Rukawa Kaede, a first-year student, also heard these rumors. In the small city of Shohoku, there was actually someone who was as famous as himself, and who was also the regular pick of Sanno?

It was rare for Rukawa Kaede to be so interested in someone. When he was dozing in the classroom or strolling around the campus, he looked as if nothing had happened, but his ears were perked up.

He always wanted to collect information about the"Sanno Genius."

To his surprise, he finally got to know that person through the girls in the fan club.

The girls in the fan club were certainly not in love with someone else.

In fact, they were afraid that Rukawa Kaede would be outdone, so they went to spy on the enemy.

After trying every possible means, they really found out about the Sanno Genius.

After learning the truth about the"Sanno Genius," they became even more indignant.

"Rukawa Kaede is the best. That second-year student is not even worthy of being compared to him.…"

"He is a short guy, not half as handsome as Rukawa…"

"Can the blue-haired weirdo really play basketball? …"

He accurately captured a lot of information in these words.

【Sanwang genius is a second-year】

【Small, blue hair, smiling face, non-aggressive】

【Not talkative, ordinary, low presence...】

Putting all these together, a face appeared in Rukawa Kaede's mind.

Isn't it the guy in the basketball gym at noon?

‘It was him? '

No wonder, no wonder, no wonder I didn't notice his existence at that time.

In just a moment, the strong-willed Rukawa Kaede had a strong idea.

"I want to challenge him!"


On the other side,

Sakuragi Hanamichi also heard the news about the"Sanwang genius".

He became even more determined to play basketball.

During the break, this guy did not forget to take the time to exercise.

Sakuragi Hanamichi was doing frog jump training in the corridor of the teaching building, while shouting,

"The genius of Sanwang is nothing!"

"Supernova Rukawa is just a bunch of shit!"

"They are not even as good as this genius!!!"

Sakuragi Hanamichi jumped up and down in the corridors, shouting to promote himself.

This brought more attention to the Xiangbei basketball team, the Sanwang genius, and the supernova Rukawa Kaede.

But it also caused trouble for Sakuragi Hanamichi.

The bad students in the third year of high school who didn't like him had a conflict with him:

"See you on the rooftop after school"


After school in the afternoon,

Bai Yansheng was planning to find Rukawa Kaede to"cultivate feelings".

As a result,

Rukawa Kaede unexpectedly appeared at the corner of the second year (3) class.

The cold-hearted man did not come up to greet him, but just followed him nonchalantly. Bai Yansheng tried to slow down his pace and took him to the rooftop. The door of the rooftop opened, and Rukawa Kaede walked in, but he did not see Bai Yansheng.

"Where is he?"

Rukawa Kaede clearly saw Bai Yansheng coming up, how come he disappeared again?

The last encounter in the basketball hall made Rukawa Kaede very alert.

He looked around again.

However, he still could not find Bai Yansheng.

"Did I see it wrong?"

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded beside me.——

"Are you looking for me?"


Rukawa was startled and his body froze. He had been mentally prepared, but he was still frightened the moment the sound appeared.

After all, scaring people is scary.

Looking at the blue-haired man in front of him,

Rukawa immediately confirmed that this was the Sanwang genius he was looking for.

"Let's have a fight, shall we?"

Rukawa Kaede directly challenged.

Bai Yansheng certainly didn't agree.

A genius with an ability value of 45 fighting a waste with an ability value of 29, isn't this like Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts?

He smiled and shook his head, refusing:

"I'm just a shadow"

"Are you afraid of losing?"

Ryukawa Kaede was ready to provoke him.

However, Bai Yansheng remained calm.

"Rukawa Kaede, do you want to be the light?"

"What does it mean?"

There was a shadow and light, and

Rukawa Feng was confused.

Before Bai Yansheng could explain, a reminder sounded in his mind.——


【Tacit Mission: The first collaboration between light and shadow, teach three bad students of Horita Tokuo a lesson!】

【Reward: Silver Treasure Chest]

Then, bang!

The door to the rooftop was kicked open.

The bad student Horita Tokuo brought two brothers to the rooftop.

These were the senior students who had a conflict with Sakuragi Hanamichi.

"Hey, junior, go away,"

"The rooftop is not the place for you"

"If you don't leave, I'll beat you up."

Rukawa turned his back to Horita Tokuo, not paying any attention to him.

He still looked at Bai Yansheng, and seeing that Bai Yansheng didn't explain anything, he challenged him again.

"Shall we have a fight?"

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