Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1717: Plastic surgeon deletes number

Therefore, in the 148th guild competition, the overall performance of the cloud riding guild was sluggish, and it was eliminated directly without entering the top ten.

Of course, there is also a very important reason, that is the lack of team members.

Although there are occasional competitions that do not need to be full, but most of the time full members are necessary, otherwise the total points will inevitably fall behind.

However, even if the number of members is sufficient, the betrayal of Luo Xia, the departure of the five members of the Constellation Party, the farewell of Jin Chengwu, and the disappearance of Ye Lanmeng will all become the lingering haze of the Cloud Riding Guild, and everyone feels unhappy. , The knot cannot be opened, it is bound to be difficult to make achievements in the game.

Maybe time can heal everything, but now obviously time is not enough to heal the wounds of everyone's soul.

For some reason, after Ye Lanmeng's identity was exposed in the game, she never went online again.

It seems that she has been hit by something, or because she faces Jing Tian and Yang Mimi, she may not even want people to reveal her true identity. In short, she has not been online in the past two days.

However, Jing Tian did not take any measures and did not try to contact the other party offline.

Jing Tian had been very sincere before, and he hadn't said anything too much, so he was quite gentle.

It's just that the fake Ye Lanmeng can't accept the change of the role herself. Her luck is a little bit worse. If it weren't for Yang Mimi's reunion with Jing Tian in the game, then the fake Ye Lanmeng might become real and continue to deceive. .

She is still afraid of showing others with her true colors. She is afraid that Jing Tian will know her true identity. Maybe she is afraid that Jing Tian cannot accept who she is.

In short, the fake Ye Lanmeng also has his own knots...

Soon, the Cloud Riding Guild held another online party, this time it was a farewell banquet, a farewell banquet for plastic surgeon Jin Chengwu.

Even if Jin Chengwu said lightly, saying that everyone can fight together in the future, but everyone knows that this is just a refusal.


It doesn't matter if you just play the dungeon and pass a level casually, but it is obviously impossible to bring Jinchengwu with you for the first killing of wasteland, otherwise it will be easy to expose his existence.

As for fighting together, I am afraid that only large-scale team battles can fight side by side when fighting against the invasion of the demons.

But in this case, everyone can hardly communicate their feelings well.

Therefore, the atmosphere of this gathering was not as cheerful as the last time. At first, everyone seemed a little restrained and could not give the feeling of gathering at all.

Seeing the situation, Jing Tian didn't force everyone to smile, but after toasting and sipping, he recalled every bit when he first met Jin Chengwu.

With the memories of the past few years being turned out a little bit, everyone gradually opened up their chatterboxes and narrated their views and feelings about Jin Chengwu over the years while drinking. Everyone finally put down all the grievances and completed Jin Chengwu's farewell banquet perfectly. .

It can be said that Jin Chengwu's departure this time almost embarked on a path of no return, and there will be almost no chance for everyone to play together unscrupulously like the past.

Then, after everyone went offline, Jin Chengwu quietly quit the Qiyunluoxue Guild and changed a new identity to join the Empress's Husband Group.

Soon, the news that the plastic surgeon deleted the account spread like wildfire. This was to avoid the smoke bombs released by Jing Tian to avoid inquiring.

This kind of news reached the ears of the Blue Wolf Soul at the first time, and the Blue Wolf Soul was naturally very proud. He was very satisfied with the move of recruiting Luo Xia, thinking that this was his most correct decision to play the game.

Over the past three years, I have been overwhelmed by the Qiyunluoxue Guild, and now I am so relieved!

Elite Guild?

Really vulnerable!

Jingtian, Jingtian, I let your guild finally fall apart and learn how many elites of you are left. See what other waves you can make?

Do you think it's over? The good show is still to come!

A nightmare will smell like a nightmare, which will wake you completely from the past...

The Soul of the Green Wolf immediately contacted Luo Xia, and directly praised: "Brother Xia, your trick is really amazing. Just moving your mouth will disintegrate the main nanny of the Cloud Riding Guild. I think I will do what you want and start responding to Nangong Ling. Xi’s public opinion war!"

"Okay, I can't wait a long time, Jing Tian, ​​that **** who robbed me of the woman, I want him to understand what the price of a scumbag is, and I want everyone around him to have to leave! And it's better to be ruined. Leave!"

A smug smile hung on the corner of Luo Xia's mouth, as if everything he did was under his control.

Since then, an article introducing the No. 1 profiteer in Sky Dungeon spread wildly on the forum, and the protagonist of the article is undoubtedly Nangong Lingxi.

The content of the article is nothing more than explaining how Nangong Lingxi used the black market to make a lot of money, and how to manipulate the price trend of items on the black market, and obtain a large amount of profit from the difference.

In the article, it is claimed that Nangong Lingxi has already earned a formidable black gold from the black market, and that it is rich in the enemy’s country. The next step will continue to monopolize the important materials in Sky Dungeon and wait for the opportunity to be too high. With a lot of black gold in his hands, this kind of black-hearted businessman should be resisted by players all over the world!

This article very cleverly avoided Nangong Lingxi's guild status, but only fully described how she used the game black market to make money.

However, there are many curious people who immediately sorted out all the information about Nangong Lingxi, and the spearhead of the world players immediately pointed to the Guild of Riding Clouds and Falling Snow.

"No wonder Qiyunluoxue Guild is so rich, it turns out to be a profiteer guild! It's really damning, speculation is ruined, and the world is defiled by them!" [The world's five people are like you again] It seems that the businessmen who hate speculation the most, are the first to fire in the world. .

"Unexpectedly, the game props and items that we bought and sold on the black market were secretly earned by the Cloud Riding Guild!" [A sea last night] I can't stand it anymore, UU reading www. uukánshu. com is filled with indignation.

"It's just a vampire. Is it easy for us to save some black gold? We have to keep pumping our blood and eating our meat. It's too conscience!" [Wuhen's super fan] followed closely.

Not only the game forum, the World Channel also immediately entered the condemnation mode, but some businessmen also stepped up to speak for Nangong Lingxi. After all, if Tengyi Company cracked down on the black gold market, their way to survive would also come to an end.

Besides, why is it called the black market, why is it called black gold, and if there is no price difference, is it still called black?

[Winter Soul] took the lead and World Channel retorted: "The black gold market is a free market originally. Who has stipulated that it cannot be monopolized? Who has stipulated that it cannot be hyped? If you can't do it, just make irresponsible remarks. People despise."

"Yes, in reality, there are no merchants? Buying low and selling high is justified!" [Palana] supported.

"In reality, merchants are allowed, low purchases are allowed, high sales are allowed, and two dishes are allowed to sell three dishes. Does Sky Dungeon have to be directly sold systematically?" ID [Seven Three Zero Seven Xian] moved the reality .

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