedes-Benz starring Shen Teng."


"In order to race cars, the two of them have to sing and jump poles for the big money. Scientists...similarly, all kinds of fraud, just to get some money for scientific research."

"I go……"

"However, when many scientists see that they are rich, they forget what their original dream was. Now it is called not forgetting their original intention." Wu Mian smiled, "So, as long as they are people, they are almost the same."

"Uh, when you say that, how come I feel that the scientist's aura is gone."

"There is no aura at all. It is difficult for a rich man to be a man without money. It is the same as a scientist, except for the kind of genius with the protagonist's Are you?"

"I don't count, it sounds like my resume is scary, but it's just compared with ordinary people. If it's compared with genius, it's far from enough." Wu Mian said with squinting eyes.

The patient was stunned. The resume of this cute in-patient has been circulated in the Fangcang shelter hospital recently.

Isn't that a genius? !

"Do you know Musk?"

"I know, what man-machine interface I'm working on, I have been paying attention."

"Is it a gimmick? It's a gimmick, including rocket recovery. But young people like it, the sea of ​​stars, that's the sea of ​​stars! So it doesn't matter how scumbag Musk is, he walks on the right path, and restores the halo. pick it up."

Wu Mian fainted the patient and said from the vitamin that Musk was a scumbag.

However, Wu Mian's thinking was very clear. He withdrew the topic and talked with the patient for more than ten minutes, and said, "Because the history of vitamin naming is so confusing, the unsightly International Federation of Nutritional Sciences finally took over this matter, 1978 The current vitamin naming principles were determined in 2012."

"The principle is very long, not much to say, it is mainly easy to remember. For example, it is stipulated that "niacin" is a general term for pyridine-3-carboxylic acid compounds and derivatives with nicotinamide-like biological activity."

"Brother! Good news!" Chu Zhixi ran over and touched the bunny ears on Wu Mian's head excitedly.

"What's the matter? I'm so happy."

"President Zhang said, if there is no accident, the Qiaokou Martial Arts Square Cabin Hospital will be closed tomorrow!"


This is really good news.

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