Sky Dungeon

Chapter 638: Was healed to death by his own treatment!

Simply put, the tanks of the demons were not killed by Yun Xueyi's attack at all, but were treated to death by their own treatment!

That's right, just after the demon strike, all the treatments are desperately brushing skills, for fear of the terrifying creatures in the sky, using the sky thorns to stab the tanks to death.

However, it is just care that leads to chaos. Those single group healing skills fell on the tanks and bursts of curse damage. I am afraid that no one would have thought that the healing profession would have such a terrible output at this time. At this moment, none of the Demon players understood what was going on. They only thought that the casual blow of the Reaper who appeared out of thin air caused them a special fatal injury...

It's not that they don't know how to check the battle record. The key battle record does not indicate the real source of damage, but simply tells the player that they have been cursed.

When it comes to cursing damage, everyone will think that it was caused by the death blow. How can they think that the source of the damage is their own nanny?

This is also the reason why Jing Tian asked Yun Yiyi to keep his skills. This skill is too suitable for large-scale pvp. No matter it is a low-level or a small-scale battle, it cannot be used at all, and this skill is not used at critical moments. .

If you use it too frequently, someone will discover the secret of the curse!

You must know that although this demon strike skill has a negative state, the player who is hit can't see it at all, which means that the negative icon and any comments of this special curse will not appear in your status bar.

According to Jing Tian's speculation, it may be because this cursed state is not a product of this world at all, and has a natural sense of mystery. The demon strike was originally an attack launched by the demon **** in another world, and the attack effect is not understandable by creatures in this world, so the negative state it produces is also naturally encrypted, so that the player who is hit does not have this cursed state in the status bar. It means that this curse cannot be driven away at all!

This may be complicated to understand. It can be considered that this curse is an invisible curse, a negative state that cannot be driven away. After all, it is incomprehensible to understand it, and it is simply driven away. Isn't there no sense of mystery?

In fact, Yun Yiyi was very curious when he first got this skill, because the description of the skill is actually only one sentence. The Demon Strike we describe is also a vague definition that Yun Yiyi and Jing Tian have explored in practice.

The system's description of the demon strike is actually this: summon the demon **** of another world to unleash a powerful unknown mysterious power!

Jing Tian's first reaction after seeing it was: Have you ever seen such a pitted skill description? Could it be skill copywriting planning to cut corners?

It's really a broken page in the ancient skill book, the skills that I understand are all incomplete!

Of course, this skill didn't come from Jing Tian, ​​otherwise, where would it be used for research and exploration?

At first, when Jing Tian accompanied Yun Yiyi to test his skills, he didn't notice the true purpose of this skill, but through repeated tests, he found that the damage value of the demon strike should be a fixed 10% upper limit of vitality.

Although this skill can indeed be regarded as a powerful, large-scale group damage, and it is a fixed damage that ignores defense and any factors, Jing Tian vaguely feels that the description of the demon strike does not match the effect of the skill.

After asking questions, some people said that this skill may have to be upgraded to maximize its power. For example, the second-tier can achieve a fixed damage of 20% of the blood value.

After a little thought, Jing Tian denied this statement, because this comprehension skill could not be upgraded at all!

However, the author of this statement was the alien Yang Miaomiao. Yang Miaomiao was a little unconvinced by Jing Tian's denial, and directly threw out a **** blessing: "Tian brother, light up a lamp for you so you can see clearly. Realistic meow."

It is precisely such a beacon light, illuminating a whole new world... This time Yun Xueyi’s Demon Strike finally changed. While receiving the first injury, Jing Tian suddenly found himself The character inexplicably receives the cursed damage effect continuously, but the damage value is too unsatisfactory, it can be described as pitiful!

and many more! Why is this value so familiar?

Before Jing Tian thought about this question, the blood return value raised by Scarlet Blessing after 3 seconds gave Jing Tian the answer.

That's it!

Jing Tian came to a bold conclusion, but Qiyun Luoxue at the time did not have a major healing profession like Pastor Shennong. Jing Tian told everyone about his guess and forced Yun Yiyi to temporarily forget this skill, and wait to find it. After a reliable main treatment profession joins the guild, internal tests are conducted.

The effect of this skill is stored as a high-level machine. All knowledge "" must be tight-lipped, and it will definitely become an important secret weapon in the If you change to Yang Miaomiao, you can’t use such a powerful skill. , He will definitely be sick.

However, Yun Yiyi is precisely the kind of woman who can hide things in her heart. Her coldness is deeply rooted! On weekdays, she cherishes her words like gold. If she can say one word less, she must say three words less, and she will not tell others the secrets in her heart. Let her keep a skill and keep it silent and not use it temporarily. This is a trivial matter. It's easy for her.

What does it mean to say one less word and definitely say three less words?

If you think about Yun Yiyi's way of speaking on weekdays, maybe everyone will understand.

It wasn't until Bai didn't understand Hei and He didn't understand Bai joined the guild, Jing Tian quietly arranged for them to participate in the research on the skill of Demon Strike. Of course, this was because Jing Tian couldn't believe in the plastic surgeon. He was afraid that the plastic surgeon would leak the wind, and this skill knew The number of people has been deliberately controlled by Jing Tian to a minimum.

Why don't you trust the plastic surgeon?

Maybe it was because this guy asked if he would be willing to undergo gender-change surgery...In short, the plastic surgeon seemed to be mentally abnormal.

If the plastic surgeon wants to know Jing Tian’s thoughts, he will definitely respond: Are there any people in your guild with normal mentalities?

After testing, the effect of the skill is exactly the same as Jing Tian guessed. This secret weapon was once again solemnly demanded by Jing Tian to be sealed up. Until today’s first battle, Yun Yiyi has experienced a long and lonely growth river. Now everything is worth it. At the critical moment, she helped the guild achieve a decisive success. Fighter!

Jing Tianxin is actually a little bit emotional and envious: people are really more popular than others. When others envy oneself for acquiring the [Yibatian] skill against the sky, I have secretly scolded the system thousands of times, why should I give myself this one? Single output skills? 14

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