Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1025: Conspiracy theory

Professor Barak was dizzy and dizzy until the end of the operation. He went to the semi-contaminated area and took off his protective clothing. He made a mistake in his movements. He was kicked by Wu Mian, and his face was barely smudged to the wall, which made him feel more energetic.

He didn't keep talking about it. The only thing Professor Barack wanted to do at this time was to go back to the hotel and talk to several virology professors in Massachusetts about the boss's judgment.

After leaving with Ren Haitao and Chen Lu, Professor Barak finally felt that he was a little better.

Boss puts too much pressure on himself, Professor Barak admits this.

As long as there is a boss present... just getting kicked is evidence. He was too savage, but Professor Barak didn't dare to say that in front of Wu Mian.

In the past, when Professor Barak returned to the hotel room, he always complained about the bad conditions. For example, there was no pure water, so I could only boil tap water for drinking; for example, the bath towels had not been changed for many days; of.

But today Professor Barak didn't bother to complain. He took out his cell phone and made a call.

Ren Haitao lay on the bed silently, there were too many things he wanted to remember.

"Bellak, are you okay!" A bold voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Jones, are you undergoing surgery?" Professor Barack greeted him. Before he could talk about the weather and the environment of Tianhe, he said directly, "Jones, the boss said a big thing today!"

"whats the matter?"

"Evacuation, you know."

"Of course, I watched the live broadcast the whole time, holding a beer, and singing "Starlight Banner" loudly in my yard."

"Have you noticed that a white man has been diagnosed with pneumonia? Also, the **** Diamond Princess, have you paid attention!" Professor Barack asked hurriedly.

There was a sudden silence on the phone side.

"Boss said, this must be the group of idiots in Maryland who have not figured it out! The virus is not just for the yellow race at all, we are all killed by the group of bitches!"

"Bellak, you don't have a fever, right."

"Jones, it's the boss who said it, not me!" Professor Barack emphasized, "It won't be because the boss has left Massachusetts for half a year. You have forgotten that big devil."

"How come, that demon king is like a cloud covering everyone's head. But he is indeed capable, because of his departure, this year's ranking of Massachusetts..."

"No! Jones!" Professor Barack roared, and Ren Haitao sighed. After a day of tiredness, he couldn't come back to think about taking a good rest.

"You forgot what I said." Professor Barack said. "The boss said that this time the pneumonia is not only for the yellow race, but the idiots in Maryland made a mistake."

"Are you nervous? Isn't this normal? The flu does not kill hundreds of thousands of people every year?" Jones asked doubtfully, "It's just pneumonia. The Ro value is high, and the fatality rate is definitely low. This is almost the truth. And it has been. With targeted Redecive, what are you still worried about."

"That's what I told the boss, but his expression tells me... Although I can't see his expression, but I can feel the breath, the boss is desperate! Especially desperate!"

"This is really bad news, Barack." Jones said with a smile, "It's a pity, even if we can't be immune to the perfect virus, but the voyage with China has been cut off, don't worry, there will be no questionable."

"..." Professor Belak looked out the window blankly, and he couldn't say a word, who had always talked about it.

"Bellak? Is it really you on the phone side? Thank God, you finally got a little better from schizophrenia. I think only your boss will endure you, change someone else..."

"No! Jones! You are not in Tianhe, you have not seen the medical run here. The mortality rate of this new type of pneumonia virus is definitely different from the flu, even if I am not an expert in virology or epidemiology, I use a doctor's Intuition can also perceive."

"Barack, don't worry, only yellow people can get sick. I believe those stupid guys in Maryland.

This was the case 17 years ago, can you believe that the s virus disappeared directly in the summer. My goodness, I always thought that Maryland idiots must be cooperating with aliens in Area 51, Nevada. This is alien technology. With your barren brain, even if it splits into three, even more people cannot understand it. "

"Uh...Jones, are you sure? I'm still an innocent child, don't lie to me." Professor Barack said suspiciously.

"Don’t you know about the s virus? If you don’t know it, you can’t even find a specimen. It’s not made by Zenith Star Technology in Area 51, Nevada. It’s the same. This time it’s the same. The Maryland stupid is stupid , But the aliens are not stupid."

"Jones, are you sure you didn't drink too much?" Professor Barrac asked tentatively.

"Of course, but what I said was just a joke." Jones said, "Don't worry, I also participated in the Crimson Infectious Disease drill last year. It was a disaster.

But even if that was the case, only 500,000 people died, just in time to clean up the garbage in Brooklyn. "

"Okay." Professor Barrac accepted Jones' statement.

"You are too sensitive. You have flu every year. This is the norm..."

"Jones, let me ask you something." Professor Barack interrupted Jones and asked, "What is the difference between last year's flu and previous years?"

"The data shows that it is about 40 days earlier than in previous years. At the peak... Barack, why do you ask? Is it because your boss asked you to ask?"

"Boss knew it for a long time, he just told me casually." Professor Barak quickly denied.

"What else did he say?"

"E-cigarette pneumonia, UU reading seems to him to be particularly weird. According to his theory, e-cigarette pneumonia has no basis at all. It is caused by a virus leaked in a laboratory in Maryland."

"What a nervous big devil, Barack, you must be uncomfortable living under his hands. I think you have a tendency to tremble. Otherwise, why the big devil has left, you have to go to China."

"Jones, I will tell the boss everything you say, especially if you suspect that the two of us have intimate behavior."

"Whatever, I won't go to China anyway, and he won't be able to come to Great America again in his life." Jones said indifferently.

Ren Haitao lay on the bed, listening to the conversation between Professor Barak and the man on the phone. His English is average, speaking is the worst, and listening is so-so.

If Professor Barak split, he would not understand what he was talking about. Ren Haitao can barely understand normal conversations.

The doubts in his heart are even thicker, and even Ren Haitao has begun to believe in Teacher Wu's conspiracy theories.

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