Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1043: Red and white face, 1 play

Li Chen's job is getting harder and harder.

It was fine for one or two days. As time went on, he could clearly feel that the emotions of the villagers in Banhudong Village were like springs pressed down, and their elasticity grew.

Now as long as you let go, the spring will "pump" on your face. I don't know if I live or not, the bones will definitely be broken.

Li Chen also has no good solution, and must be quarantined for 14 days.

Li Chen's expression became more and more serious when he squatted in the "guard box" and swiped his mobile phone.

If he had gone to college a few years ago, he would definitely think that what was written in the book was true and feasible.

But he came out of the ivory tower and fell directly into the grassroots village as a village official. He knew that many questions were not written in the book, and there was no standard answer to any question like the college entrance examination.

The four words of human affection and sophistication have rounded up a lot in his heart.

Tianhe City, Fangcai Hospital, countless batches of additional medical staff... Vaguely, Li Chen had a dilapidated headache whenever he thought about what to do.

The devil is in the details.

In this regard, Li Chen truly admired Director Zhang Wenhong more and more.

They didn't just shout and rushed into the machine gun position after they rushed to their heads, and looked at the magic city.

People in the city are indeed relatively easier to manage, and the unit doors and community doors are also simpler to be closed. But Magic City is a metropolis of tens of millions, which can be regarded as one of the few in the world.

How to manage thousands of half-hudong villages?

What to do with so many confirmed patients?

Li Chen didn't have any answers.

As for the sentence on the Internet that tortured souls-why not build a shelter hospital earlier, Li Chen ignored it.

When they can come to the grassroots level, try to manage, know that the complexity of life is countless times more difficult than a stand-alone game, and it is not what Jianzheng can imagine.

The overwhelming majority are kind and obedient people, just like the overwhelming majority of people praying for Tianhe every day on the Internet.

But these people are basically the silent majority.

Nowadays, it is difficult for most people to see the figure. The mad dances on various social media and the subjugation of the country are painful to watch.

Li Chen knew that these people didn't even have the ability to manage a village or even a natural village.

Out of the consideration of a game of national epidemic prevention, Li Chen knew that most of the aggrieved staff members like himself are held in their stomachs.

"You are so paralyzed that you have to go out to buy cigarettes at this time. This is not going to be with me, this is not going to get along with the people of the whole village."

A rough voice came, and Li Chen quickly put away the phone.

The village party secretary is cursing...

Li Chen didn't know that Fan Zhongzhi used big loudspeakers to scold people, but even if he knew it, it would not become a reality in Banhudong Village.

How old is Fan Zhongzhi? Everyone in the whole village grew up under his nose. It is not good to say, who he wants to scold, can sit in front of people's door and start scolding all kinds of embarrassments decades ago, but no one dares to speak back.

The party secretary of Banhudong Village is in his 40s and he does not have such a high prestige.

Li Chen quickly put on his hat, gloves, and tightly tightened clothes, and ran out.

The village party secretary pointed to a person's nose and cursed, and Li Chen knew that it was a lazy man in the village.

This person is really lazy. The key is to play money. If he has some money, he will go to the next village to play a game. When he comes back, he loses all his pockets.

If you have no money or food, you will rub from house to house.

The lazy man guessed that his fingers are itchy again, and he has no money to play, he can quench his thirst by just seeing it.

"Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep~~~" The village party secretary's curse was in Li Chen's ears with a noise-cancelling function. These words of the village party secretary had to be deleted when they were posted on the Internet. They were simple and straightforward, and almost didn't plan the graves of the people's ancestors.

"Secondary secretary, branch secretary, you see how grandiose is born." Li Chen drew his right hand into his sleeve, ran to the village party secretary and bent over and said, "Old branch secretary, calm down, you don't smoke? This is addicted to cigarettes. No one can hold it."

"He wants to..."

"No, now other villages can't get in either." Li Chen raised his volume a bit when he said this to make sure that the lazy man could hear clearly, "There are police cars outside, so I don’t want to go out casually. I went shopping yesterday. It’s time to take the temperature again and ask about the schedule. The old nose is troublesome."

"I heard that in the 15th group of the three teams next door, a family gathered to play mahjong, and the automatic mahjong machine was broken."

"Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep~~~" The village party secretary continued to yell, "You are going to "beep" for Laozi to go home. Today we will have to purchase in a unified way. What do you want to buy? Tell Village Chief Li."

Li Chen knew that the party secretary was a silly face, and that this was not a good job, and that it was an offensive job.

My duty is to sing red face and give people a step down.

I can’t make trouble because of this. No, if the lazy man’s donkey gets upset, he squats and poops on the pot in the village secretary’s home...

Paralyzed, how could there be such a tired and lazy person in the world!

Thinking of an electric flash, Li Chen hurried to the lazy man and said with a smile, "Uncle Li, I have Ziyun here, you can make a sip? It's really uncomfortable to get addicted to cigarettes. The village must not be able to go out, and so do when you go out. police car."

Li Chen talked nonsense casually, while taking out half a box of Ziyun.

His left hand was not very convenient, so he flicked it and didn't get out the cigarette.

The lazy man glared at Li Chen and snatched the cigarette from him cursingly, with no intention of returning it.

Li Chen didn't feel distressed either, this cigarette was considered a meat bun to beat a dog.

"The old party secretary is knives-mouthed tofu. The task assigned on it is too urgent, so you can bear it." Li Chen said softly with a smile.

"Are you swearing like that again!" The lazy man's tone had softened. He knew that Li Chen gave him the steps. If he didn't dare to enter, he would be dumbfounded if the ladder was gone for a while.

Others are lazy and bad-tempered, but not stupid.

"The old party secretary is also anxious. Don't worry about it. The folks in the village, why bother. Look at the banner, don’t you see that you can overcome the difficulties together! It won’t be long. It’s estimated that there will be ten more days. You are willing to go anywhere. Row."

The lazy man pouted and cursed Li Chen with a beep, but he didn't dare to scold the old secretary at all.

Fear at both ends when using a stick to beat a wolf. Hurry down when there are steps, he can see that he shouldn't even think about leaving the village today.

But rubbing half a pack of cigarettes is not bad.

"The old party secretary also said that unified procurement will save you running so far. Cigarettes, I still have a little stock, which may not suit your taste. But please bear with me, deal with it first, and take care of it."

Li Chen smiled and sent the people away.

Turning around and seeing the village party secretary, Li Chen sighed, "Old party secretary, cigarette money has to be reimbursed."

"Didn't you just buy one for you the day before yesterday."

"I took it apart and searched all the old cigarette boxes, but I didn't dare to take out the whole box. That's it, now I don't have half of them."

Beep beep beep beep~~~~

The old party secretary scolded the sky, and finally glanced at Li Chen, and said lightly, "Good job."

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