Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1695: Is it really worth celebrating?

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Perhaps, she is proud of Jing Tian, ​​and is pleased that he can fulfill his promise and successfully obtain the power of God's transformation.

At the same time, she regretted that she failed to do her part and failed to walk to the top of Sky City with Jing Tian, ​​and she was also inexplicably sad. She always felt that she arrived after achieving the goal of the game. At the end of the train, everyone seems to be leaving.

Everyone once gathered together with the goal of reaching the top of Sky City. Is there any reason for everyone to stay together in the future?

Does Jing Tian really need everyone?

No, Jing Tian will never abandon everyone. Even if the friendship for so many years has not been sublimated, it will never deteriorate!

Yun Yiyi was not spared either. She was also infected by Zhao Jiaxue's crying, and she was inexplicably overflowing with cold tears.

From beginning to end, Yun Yiyi was the girl who stood still in front of the Taishan Mountain. Her calmness was terrifying, but Yun Yiyi was extremely calm. At this moment, her tears were like broken pearls, quietly falling on the bed.

That's right, at this time the three people's ugly attitude naturally didn't want to let others know, so they didn't even say hello, so they went offline.

This abnormal behavior naturally attracted everyone's attention. The fat man knew something in Luo Xia Mingming, so he directly told everyone that Jing Tian might have been asked privately by Zhao Jiaxue and others, and waited a while before going online again.

After that, the fat man retired hastily, and after playing the game, he ran directly to Jingtian's bedroom. He opened the door and saw that he was flushed with the scene he saw!

If he didn't know what happened, he would definitely apologize and close the door.

After all, at this moment, Jing Tian’s left and right shoulders are each leaning on a sobbing beauty, as if he was comforting two love-lost girlfriends and close friends, and as if he was about to leave for a long journey. The whole room was full of sadness and sadness. sad.

Take a closer look at what Jing Tian looks like now with a broken bowel. People who don't know must think that he has some advanced cancer, and he will go to the intensive care unit of the hospital for the rest of his life!

As for this?

What happened?

Luo Xia even suspected that her initial guess was wrong.

"I'm doing it! Frog, what did you do to them? Make them cry like this? You should be responsible for being a man. You have to take responsibility for the things you do yourself. Brother can't help you. Order a box of face towels and use them slowly. If it is not enough, the clothes I have not washed recently are pure cotton, which can barely be used as towels."


Facing the fat man's ridicule, the three of them spoke in unison!

"Fatty man, do you have a conscience? Jing Tian succeeded and gained God's ability to change the world. We are finally back! Don't you have any feelings?"

Are we finally back?

Hearing this, Luo Xia's face no longer had the previous joking, but she became extremely serious.

Yeah, we are finally back!

Sky Dungeon is a game we planned on our own. We reluctantly signed a contract to sell, and completely cut off the relationship with the game. Now we can finally participate in game planning again, not just back, but what is it?

Yes, no wonder everyone does not have the joy of success, but is full of sadness. It is not the present but the past that is sad!

Yes, what are we trying to do in recent years?

Isn't it just trying to go back?

Back to the world of love marriage, back to Sky Dungeon, you can look at the game from another angle, not just a player! Xiaofei ebook

It's really hard work. It was obviously a game planned by everyone, but it was taken away by others. How can you make people happy when you come back in such a humble way? Where can there be any sense of success?

However, we did not bow to the one who took everything from us, and we successfully returned!

Perhaps because of this, we should also be proud.

"I'm doing it! That's right, we are back, we can bring more fun to Sky Dungeon in the future, so that the counterfeit and shoddy Kick Tian Nong Jing is useless!"

Luo Xia gritted her teeth, every word she said became sonorous and powerful.

That's right, kicking Tian Nongjing stole our cheese. We must let him justify his defeat in our hands and let him know who is the main strategy of Sky Dungeon!

Jing Tian's heart suddenly became clear, and he felt that the final battle between himself and Ki Tian Nongjing had begun.

We are just back, back on the battlefield, far from the final goal, the enemy in front of us is still an unshakable mountain.

"Celebrate." Yun Yiyi said coldly.


Want to celebrate?

Is it really worth celebrating?

It was originally your own wallet, and it was lost. Do you really need to celebrate?

No, we must celebrate, of course we must celebrate, why not celebrate what we are striving for? Yes, this is not the time to weep with joy. How can I be considered the champion of the Battle of the Gods, although the result is a bit surprising, I should celebrate it!

This is the result of everyone's joint efforts, not to mention that I now have the ability to change the world and realize my original vision after leaving the company.

Even though this moment came much earlier and simpler than expected, this is not a terminal, but just a stop.

We are going to have a carnival at this stop to boost everyone's morale!

This is also a swearing ceremony. We will formally challenge Kitian Nongjing, sound the horn of a full-scale attack, and fight him!

On the other hand, I take this opportunity to clarify many things, such as who is posing as Ye Lanmeng, what kind of relationship does the real Ye Lanmeng have with Yang Mimi, and whether Yang Mimi is Ye Lanmeng? ?

How is the real Ye Lanmeng now?

Although I have forgotten this matter selectively, how can I forget it forever?

There are certain things that must not be in the clouds, otherwise I will not have a long-term peace of mind!

I thought that one of my heart knots had been completely untied, but I didn't expect it was just a futile effort. On the contrary, my heart knots grew more and they were about to become dead knots.

Hearing the celebration, the fat man is the happiest. After all, when it comes to celebration, in his eyes it is a big fish rewarding everyone.

As a Chinese food, the first thing to prepare to celebrate any day is to eat. Eating is all!

That's right, not just Chinese people, all races in the world are similar, and I am afraid that the first thing to prepare for every festival is to eat.

Moreover, festival foods often have their own themes, such as eating turkey or eating rice dumplings. Depending on the festival, the food will be replaced.

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