Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1046: Chinese people live up to Zeng Chuan, Sichuan people will live up to the country

"I didn't go either, I was young." Wu Mian said with a hearty smile, "I heard from my senior, there was a saying at that time, "Sichuan people have never lost the country, and Chinese people will never lose Sichuan."

"The situation today is the same. Without us, the pressure on this side would be even greater. We can't handle it anymore. There are countless airplanes and medical staff ready to go behind us. No one will be abandoned, just the process...Hahaha, no It will be great."

Liu Na was startled when she heard Wu Mian laugh. She was just touched by the Sichuanese who have never lost the country, and the Chinese people will never bear the words of Sichuan. Tears flowed out, and she suddenly heard Teacher Wu laugh...

Is he crazy?

"The process is like this. I walk to and from get off work every day." Wu Mian said, "Hold on, it's all here, you say yes. But the Fangcang shelter hospital is established, we will move to the dormitory there tomorrow, no need to eat Live, the condition will slowly scream."

Liu Na was speechless, all came here, and this sentence was extremely appropriate here.

"Dahe Wenming and the Angsa gang think about problems in different ways. If you say it far, say it far, then again, I suggest you take a bath and lie on the bed. Don’t use Weibo, official account, or Moments. It will increase anxiety. Close your eyes and rest your mind. If you can enter a meditation state, it’s best. If you can’t, you can take a break.”

"Okay, Teacher Wu." Liu Na said softly.

"If you can't enter the meditation state, I suggest that you imagine that when you take a shower, the water droplets gently fall on your body, warm and comfortable, and the pressure of your whole body is taken away, the whole person..."

Wu Mian's tone became ethereal, even though she was on the phone, Liu Na suddenly felt that she was coming home and taking a shower in the bathroom.

The entangled water vapor rises, there is no pressure, only the years are calm and good. The warm water slides across the skin, and all fatigue, sadness, and distress are taken away.

A few minutes later, Wu Mian heard a slight snoring from the other side of the phone, and hung up the phone.

Chu Zhixi also fell asleep in her arms, sleeping soundly.

He put the **** the bed, covered the quilt, Wu Mian picked up the phone and started ordering food.

Fortunately, there is a takeaway guy who walks through the steel forest of the city, so he won't be hungry.

It was a little messy, but Wu Mian understood.

Modern people, especially Chinese people, have been living for a long time.

Everyone imagines that the war is forbidden, uniform, unconcerned, and...

But Wu Mian understands that war is constantly making mistakes. Both the enemy and ours keep making mistakes. The competition is who makes fewer mistakes, who has stronger execution ability, and whose staff is closer to understanding the truth.

As for disaster films such as "Infectious Diseases" and "Influenza", Wu Mian just sneered.

In the brains of screenwriters and directors, the only way to solve problems is vaccine, serum, and destruction.

This is where the biggest bug is, similar to a golden finger, but it doesn't exist at all when it looks reasonable.

The mutation rate of single-stranded RNA may exceed the rate of vaccine development.

How many years has the flu been, and how effective is the vaccine?

Moreover, it is not known how long it will take for a vaccine to go from project approval to research and development to phase 1, 2, and 3 clinical trials.

The virus in Tianhe City is higher and more cunning than the exterminating virus Ro in the film "Infectious Diseases", which almost penetrated Wu Mian's imagination.

Waiting for the vaccine? joke.

The immediate approach is the only option.

As for the isolation explained in the film, it seemed to Wu Mian more like a joke.

The isolation in the imagination of the pirate gangs is just like that. This is the difference caused by different races and different thinking logics.

He silently looked out the window, thinking silently in his heart that Sichuanese have never lost the country, and that the people of Sichuan will never bear the words of Sichuan.

Yesterday, Chinese people lived up to Zeng Chuan;

Today, Sichuanese will live up to their country.



Guangyuan, a large tertiary hospital.

As night fell, the medical team supporting the frontline was ready to go.

On the bus, red down jackets, blue masks, uniforms for medical staff.

Under the bus, there were worried family members seeing off.

Everyone knows what is happening in Tianhe City. In the Internet age, countless news about true and false is delivered to people's eyes most quickly. And people who see news and information can only choose based on their own likes and dislikes

Heaven's Desire

The ground is cracking

Go, life or death is uncertain.

But the Chinese people live up to Zeng Chuan, and Sichuan people will live up to the country!

This is the second batch of support medical teams in Guangyuan. Batches of medical teams rushed to the front line in a short period of time. One can imagine how severe the situation is.

"Zhao Yingming! Come back safely!"

A man's voice was a little choked, he said loudly with Trump, trying to make the voice penetrate the bus and send it to the ears of his beloved who was leaving.

"You come back safely, I will take care of the housework for a year!"

"Did you hear me!"

The man opened his eyes vigorously and couldn't cry in person.

Not far behind him, a woman silently looked at the familiar figure on the bus, and silently wiped her tears.

Farewell, send his wife and lover to the forefront, no one knows if this is the last one.

But this country needs, does not want to send, and does not want to send, but still wants to send.


Somewhere, a female doctor takes care of the pack and prepares to set off.

"Mom!" the ten-year-old boy shouted hoarsely, "I won't let you go!"

The female doctor's tears flowed out in an instant, and she was about to fight, but in the end she covered her eyes with her hands.

"Mom is going to help other people."

"Why you, let others go! Let others go!!" The boy's voice was heartbreaking, and he just knew what kind of danger his mother was going to face.

"Why are you so selfish, how did your mother teach you?" the woman snarled with sobs.

The boy was angry, turned around, and yelled: "I won't let you go!"

The man gently wiped away the tears from the corners of the woman's eyes, did not speak, and helped pack his bags in silence.

Temporary order, the community is closed, men can't get out. He can only silently do what he can.

The woman kept looking at the child, and the man finally said, "I persuade him, you go."

"Yeah." The woman nodded.

My head was buried deep Tears dripped down.

"Don't worry at home, I won't go out, we two will wait for you to come back."

Hug, leave, the boy angrily turned his back to the door and said nothing.

The sound of closing the door was like a farewell, and the boy cried loudly.

"Shall we send mom at the window? You are an older child and you should be sensible." The man was rare and gentle, picked up the child, waved at a figure carrying a salute, and drifted away.

"Why must mother go!" the boy asked, crying.

"Because she is a hero, better than all the superheroes you've seen."



Note: Zhao Yingming's lover seems to have bought a robot vacuum cleaner and seriously despise his behavior. Well, seriously despised.

Housework, get up to work!

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