Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 974: Make a documentary that I don’t know if anyone will see it

"Xiaotao, it's me." Guo Ruming called the assistant.

"Guo, what is missing in your house? I'll buy it."

"That's not what I meant, I'm going to Tianhe, you pack things up." Guo Ruming said in an unquestionable tone.

"Uh..." The assistant was taken aback.

Go to Tianhe at this time? Does Director Guo have a fever? Still, he has a problem with his brain. Avoid places that are too scary, and there is no reason to hard-wire it on the Internet.

The assistant on the phone went silent, Guo Ruming quickly sorted out the messy thoughts in his mind, and said in a deep voice, "Go to Tianhe to sort out various materials and prepare to make a documentary."

"Guo...Director, what are you..." the assistant stammered.

"The situation is urgent. We are engaged in literary and artistic work."

The assistant is puzzled, Director Guo, do you still know that we are engaged in literature and art rather than medical staff?

Tianhe is not Hengdian, what are you going to do there!

"If I'm not wrong, Ford-class Jin must have placed an order with some naturalized Gao Hua." Guo Ruming said, "I'm at the lighthouse, looking for some material editing. Let's record the first-hand information..."

With that, Guo Ruming paused slightly.

"Going to Tianhe is very dangerous, if you don't want to go..."

"Don't, Director Guo, I will pack my things." Guo Ruming's assistant said immediately.

"Xiaotao, what we want to do is to record." Guo Ruming said, his voice is very deep, not so much talking to an assistant, but rather talking to himself: "I don't know if I can stay, but if I can stay Down, this is a file."


"Let the children in the future don't forget this suffering." Guo Ruming's voice is even lower, and the negative emotions accumulated these days almost burst out like a volcano. "Whether it is right or wrong, we must face it correctly. Now abroad Has begun to clamor that this is the Chernobyl moment of the Chinese nation, hey!"

"..." The assistant was speechless.

"There is no way people who look at the Ford Fund can say nonsense at that time, there is no way to refute it."

"Guo, that side is too dangerous, or I will take the camera crew, you are a little older, you can edit with the editor at home, OK?" the assistant asked.

"No." Guo Ruming said, "I won't go to many places, you can't get in. I decided to go to the front line and record all these."


"I know, it is possible that the last piece of information will fall into the sea, no one will remember. Just like World War II, the former Soviet Union was gone, and they began to lie. The lie was repeated a thousand times, and in the end it became a'fact'. ."

"So much information in World War II will be obliterated, and what we did is actually meaningless."

"I just want to make a related documentary to record everything about Tianhe. I know that no one will pay attention, but as long as we understand it." Guo Ruming smiled and said, "Fukushima started to dump nuclear waste directly into the Pacific. Some people say there is no pollution. No matter how ridiculous things are, those people can speak out, so I have to go to the front line."

The more Guo Ruming said, the clearer his thoughts became.

This world has never been as beautiful and gentle as they advertised.

In this world, the winner is always king, and history is nothing more than a little girl who can be painted.

I still remember that in a talk show in the United States in 13 years, 4 children were invited as guests to play and discuss national affairs.

When the host asked us what we owed China 1.3 trillion US dollars, what should we do, a 6-year-old white child said frankly-we detour the other side of the earth, we don't have to pay all the Chinese people.

Guo Ruming understands the show and Tong Yan Wushu. While his teeth are cold, he understands why the show crew didn't cut this section.

Because this is the correct consensus in the United States.

At present, the whole country is on alert, the US fleet has entered the South China Sea, and more and more countries have cut off routes with China. The World Health Organization is discussing whether to declare China as an epidemic area.

Even the collapse of Huaxia and the transfer of the industrial chain have been found.

India recently jumped up and down, and could not help directly announcing the ban on exporting masks to China. Daxian Modi also drew a large area to accept the industrial industry transferred from China.

Mountain rain is coming

Feng Man Lou

Guo Ruming wants to do something.

When I called, my thoughts that were still faint became clearer and clearer.

Although he committed danger with his own body, the videos and materials recorded in the front line would not appear in the eyes of the world, but with that stubborn energy coming up, Guo Ruming couldn't wait to do something.

History does not allow the Ford Fund to dress up.

I am just a light, faintly like a firefly, and the documentary will not be recognized by the world. Even Guo Ruming thought for a moment that a documentary sponsored by the Ford Foundation would one day win an Oscar. He was seen by countless people and believed that it was a fact.

So I have to do something, even if it is useless, still do something.

"Get ready, I'll contact the schedule." Guo Ruming said while clarifying the various interests.

"Okay." The assistant said immediately, "Guo, how many people will you take?"


A special group of people began to assemble.

They are more difficult than the medical staff who go to the front line to support.

There is no protective clothing, and even the masks are collected by various companies.

That's it

Going to Tianhe is almost like a joke.

However, Guo Ruming persisted and found a way. They and a group of supporting doctors and nurses from the Imperial Capital Hospital took a chartered flight to Tianhe.

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The camera of the film crew has been working. From the moment the medical staff shed tears at the airport and their family members and then stopped on the plane, the machine did not turn off, as if it were a super difficult shot to the end.

After boarding the plane, the crew made a gesture to Guo Ruming and asked if he could shut down.

Guo Ruming shook his head.

The stewardess wore a mask and stood in the aisle in a standard posture. At this time, a gentle voice came from the horn.

"Dear angels in white, our plane is about to start taxiing."

"Today, you are not just angels. In the days of family reunion, you left your small home for everyone, away from your family, and went to Tianhe. You have worked hard."

"Our crew members are honored to be able to provide you with this service...On behalf of Eastern Airlines, we send our sincere respect and heartfelt blessings to the heroes who are marching against the wind."

"Go on, Tianhe!"

"Go China!"


On another flight to Tianhe the voice of the flight attendant fell, and a man's voice came out.

"Dear soldiers in white clothes, good evening, I am Li Minggang, the captain of this flight. I took the initiative to ask for the flight today, just to say something for the folks-thank you!"

The voice choked slightly, and the sound of thank you echoed in the cabin.

"When the battle is won, Hebei Airlines will take you home."

"Go on, Tianhe!"

"Go China!"


The plane taxied, the engines roared, and one flight went straight into the sky.

135+n charter flights take off from all over the country,

Running towards the same destination-Tianhe.

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