Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1038: Brave 1 point

"No way." Matthew De said, "If you go and are removed, what should Teacher Wu do when you come back? Facing a new dean? How can you cooperate with your work? It doesn't matter if I go, you will be strong. , Work can still be done. Besides, the work of the City Epidemic Prevention Headquarters has to be done. Who will go on top of you when you come back?"

"Xiu De..."

"It's okay." Matthew De pretending to be Qingsong said, "Ms. Wu is shrewd, and he doesn't need to say that this kind of thing is like a mirror in his heart. When he comes back, just plug me into any medical enterprise, and he may earn more than this. many."

Xue Chunhe nodded, "The provincial inquiries are more urgent. What you said in the Mayuan is also a way, but it's not enough."

"not enough?"

"Do you really think that a deputy dean of yours can live in those people who can live in the Second Hospital? In the past, they were all your bosses." Xue Chunhe shook his head slightly and said, "It seems that it should be delayed for a few hours, one day. It's over, you don't have that prestige."

"..." Matthew De looked at Xue Chunhe in surprise.

"To tell you the truth, I really don't believe it." Xue Chunhe took a bit of smoke and spit out the smoke, hiding behind him, looming, "The hospitals all over the country are closed? How is it possible! Let's discuss it, I Give Teacher Wu a call."

"He is working in protective clothing on his side."

"One an hour until he picks it up." Xue Chunhe said, "If it weren't for concealment, there are no precedents of nosocomial infection in the Magic Capital and Tiannan Hospital. How many patients did they receive? Before the city was closed, from Tianhe City At least 100,000 or hundreds of thousands of people who ran out went to the magic capital, so why didn't they see an accident on that side."

"Yes! Ask about the experience of the magic city!!" Matthew De said.

In fact, Xue Chunhe has already asked, but the dean on that side has been busy hitting the back of his head long ago, who will take care of a small dean in a border city.

"There is a reason for the economic backwardness in the Northeast. It can be clearly seen from the epidemic prevention that the gap is very large." Xue Chunhe took a vicious mouthful of cigarettes.

"I don't believe it, all hospitals across the country can still be closed. As long as they don't close, they must face this pervasive virus. Those who are paralyzed will be frightened out of their courage!"

Matthew De looked at Xue Chunhe in surprise, wondering why this old superior who had always been gentle and easy-going suddenly stood up.

According to Matthew De's understanding, Xue Yuan should follow the crowd at this time.

That's why he took the initiative to invite Ying just now, because his ability to throw the pot is not as good as Xue Yuan. Rather than making trouble in the end, it is better to leave a way for himself.

But listening to Xue Yuan's meaning, it turned out to be broken.

"Call Teacher Wu!" Xue Chunhe had a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, as if he had just graduated 30 years ago.

"Xue" Matthew De whispered, "you are..."

"Mayuan, you don't want to go together?" Xue Chunhe tilted his head, smoking a cigarette, and squinted at Matthew.

"No, how is it possible." Matthew De explained quickly. But this is really hard to say, and it is clear that provocation is provocation, that's not okay.

"Hehe." Xue Chunhe smiled, "You're welcome, what did you think of when Teacher Wu stood on the stage when he first came back?"

"I think Teacher Wu is making a big fuss." Matthew did not hide it, and said directly: "The most serious situation is the s virus. This is what we have seen. Teacher Wu will first talk about the severity when he comes back... You said the plague, Xue Yuan There was one time last year. Wasn't it quickly extinguished? The first thought at the time was that Teacher Wu made a fuss."

"I think so too." Xue Chunhe said, "I even wonder if Mr. Wu has been away for a few months, and he will brighten his teeth when he comes back and tell us what the name of this hospital is."

"..." Matthew smiled bitterly, and the dean didn't dare to think about what he was thinking.

"Every day after that, I told me that things were different, not the same as before. To be honest, I always remember what Teacher Wu said these days."

"I always hum." Matthew De laughed: "Defend the hometown, defend the Yellow River, defend North China, and defend all of China! It's too catchy, more catchy than any Internet pop songs now."

"Not only catchy, but also catchy." Xue Chunhe said, "I drove home yesterday, the provincial city was empty, and there was no New Year's breath. I sang and cried. You said my 50-year-old old man , Crying snot and tears."

As Xue Chunhe was talking, his eye circles turned red.

"Cry and sing. I'm not afraid of your jokes. I cried with tears. I didn't cry like that when my dad died."

Matthew recalled his own experience and felt grief-stricken.

"You said that people are not like that in the end of their lives. I am already the dean. When I go to the end, can I still be the dean of Xiehe? I dare not even dream of it."

"How many academicians are waiting? I can't wait until I've waited. The thoracic surgery department has waited for so many years before he finally became the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Xiehe, you can't be the president if you want to be." Matthew Virtue.

"Now is the time to defend their hometown. He Xin and the others can counsel, but we can't counsel. Teacher Wu went to help Tianhe in the first wave, and I felt that he went with a mortal heart. I'm still surprised. Looking at it now, Teacher Wu Sincerely don't tell lies in medical treatment."

"Yes." Matthew De nodded.

"I remember what Teacher Wu said, as a doctor, can you be brave!" Xue Chunhe sighed and said, "I was very upset at the time. Once the patient had an accident, the emotional troubles were not his. I was yesterday. I thought about it when I was crying and crying, thinking about what I should do."

"Xue Yuan..."

"The shelter hospital just opened, and I didn't dare to contact Teacher Wu. But when things settled so quickly, I don't think he can be angry." Xue Chunhe said lightly.

There is a picture before Matthew De's eyes-Xue Chunhe, in his fifties, drove home, holding the steering wheel in his hand, and the lane was deserted, humming about defending his hometown, defending the Yellow River, defending North China, and defending China. .

Singing and singing Xue Yuan cried, tears everywhere.

There must be calculations in life, but sometimes not.

With it, it's cool. The sword was drawn quickly, and the one who did not lose the young head really lost the young head in the end.

"Xue Yuan, you still go to the headquarters." Matthew De said, "I change into protective clothing, and you help me stare at the support supplies at the headquarters. Xue Yuan, the supplies are more important. Without supplies, the line will collapse. ."

"Go in?"

"You can't just pose and take photos like the bastards, save them as a souvenir, and then hide and go home. I went up, and the medical staff on the front line felt more stable."

"After discussing it again, I will ask Teacher Wu." Xue Chun and Bo talked on the phone.

At this point, I don't know if Mr. Wu is making up his sleep, Xue Chunhe is a little nervous.

But he didn't give him much chance to be nervous, the phone was connected, and a hearty voice came.

"Xue Yuan has a good New Year."

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