"Oh, this is also our commander?"

At this time, Will stood up.

The four people, including Will, did not know Bai Ye. Only Esdeath, who was very famous in the whole empire, was more recognized by them.

"I am Bai Ye, please teach me."

Bai Ye introduced the four people in front of him.

"Hello, commander, my name is Will!"

Will immediately saluted.

"My name is Lan, please teach me too, commanders."

Lan said in a very friendly manner.

"I, I am Porus..."

Porus was obviously the most ferocious and scary among the four, but at this time he looked shy.

"Commander, you are really good-looking. I wonder what you think of fashionable men?"

Dr. Fashion pushed his glasses and said to Bai Ye in a very suggestive way.

Hearing this, Bai Ye suddenly felt a little weird.

Could this guy be a bitch? ......

In fact, Dr. Fashion is really gay.

Hearing that Dr. Fashion dared to make such a hint to Bai Ye, Esdeath's eyes suddenly turned cold.

She walked towards Dr. Fashion with a cold look, and under Dr. Fashion's puzzled eyes, she kicked Dr. Fashion away with a kick, and smashed a hole in the wall a few meters away.

Dr. Fashion's imperial weapon mainly played a supporting role. His own physical fitness was not outstanding, so he was naturally crushed by Esdeath in melee.

Will and Porus were immediately frightened, and Lan's face became solemn.

General Esdeath was joking with them just now, but now it was obvious that he was serious.

No, to be precise, he was angry. If General Esdeath was really serious, he should directly use the power of the imperial weapon.


This made Dr. Fashion cough up blood. "Oh... The commander was really cruel. I didn't do anything wrong, did I?"

Dr. Fashion looked weak and puzzled. He didn't understand why Commander Esdeath suddenly attacked him so cruelly. It was completely different from the strength when he was joking with the mask just now.

"Bai Ye is my man. If you dare to say something rude next time, I will pull out your tongue directly."

Esdeath said coldly.

The piercing voice was mixed with murderous intent. It was definitely not a joke to Dr. Fashion.

Dr. Fashion suddenly realized that Commander Bai Ye and Commander Esdeath were already in that kind of relationship.

In this case, he had indeed gone too far just now.

"I'm very sorry. I didn't know that the two commanders had this relationship just now. I won't do it again in the future."

In front of the angry Esdeath, Dr. Fashion didn't dare to be so frivolous anymore. He admitted his mistake very seriously and sincerely.

Otherwise, he had no doubt that Chief Esdeath would really kill him.

"That's good."

Esdeath said lightly.

His tone became much calmer, and the coldness on his face also eased.

Bai Ye didn't intend to express his opinion on the scene in front of him.

He thought Esdeath did a good job, and he really didn't like being remembered by people like Dr. Fashion...

Esdeath's swift and decisive means helped him completely get rid of Dr. Fashion's entanglement.

After learning the cause, Will, Pollus and Lan were relieved.

At least Chief Esdeath was not the kind of boss who would get angry at every turn. Dr. Fashion just went too far and offended Chief Esdeath's reverse scale.

"By the way, although I'm not the kind of person who likes to comment on other people's clothes, your dress..."

At this time, Bai Ye said to Pollus with some concern.

Pollus's dress was really a bit... too strange.

"Ah, I'm shy, and I think I look ugly and scary, so I don't want to scare others, so..."

Polus said embarrassedly.

"I see..."

Bai Ye nodded slightly.

But it should be said that the way Porus looks now is obviously more scary...

But Bai Ye didn't intend to meddle in other people's business, so he didn't say anything more about it.

At this time, the sound of boiling water came.

Polus immediately took the water and made a cup of tea for everyone.

"We are all imperial tools, so let's get along well."

Polus said: "I should be the oldest among us, and I really can't keep going like this."

It seems that he was reminded by Bai Ye, and Porus became more generous than before.


FirstAs they got along, except for the guy named Dr. Fashion, the other three left a good impression on Bai Ye.

They all seemed to be good people, but whether they were really like that or not, we would have to slowly get to know them.

"Commander, what should we do next? I remember that we were summoned to fight against a killer organization called 'Night Raid', right?"

At this time, Will asked Bai Ye and Esdeath.

"No, it has nothing to do with 'Night Raid'. What we really want to deal with are those treacherous officials who have plunged the empire into darkness."

Esdeath said very directly.

This surprised Bai Ye a little. Was it so direct right from the start?

The reactions of Will and others were naturally more exciting.

"This... I don't quite understand. It turns out that the empire has problems in this regard..."

Will's face was full of surprise, because he had served in the Imperial Navy for many years and knew almost nothing about the darkness of the empire.

But since General Esdeath said so, it should not be false.


Polus remained silent. Although it was difficult to see the expression on his face with the mask on, he could vaguely see that his facial features were a little depressed under the mask.

Because Esdeath's words reminded him of some bad memories.

As a member of the Empire's Incineration Corps, he naturally did a lot of things under the Empire's orders, including burning prisoners, villages with infectious diseases or collusion with the Revolutionary Army.

He knew that what he did was guilty, but he also believed that it was his duty as a soldier to obey the Empire's orders, so he was in pain and felt that he would be punished sooner or later.

But he had to live well for his wife and daughter at home.

"I don't know much about this."

Dr. Fashion's tone was a bit stupid, but he was actually quite clear about the current situation of the Imperial Capital and the entire Empire.

But he didn't care about those things, he was only interested in scientific research.

And he himself hadn't done anything good.


Lan also said nothing.

"There are many unscrupulous traitors in the empire. Our 'hunters' are responsible for eradicating those traitors. Yes, the name of our team is 'hunters', also known as 'imperial weapon hunters'."

