Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1687: Please grant me more punishment

"Uh... understand, it is an intelligence officer who is responsible for collecting feedback and suggestions from players. Where the game needs to be improved, how to improve, and report these content to you regularly. Whether it can be modified depends on whether the players' willingness is strong. On the other hand, it must be carefully analyzed and controlled by God, and finally decided whether it will be realized."

Jing Tian was a little impatient at this time. Now that he has gained the ability to transform the world, then his battle of the gods has ended successfully, and it doesn't make any sense to stay here and talk to the puppet God, Odin.

Obviously, this guy represents kicking the patio.

Although this uncrowned king cannot stand above the palace and look down upon the common people, and is admired by all people, he has already obtained what he is pursuing. Why should he be too obsessed with those illusory and ethereal glory, let alone kick the patio well. Interfering behind, deliberately not letting yourself get the honor it deserves?

Besides, Jing Tian hopes that one day, everyone in the Guild of Riding Clouds and Falling Snow will be able to reach the top of Sky City, and receive the attention of all players. The glory of oneself is not so brilliant. Only everyone can enjoy the glory together. It's perfect!

Perhaps, it is not the time yet, when the time comes, we must be convinced that Kicking Tiannongjing will have to give everyone the affirmation and praise they deserve.

In a sense, the current results are very satisfactory for Jing Tian, ​​and they couldn't be more suitable.

In other words, how do you feel that you know your current situation and arrange it specially?

That's right, there are two major system spies around him. The identities of the ugly chick and the beautiful aunt are mysterious, and they definitely have something to do with kicking Tiannongjing.

Wait, will it be two people kicking the patio?

It is the ugly chick and the beautiful aunt?

The two game masters just stare at their daily lives, extracting the information they want from their words and deeds?

Jing Tian shook his head suddenly in his heart, forcibly stifling this absurd idea in the cradle.

After all, Ugly Chicks and Beautiful Aunts always give people an illusion of indifference, and they haven't used their own words very much. Even if they are idioms, they rarely talk about the game setting, and they are not in line with the main policy of the game.

"You can understand it in your own way. You must do it well. If you do it well, there will be no reward. If you do it, you just wait for the emperor's punishment!"

What, there is no reward after finishing it?

That’s right. It’s already a great reward to be able to directly suggest game modifications to Tengyi. Maybe you can fight Kick Tian Nong Jing in planning. What additional rewards do you need?

In other words, Odin's tone is so rigorous that he does not regard God's transformation as a reward, but as punishment or responsibility.

In other words, Tengyi Company does not want me to publicize this matter to avoid unnecessary trouble. If it is said that it is a reward, then it is nothing but punishment and responsibility. If it is publicized, it will cause dissatisfaction. The punishment can be revoked.

If you revoke the reward, it is easy to get sick, but the penalty for revoking is seldom out of the tongue, you really can play word games!

Indeed, if you publish it yourself, maybe someone will come to you every day to talk about your life and ideals, and then propose some changes that are beneficial to your career, or put forward some ideas that will help you make a fortune in the game, then you will be quiet The daily routine will no longer exist!

God's transformation does not exist to satisfy the selfish desires of individual people, nor does it exist to satisfy the interests of certain businessmen. It must not be reduced to a wealthy tool for a small number of groups! 315 Chinese Network

After trying to understand this, Jing Tian tentatively said: "Don't worry, I will get this thing done without knowing it. If I keep this secret, can I ask Odin God for some convenience? After all I spend a lot of money and time collecting information!"

"Glib, why do you consume money? Are you begging to the deity?"

"Of course it will cost money! For example, if I ask someone to talk about life and say my views on love marriage, I can’t even talk about it? Don’t ask the other party to have a meal in some expensive restaurants in the game, it’s better to say something. Drink some famous wines, it's a idiot!"

"Huh? Are you accepting the task?"

Odin didn't seem to expect Jing Tian to accept this happily, but now he looked surprised and surprised.

Just now Odin even thought that Jing Tian was shirking and wanted gold coin rewards. Now it doesn't seem to be the case. This guy seems to be serious, and seems to really intend to accept the thankless arrangement of God's rebirth.

Sure enough, the main strategy of the game is very good at understanding people. At first, I thought such an arrangement was stupid, but I never thought that I was too shallow.

"Well, of course I accept it, but I still have to fight for you, the generous God, at least for some activity funds?"

Jing Tian pretended to be pitiful, as if he was possessed by a member of the beggar gang.

"Hehe, don't look at this emperor like that. This emperor will not give you any rewards. Don’t forget that this is a punishment for you, not a reward. As a sinner, he doesn’t want to atone for his sins, but he still wants labor fees. It’s really shameless. ."

The accident was an accident, but Odin didn't seem to make any concessions because of Jing Tian's rhetoric.

This guy really hates himself!

No, do you want to be like this, do you and I have such a big grudge?

Wait... Is this guy saying that he won't give himself any rewards, is he afraid that his reward will cause any adverse reactions?

A strange arc rose from the corner of Jing Tian's After the next breath, he said lightly: "God Odin, I fully realize my sins. The mission and responsibility of God's transformation is far It is not enough to calm the anger of the world, please grant me more punishment."

Lord Odin’s face has become distorted, and his feelings are really cheeky. After realizing that God’s transformation is a special reward, he shamelessly asks himself for more punishment. This is not the same as saying yes. Is it clear to reward in disguise?

Although I really have rewards in disguise that can be issued here, how can I see that sitting in front of me is unhappy, so why give him?

While God Odin was thinking about this issue, Jing Tian said again: "Great God Odin, if you don’t increase the punishment, I believe that I will always repent of everything I have done, and even find various priests to confess. Yes, it will be troublesome to be listened to by people who shouldn't be heard. Please God, you can punish me enough to make me feel at ease!"

Where did the priest come from?


The threat of being naked!

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