Sky Dungeon

Chapter 660: Pimin is just the fish on the display board

It's not that Jing Tian has never been in contact with the Scenery Party. This is the first time that the Scenery Party has been so dedicated. He can't help but think of the scene where everyone was fighting monsters on the 8th floor of the dungeon. That Fengji was not just standing there for a long time. I didn't move at all, but occasionally turned my head to look around. I thought that the female local tyrants were socializing more. They were talking and chatting with people, but they were taking landscape photos!

After the dungeon cleared the customs, everyone even sighed, and they secretly made up their minds: never bring the scenery party to the dungeon again!

Even Liu Yaya was a little jealous, and even sent a message to Jing Tian in a tone of ambiguity and interrogation: "Oh? Are you taking special care of Zhao Jiaxue?"

" did you take care of it?" Jing Tian didn't even react for a while.

"Oh? Knowing that Feng Ji is not easy to serve, and feels sorry for Zhao Jiaxue, so I won't let her do hard work?" The voice was full of envy.

"I just think this book is inseparable from you. Without your strength, how could our team lineup get a copy?" Jing Tian naturally flattered at this time, and the women wanted to coax, even if they didn't. If you think this is true, you will feel more comfortable.

"Huh, next time I will take you to take it yourself, or change me to the end, I am determined not to take it! Also, I am fined you not to be with other women for lunch! Otherwise, you will not want to be with me in the future..."

Liu Yaya put on the appearance of his wife reprimanding her husband, but the last voice became enchanted by all beings, making people dreamlike.

Jing Tian was sweating profusely in his heart: When did I flicker with a woman?

It's really worthless to prevent derailment!

And don’t think about how to be with you in the future?

Me and you don’t want anything to happen, okay?

Don't think it's a great fiancée, I've already run away from home, and I haven't brought out the marriage contract or anything!

Affected by this, the level 32 individual copy results of the four members of Jing Tian's team were all sluggish, and they did not break the previous customs clearance record.

In the end, today’s 32nd dungeon competition ranking champion was somehow taken away by the King of Sword Cavalry. This Yu Yan was in the top position quietly, but Jing Tian had expected such a day. After all, he had already received Yu Yan’s. Zhan Shu said that he was going to defeat him in the 32nd dungeon ranking. In this game, the madman still has to compare everything with Jing Tian, ​​no more.

Fortunately, the system announcement about the Dungeon Competitive Ranking List is published twice a day. Otherwise, as described in some novels, as long as someone breaks the customs clearance record and broadcasts it all over the world, the value of this headline is greatly reduced.

There is no possibility of smashing millions of real coins for a world announcement!

In fact, the game guild was injected capital not because of these system announcements, but because of the profitability of the game itself.

However, although Sky Dungeon can make money by brushing magic cores and brushing materials, the system has begun to force control of market prices. Profits cannot be raised at all. If the guild’s personnel are unstable, it is fundamentally impossible to raise profits. The gain is not worth the loss.

Therefore, some venture capitalists will instead choose some small guilds to inject capital, especially those gold guilds that use magic cores and materials every day, rather than big guilds.

These small guilds have low expenses and do not need much powerful equipment. As long as the efficiency of the magic core and materials can be guaranteed, and the big guild brushes the dungeon competition ranking or something, then the investment is relatively large, and the big guild has many members. There is only a small part of the gold, and it is not easy to sign contracts.

However, don’t think that there is no financial support behind these glorious big guilds, because these big guilds represent their own country and gather elite players from a country. Therefore, all countries secretly inject capital into them, operating the entire national guild, and gradually Towards prosperity and strength.

This is exactly the world war we said before!

what? Does the country support operations?

You know, the profits these countries get from game companies are many times more than the expenses of investment guilds!

After all, running a national guild only needs to nurture a group of management talents and arm a group of elite players. Most players simply don't get any real benefits!

As long as ordinary players are given a concept of fighting for the country, they will fight without hesitation, or even go crazy without hesitation!

Want to raise fish, but are not willing to build fish ponds, and are not willing to feed? Yebi's sublimation can only hehe...Fishmin is just fish on the display board!

The current level 30 dungeon competition list is not only the guild of Riding the Clouds and Falling Snow. The powerful guilds have researched their own professional collocations and customs clearance methods. What is more unexpected is that today’s level 30 dungeon competition ranking champion falls In the hands of the [Magic Lamp Guild] of the ālābó world.

It is said that the rich are lucky, and I don't know if this is a hard proof. After all, they say that the Magic Lantern Guild broke the record for the first time to pass the successfully became a dark horse.

Sure enough, it is a rich guild, what kind of oil? Indian **** oil? You are naughty again, of course oil!

Although gambling is not allowed in the game, Tengyi Company sits as the dealer in the game according to Jing Tian’s creation, predicting which guild team will win the championship of each dungeon on the next day a day in advance. Of course, participating in the prediction is to buy Lottery tickets can be bought twice a day, and the time limit is within 60 minutes after the daily dungeon competition ranking is announced. Each dungeon can only set one prediction result, and each dungeon prediction needs to consume 2 gold coins.

Don't underestimate the price of these 2 gold coins and the lottery in reality, but there is no bonus of tens of millions for winning a prize, only experience points.

Especially for the top ten in each round of all predictions, then the reward experience is definitely comparable to going to the dungeon to spawn monsters for a long time!

Therefore, this has become a no-bonus lottery ticket that most players must buy every day. It's just a small amount. After all, the game can be more valuable only when the game level becomes higher and stronger. So this little trick has brought a little bit to Tengyi. The large amount of income has also increased the promotion of the guilds on the rankings. Players are getting used to seeing whether they have won a lottery when they go online every day. They also pay more attention to the guilds on the rankings, and they are also on the list. The guild made publicity.

After all, most players don't buy lottery tickets out of their will. They choose the top guilds they like based on the current rankings.

There is even a roll point, betting on the guild at the current position of the leaderboard at the number of single digits, and if it is zero, it will be placed in the tenth overall.

These fēngsāo's legendary operations are often hyped by players as betting strategies, and it’s nothing more than being passed on by neurotic madness. The key is that many people have successfully won the title of prediction emperor. It’s really enjoyable and amazing...14

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