Esdeath said lightly.

Her unique identity and imposing tone made it impossible to doubt that she was lying.

First of all, her identity as the "strongest" in the empire already had full credibility.

Will and others did not dare to doubt what Esdeath said.

They only knew that Esdeath was their superior, and then they just had to obey the superior's orders.

Bai Ye suddenly felt that Esdeath could really help a lot. In this case, no one except Esdeath could say anything as effective as Esdeath.

"I understand. I will do what I should do."

At this time, Will nodded.

"Me too."

Polus also said.

Lan and Dr. Fashion also expressed their opinions.

They naturally had no room for objection, especially Dr. Fashion, who didn't want to be beaten by Esdeath again, because that would really cost lives.

"Very good, then your first target next is the treasurer Gozeba, let me see your performance."

Esdeath gave Will and the other four a task on the spot.

Of course, Esdeath didn't mean to say these words, because she didn't care about Bai Ye and anything other than fighting.

If she had to say it, she really considered what to do for Bai Ye.

She always knew that the treasurer Gozeba was one of the biggest corrupt officials in the empire, and she herself had no interest in taking action against him, first because the other party was too weak, and second because she didn't care about those corrupt officials.

But considering Bai Ye's interests, this guy must be eradicated.

Weaken the power of the Ernest regime step by step, and finally get rid of the little emperor and Minister Ernest.

"Okay, then we're going now, right?"

Will was immediately full of energy.

Since he came here, he must perform well in front of the new leader.

"Just leave today. This mission is not difficult. I hope you can satisfy me."

Esdeath said.

"Leave it to me."

Will said confidently.

"I will work hard and try not to disappoint everyone."

Polus cheered up.

"Let's work hard together."

Lan smiled.

Dr. Fashion supported his chin with one hand and said nothing. He felt a little strange in his heart.

The financial officer is such an important person, can he really be killed just like that...

But give them theThe one who was assigned this task was General Esdeath, who was also the most trusted general of Minister Ernest.

There shouldn't be any problem. Maybe Minister Ernest suddenly wanted to settle accounts with some people.

Led by Will, the "Hunters" set out for their first action a while later.

After the "Hunters" left, Esdeath called out the three beastmen.

"Liva, Niu, Daidas, you keep an eye on them. Also, don't let them find you. If you are found by accident, just say you are my subordinate."

Esdeath ordered the three beastmen.


Liva and the other two nodded in response.

Then they set out immediately.

At this time, Bai Ye couldn't help but sigh: "Esdeath is really reliable. I feel that there is no problem in leaving everything to you."

It can be said that he just did nothing, and he and Esdeath didn't even discuss what happened just now in advance. It was all Esdeath's free play.

However, Esdeath's free play also made him very satisfied.

After receiving Bai Ye's praise, Esdes was as happy as a little girl, which was in stark contrast to the cold and domineering attitude she showed towards outsiders.


Treasurer Gozeba was protected by an imperial weapon user and a group of elite guards. This bodyguard force can be said to be very strong.

But facing the simultaneous dispatch of four imperial weapons users, these guards seemed to be not good enough.

Will's imperial weapon "Noble Chariot" is a replica of "Evil Ghost Haunting". It can be said that the basic panel is stronger than "Evil Ghost Haunting", but the upper limit is not as high as "Evil Ghost Haunting" because "Evil Ghost Haunting" can continue to evolve, which is an ability that "Noble Chariot" does not have.

After Will used the imperial weapon, his whole body was immediately covered with blue armor.

Because he was a "numerical monster", Will was like a no-man's land, and he rushed through the formation of those elite guards at will.

The imperial weapon in Borus's hand is a fire-breathing imperial weapon that can spray flames. The flames sprayed out cannot be extinguished by water, and it can even spray magma. As for the secret technique, it is a super-large-scale self-destruction.

Those elite guards without imperial weapons will be burned to death as long as they are slightly exposed to the flames.


The scene was like a purgatory on earth, and many "fire men" were screaming.

Borus felt sorry for this and silently said "I'm sorry" to these people in his heart, but this was a task he had to complete.

Lan "went straight to Huanglong". His imperial weapon "Flying Ten Thousand Miles" is the imperial weapon of wings, which is the pair of huge wings on his back. He used the feathers on the wings to directly shoot and kill the treasurer Gozeba.

Under the dimensionality reduction attack of the "hunters" at the same time, even if Gozeba had an imperial weapon user as a guard, it was useless. The imperial weapon user soon fell down because of his two fists being outnumbered by four hands.

Only Dr. Fashion didn't do much during the whole process. He was considered the doctor in the team.

Although he also had combat capabilities, it was not suitable for him to use them now.

"Just like what Commander Esdeath said, the difficulty is indeed not high."

At this time, Will checked the body of Gozeba and muttered, "Since he was the treasurer and was ordered to be strangled, he must have embezzled a lot of money. It's really not a pity to die."

"I'll burn all their bodies clean, it's better."

Polus walked over and said.

"Then I'll leave it to you."

Will nodded.

"Nothing, this is what I should do."

Afterwards, Porus burned all the bodies at the scene with the imperial equipment.

Although the traces at the scene still clearly showed that these people were burned, this was the order of General Esdeath and Minister Ernest, so it shouldn't matter.

While the four "hunters" were fighting, the three beast warriors had been secretly monitoring them.

In fact, Lan had already vaguely realized that he seemed to be under surveillance, but he guessed that it should be someone sent by Chief Esdeath, so he didn't say it.

While the "Hunter" assassinated the financial officer Gozeba, Bai Ye and Esdeath were not idle either. They had already launched the next wave of actions.


ps: It is still a two-in-one 4,000-word chapter, and thank you for the gifts!

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