Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1067: After dawn, it's beautiful

"That's it." Wu Mian hung up the video after explaining everything.

"Brother, Director Tang is a good person. Now that he is in a state of chaos, he can still insist on his own judgment." Chu Zhixi said, tilting her head.

"Well, the veteran expert in respiratory medicine has rich experience and will definitely have some sensitivity." Wu Mian said.

"I think Director Tang's face is full of pressure marks. How old is she and why is she still in the fever ward?" Chu Zhixi asked.

"52 years old." Wu Mian said, "what should I do if I don't go in? The professors below are estimated to have arrived in Tianhe City or are on their way to Tianhe. The old family is the old, the young and the young, and they are all in Hubei. ."

"It's not easy."

"Relevant medical staff in various places support Tianhe. They can only rely on their old, old, and small to support them at home. 52 Fortunately, if the situation is not stable, the virus mutates or ade appears, I am afraid it will be sixty or seventy. All year-old professors have to enter the intensive care or fever ward."

Wu Mian didn't worry, and said leisurely.

"I can't even go home, this is too much." Chu Zhixi was a little angry.

"Haha." Wu Mian smiled and touched Chu Zhixi's head.

"dare you laugh."

"Is it normal?" Wu Mian said, "Our generation grew up in an era of peace, and our mindset is based on a peaceful perspective. What is the situation now? The first national mobilization since the founding of the People's Republic of China was a state of war. ."

Chu Zhixi didn't understand.

"Individuals obey the whole." Wu Mian said, "Although it is PVE, not PVP, the truth is the same. Concentrate on winning the battle of Tianhe, leaving single-digit and tens-digit cases in other cities is not a problem. Ordinary citizens spread falsehoods, and the more they spread them, the more they are afraid, so it’s like this."

"Hey." Chu Zhixi sighed.

"It's okay, it will get better gradually." Wu Mian said, "I am afraid that it should be, and I worry that ordinary people in the community and street are not afraid. If that is the case, everyone is running outside, there are countless possible sources of infection, think about it. I feel a headache."

"This time it will cost tens of thousands of people to support Hubei. I really didn't expect to mobilize such a large force." Chu Zhixi said.

"What should we do if we don't mobilize? Thirteen cities and autonomous regions need support, not just Tianhe. With a permanent population of nearly 60 million, we are lucky to mobilize tens of thousands of medical staff to suppress it."

"What if I can't hold it down?" Chu Zhixi asked.

"It is estimated that at least a few million people have died in the whole country, tens of millions of people are disabled, and the economy is going backwards for 30 years. Internal and external troubles are leading the way. It may even be... The former Soviet Union is terrible."

Chu Zhixi concentrated on what the brother said.

But she still couldn't think of what it was like.

"No matter how hard it is, no matter how hard it is, forbearance will pass." Wu Mian smiled, "Now there are 11 shelters under construction, and at least 20,000 medical staff across the country are flying over, and resources from all over the world are constantly being transported to this side. , The possibility of not winning is unlikely."

"This is a perfect virus, even Genesis level." Chu Zhixi reminded.

"I was also desperate before." Wu Mianyouyou said, "but just chatting with our mother, the grassroots has completed the general mobilization, and the whole country has remained silent. I have never seen this kind of script. Now it is a state of war, there is no war with gunpowder. Let's, Even parents are too young."

"The country has suspended work and production, but the reserves are always limited."

"We found patients who turned negative in our shelter a little later than other shelters. The first batch of discharged patients should be on the 10th-11th. As long as the shelter can be stabilized, the number of patients will be controlled, and we will concentrate our energy on critical illnesses. It can be stabilized."

"Is this chicken soup?"

"No." Wu Mian let out a long sigh and put on a mask. "This is an expectation for the future."

"I still can't see the light."

"Luck is needed." Wu Mian took Chu Zhixi's hand and walked in the night of Tianhe, "If the virus suddenly mutates in the shelter and hits it to death, we will lose. But the probability is very small, as I said, Patients who are similar to the appendectomy that I have done are going to icu."

"It's impossible. Even patients undergoing combined pancreaticoduodenectomy will not go to ICU. For five and a half years, 214 patients!"

"Small probability." Wu Mian said, "It takes about 1 billion infected people to turn on the lethal mutation, and it takes about half a year to be infected. As for ade... I reflected on it and felt that it was too comprehensive. Medical treatment, it is a question of probability. Not only medical care, but the entire world is also a world of probability. If you want to be 100%, how can this be possible."

"Brother, what are we doing in another parallel world?" Chu Zhixi asked.

"Who knows, I'm probably preparing to get married." Wu Mian said, "Girl, do you want to get married in the cabin?"

"In no mood."

"Well, I'm still thinking about giving you a surprise, but after all, there is only one chance to wear a wedding dress. If you don't want to, then go home and talk about it."

"Can we go back?"


"But there is a black hole in front of me, and I look scared."

"After dawn, it's beautiful!"



At Tianhe Airport, the two teams met each other.

A team of one hundred and ten people, with suitcases, rushed from Tiannanhaibei to a destination-Tianhe.

A group of people wearing blue clothes, a group of people wearing red clothes, looking at each other from a distance.

"Your hospital?"

"Shandong University Qilu Hospital!"


"Which hospital do you have?"

"From West China Hospital!"


The two teams met at the airport, and they will all enter the East Campus of Tianhe University People's Hospital the next day, take over there together and receive critically ill patients.

It is like on the battlefield where the flames are raging, the two teams jointly take over a line of defense, and they will cherish each other and work hard when they are marching in a hurry!

But on the second day they found standing in the same trench, fighting together against the invisible enemy.

In this segment, pancake rolls, green onions and spicy hot pot meet, in order to heat dry noodles.

at the same time,

A plane, a face, a hot heart, roared from the hospitals all over the world.

The outcome is unknown, and the future is treacherous.


The national elite has arrived.

They were very scared and worried, but no one flinched. They came to Tianhe as they returned to the sea. They are stars in the sky, ordinary people, living hard for three meals a day, for firewood, rice, oil and salt, for children to go to school, and for the elderly to provide for the elderly.

Now that they are together, they are a fire.

Fire up

Light up the sky

Fearless, they came from all over the world, gathered together, and used their bodies to light up the gray night of Tianhe and dispel the darkness and cold.

If there is a bit of heat, and a bit of light, it will make it like a firefly, and it can also emit a little light in the dark without waiting for the torch.

After that, if there is no torch, they are the only light.

In the vast night, the plague raged, and they lit up the entire Tianhe.

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