Skynet Architect

Vol 2 Chapter 208: EPA

The things I want are finally here. The light of heaven in people's eyes seems to disappear suddenly, and the buildings that seemed to be seen just now disappear.

Only people were sighing, Zhao Yan beside him looked at Si Fan with a strange look, as if he wanted to know why Si Fan traveled to the United States to see this magnificent scene.

What does this mirage-like scene have to do with Si Fan?

However, he was destined to get no answer. Si Fan stared at the front so stupidly that the building could be seen in the system in front of him.

But now he sees it in the state of the soul.

World Trade Building, near Wall Street, World Financial Center, and even World Trade Center! In this building, they control international trade such as import and export, and are responsible for the development of international trade in the United States. In addition to trading companies, there are also public and private agencies such as transportation companies, communications agencies, banks, insurance companies, customs, etc. Trade and harbor-related activities are concentrated here.

And among the souls, the more than 3,000 souls are working endlessly inside, or they have long been integrated into this building.

In the building, the most attractive are the supporting facilities, such as the World Restaurant, which was the same height as the observation deck, not to mention the 22 top restaurants, cafes and fast food bars in the world.

When the construction of the Oriental Empire Building is completed, the soul of this building can not be more suitable.

At this time, if you look at the remnants of the World Trade Center again, there is no longer the original vicissitudes of life in this place, and there is no feeling of sadness after the disaster, as if those things no longer exist.

"Eh! ~" He sighed inexplicably, he sighed gently for the dust that did not exist on his body, and looked up at the starry sky.

The starry sky here is not brighter than in China.

"Let's go! Let's go back." Si Fan said softly.

Many people have begun to leave when talking, and Zhao Ye is a little lacking. He yawns and looks at Si Fan. He always has something to say, but he still talks.

After tangling for a long time, I finally wanted to speak.

At this critical moment! Suddenly someone spoke behind him.

"Hello, we are epa. I would like to invite you to our department for discussion." The person speaking was a young Sven man. He took out a certificate and opened it to Si Fan.

Zhao Yan behind was not too excited.

On the contrary, Si Fan nodded and shook his head somehow ... Finally, he asked in distress: "What are you guys? Fbi or cia?"

In his impression, only fbi and cia were mentioned the most. Of course, the Chinese people in the United States most often encountered the immigration office, and the nationals most often met the tax office.

This epa Sifan never encountered when dreaming.

The young man across was clearly not angry.

He also knows that no violence department has a good reputation: "We epa is the National Environmental Protection Agency and has nothing to do with those violent agencies. This time Mr. Si Fan was invited because you are the most successful environmental governance businessman in the world. You Skynet's waste treatment plant in Dubai is the most advanced waste treatment plant in the world, and its indexes have reached the optimal state. "

"You should know that the EPA has always been committed to creating a cleaner and healthier environment. Every year, our environmental protection investment in environmental protection exceeds US $ 200 billion. I believe that such a large investment should reflect our United States' environmental governance Investment strength. "He was very confident when he said this sentence.

The amount of this amount can be said to be among the best in the world. If such a huge piece of fat had been swooped on by people already.

But Si Fan's company has been slow to act, and Epa can't sit still.

He looked anxious at Si Fan.

"This time you are invited by our deputy director of the Environmental Protection Agency. After receiving the news of your arrival, he came to visit New York in person, and now he should have arrived at the New York branch! Please be sure to pay a visit." He showed very very Have confidence.

If it was usual, Si Fan had gone long ago, he was originally a soft character but not a hard character, and now people are sincerely inviting, then it is still a bit heart-warming.

After all, the U.S. market is a real super market, and winning one percent is a lot of money.

And companies doing environmental governance have a super-preferential policy that is universal.

That is, the tax revenue in any country is approaching zero!

In the face of this industry, every country is holding on to the palm and serving it.

This is why Sifan wants to open waste treatment plants around the world.

No country will stop a businessman who comes to govern your environment.

Not enough Si Fan now needs to look at the bodyguard captain next to him.

He now monitors himself part-time. If he does something bad, I believe Director Wang has to strip himself alive.

"Captain, would you please show me? Now the deputy director of the Environmental Protection Agency is inviting, this is a big shot." Si Fan turned to the young man and said, "I only have one request, I don't want the media to follow our company too early thing."

He said to the young man opposite.

The young man quickly nodded.

"Of course, we will never reveal too much wind until we decide to cooperate," said the young man.

In just such a short period of time, the captain of the bodyguard also asked for instructions.

"The director agreed to talk with you, but the director asked me to remind you, do not promise on the spot, because you have not promised in the country!" He reminded Si Fan.

On the spot, Si Fan had the urge to scold the street ~ ~ This is a reminder to him. He simply told him not to agree to things arbitrarily. There are hundreds of garbage treatment plants in the country waiting for construction.

That is not a problem that can be solved in one or two years, not to mention the fact that domestic waste is more complex and the processing capacity of the waste treatment plant must be greatly reduced.

There is no way to say this thing, there are all kinds of mess in China.

That said, hundreds of waste treatment plants are the most basic. If you just build a waste treatment plant, then Sifan wouldn't do anything about it for ten or eight years.

If the world ... he didn't dare to think.

But now that I have a chance to have some connection with epa, what about talking about him?

As a kind Chinese, Si Fan feels that it is also beneficial to help Americans do good deeds, not to mention that it is still a matter of making money.

As for returning home, wait for tomorrow. There will be no accidents if you delay one more day. Sifan has one week to wait for the piling project of the Oriental Empire Building to end.

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