Skynet Architect

Vol 4 Chapter 4: Tongquetai Project

With this foundation of Tongquetai, Si Fan began to feel active.

Because he had a full set of drawings of Tongquetai, which were found in the old house of his hometown. The whole set of drawings passed down from the ancestors of the Sifan family at that time made Sifan very excited, and never again Do n’t think much about it.

After all, rebuilding the Tongquetai is still very difficult. It is definitely not something that can be achieved overnight, and the branch of his epic mission will not be available until Ancheng truly becomes a holy place for the elderly.

What Si Fan wants now is not the other, but the Tongquetai, because the base of the Tongquetai is too aggressive.

The foundation of Tongquetai: Cao Wei once built a luxurious miracle building, which was damaged after the war, but its foundation is still circulating, and a tile is worth millions. The foundation has huge power, which can make the Tongquetai after the construction have extraordinary influence to reproduce the ancient paper drunk gold fans, wine pond meat forest.

Tip: The higher the degree of fit of the building using the foundation of Tongquetai, the better the effect.

There is no doubt that this is called Tongque Taiji. Of course, it is best to build Tongque Taiji. Besides, this reappears the paper drunk gold fan, Jiuchi Roulin, which is an extravagant and rich area. The most suitable place for this place is the entertainment place. It is the legendary capital and its supporting facilities.

Such as hotels and various entertainment venues, this is really suitable for this.

Therefore, Si Fan scanned all the drawings of Tongquetai into the computer, and finally carried out the second processing and changed the materials in it, so that the current drawings of Tongquetai can be obtained.

It is completely impossible to be the same as the ancient times. The main materials of the building thousands of years ago are different from those of the present, and this Tongquetai is different from other buildings. The main symbol of this Tongquetai is not its architecture.

It's this station.

The so-called Tongquetai is a huge man-made hill that looks like a city wall. The pavilions and pavilions on the mountain are the place for enjoyment in Tongquetai. The construction of this platform is also very difficult, just like constructing a few hills from the desert. It seems that there is no problem, but it is actually very difficult.

The most basic construction of Si Fansuo is these four huge tables.

That's right, although there are not four Tongquetais on the design drawing, there are so many at the time of design, but only two funds and other factors ultimately led to the construction of the two Tongquetais at the time. I want to connect, I have tried all kinds of methods.

However, modern technology can already be completed now, and in Loulan Ancient City, what Si Fan wanted was a pure classical style and the high-level Tongquetai, which was an incomparable style of the Three Kingdoms Han culture at the time. Two different styles were intertwined. Together, it must be a magnificent scene.

Si Fan looked at the design, and then compared with the surrounding situation. At this time, the hotel they built was using a very bad name.

It is called the room, and his responsibility is to connect the four copper bird stands, so it is also the first building he built.

Looking at the construction site, Si Fan even wanted to quickly look at the real Tongquetai.

However, there are still many real expectations. For example, one of Si Fan's most hopeful is to quickly complete the infrastructure construction. Afterwards, entertainment is in the sky, and the following is the commercial street.

This is Si Fan's plan. The paper is drunk with gold on the top, but the real Loulan city is below. It is not necessary to come to Loulan for gambling. It can also be a pure travel. Here you can easily shop hard. With a considerable discount, shopping here enjoys a discount, living here enjoys a discount, and the business tax rate is the lowest here, and there are a series of subsidies and policies here.

This is to revitalize a desert city and become a seed buried in the desert.

That's the whole plan. If successful, it must be a classic.

They just don't know that there is only one soul in the ancient Loulan Kingdom of Sifan, and it is also the kind of stubborn element that can only be hit by iron.

The whole plan still takes a long time, and after the construction of the city, there are still other cooperative companies to move in. Sifan now needs to build the foundation. After the completion of the infrastructure, when the profit is generated, of course, it smells like blood. Shark-like businessmen fill up here. And Si Fan guaranteed the first batch of construction.

The night was already deep. The wind and sand outside swept the sky and turned the desert into a place of death. Without the barriers of high mountains and the entanglement of plants, the yellow sand was like a **** of death that deprived all the life of the desert. It could be in the desert. The most tenacious creatures and plants must survive.

Humans are not tenacious enough, but they have the most advanced equipment. When the night comes, everyone gets into their tents. Only those workers are still working. The attitude of working day and night is that these other ordinary people have You know, because the first step of the entire work plan must be completed as soon as possible, this is the goal they have set first, and they will work hard for this goal.

The Terminators stood on the sand and relied on faint lights to work in the desert. Various materials were quickly assembled after being unloaded from the car, and after the unloading of the driver, they would be replaced and drove back to the city without load. Continue to pull goods in the warehouse.

Each car is equipped with two drivers. It guarantees non-stop for a round trip. When you get here, you unload things and perform basic supplies. After that, you can eat in the cafeteria built by the tent. After uninstalling ~ ~, we left for the city directly.

Wang Ermao was one of the drivers. He was less than 30 years old, but he already had the ability to drive an a2 driver ’s license. When he loaded the car, he could n’t imagine it. The cargo was loaded into the car and pulled into the desert where the birds did not shit.

"Brother Zhao, if the wages given this time were really too high, the other party also provided vehicles, and I would n’t come to this place without killing them at any cost. It ’s too desolate, or it ’s in the desert. I do n’t know which day to lose It's dead. "He chewed the curry chicken nuggets provided in the huge tent and ate the freshly made rice.

Curry chicken nuggets are ready-made products that can be eaten directly after being heated. They are all packed in large cans, and rice is made now, using pure water.

But Wang Ermao's mind was not on it.

That brother Zhao is a man in his forties, and he drove all the year round. When he heard Wang Ermao's words, he gave him a thrill on the spot.

"Stink boy, you still have two people driving for a salary of 40,000 a month. What else do you want? This price is enough for your life. Don't be fooled by your stink boy. You two brothers who have spent two years buying a car by themselves. Wait. After this project is completed, we can do it alone. "Lao Zhao had a happy expression on his face.

After hearing this, Wang Ermao stopped talking nonsense.

He knows very well that this is a large project, and it can last at least a year and a half. He doesn't know how long, but it is also half a million dollars. What's more, they are two people working shifts, and driving normally, they all drive by themselves, it is good to sleep for a few hours a day, all of them are fatigue driving plus overload, which is absolutely not allowed for overload now.

This is luck, chance, they are lucky to come, I don't know how many people envy it.

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