Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1634: Tianhuo Liaoyuan

That's right, it must be in hand-to-hand combat. If the opposite is a plague priest and throw an Ebola over, the slave slave will also shake three times!

   In most cases, players will not choose to fight with the knife slave, which is obviously unwise.

  Although Hounds didn’t want to fight hand-to-hand, he couldn’t get away when he was suppressed in all directions. Fen Shan was only an analgesic, it had a temporary analgesic effect, and it was impossible to remove the root cause...

   Sure enough, not long after, Suzaku completely collapsed with a screaming scream, and his vitality was emptied!

   It's a pity that this is not a boss. If it is a monster boss, maybe there will be a big wave of crafting materials.

   Of course, if the spirit beast summoned by the spirit beast summoner can explode equipment and materials, I am afraid that it will not be the turn of others to make a move. The friends of the spirit beast summoner have swarmed into it, right?

   Obviously, this is a false proposition.

   However, Xie Wendong was already complacent at this time. Although a lot of skills were wasted, after turning into a sword slave, the cooling time of each skill will be greatly reduced. As long as a little time, he will restore his peak combat power.

   When the time comes, facing the end of the crossbow kicking the Tiannongjing, he has great magical powers, and he can't escape from his Wuzhishan.

   However, just as Xie Wendong was looking forward to what happened next, a high-pitched phoenix sound suddenly sounded behind him, like a spring thunder, blowing between the world.

   Not good!

   Xie Wendong immediately had a bad feeling in his heart!

   It's a pity that he can't control the slave slave at all, he can't even turn his head.

   He can only guess what happened behind...

   Possibly, many readers have already had a question in their hearts at this time. If the player turns into a slave slave, wouldn't it be completely out of control?

  If no one kills oneself, wouldn't it be a waste of time to continue this strange state of possession?

   Isn’t that ridiculous and a waste of time?

   Actually, this problem is easy to solve.



  No, no, no, it's still a slave slave who can't be released after going offline and then online.

   After all, in case the player leaves the connection under special circumstances, and finds that the status of the slave slave is gone after going online, it does not meet the original wish!

   Of course, the biggest reason is that kicking the Tiannongjing is a scam!

   He doesn't want players to disarm the slave state casually.

   In fact, in the state of knife slave, the player is not unable to do anything, but still retains a usable skill: [Abandon the knife].

  As the saying goes, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha. As long as the player casts the knife, he can forcibly break the bond with the magic knife at the cost of his life.

   Even in the demonized state, it can be removed by discarding the sword.

   This is a kind of sacrifice.

   However, most players will not use this skill even if they accidentally demonize at the wrong time, as long as they do nothing, wait 30 seconds, and the demonized state will disappear.

   Why do you have to use this suicide method?

   However, knife slaves are different. They must use abandoned knife to commit suicide before they can be taken away by the system **** and regain themselves.

   However, the slave slave was not a fool at this time. He was also attracted by Fengming behind him. Even after a short shot, he finally turned around.

   However, after turning around like this, Xie Wendong's face was completely bad.

   It is not because of anything else, it is because there is a stronger Suzaku in front of me!

   Oh, no, maybe it shouldn’t be Suzaku, this is simply a phoenix born of Nirvana!

   That's right, the Hound is the Phoenix at this time!

   He laughed loudly, but Phoenix could only make a special phoenix sound, which seemed to show his indomitableness and intrepidity.

   It seems that everything has exceeded Xie Wendong's expectations, but everything is under the control of the dog.

   Hounds just casually browsed the skills that can be used at the moment, and immediately became happy!

   No wonder that after the previous combination, the only skills that can be used are poor dodge, acceleration, and flying skills. It turns out that the form just now is just a Suzaku, and the true use of Suzaku is Nirvana into a phoenix!

   Many times, you can't cross yourself without dying once?

   This is definitely a pit set by kicking the patio!

   Knowing this kind of setting a long time ago, I didn't need to run at all!

   It seems that there is no need to escape now, and I am also grateful to the knife slave who killed him once, otherwise I will definitely enter a misunderstanding, and I can't understand the correct usage of the beast.

   More importantly, there is no way to experience the powerful attack power of the beast!

   That's right, the Hounds at this time have already used the skills of the Phoenix: [Sky Fire Liaoyuan]!

   In an instant, the sky burned!

   That's right, the sky really burned, and all the referees and audience players were shocked. The clouds in the sky seemed to have turned into combustible ice, and they burned at the same time!

   Without any warning, such a powerful skill turned out to be instant!

   What is even more shocking is that all the burning clouds have gravity like meteorites, turning into masses of fireballs and falling down from the air at high speed, and the target range of the fall is impressively covered by the knife slaves!

   A single spark can start a prairie fire, let alone such a dense sky fire?

Of course, it is a bit exaggerated to say that it is After all, it will take some time for these attacks to fall. This period of time can be understood as the singing time of magic, but this kind of magic cannot be played. Broken.

   Wait, I am afraid that Tianhuo Liaoyuan is also unavoidable!

   After all, with such a large area, if you want to escape before the attack falls, unless you are summoned by the companion of the spirit beast summoner!

   Apparently Xie Wendong had no such companion at all.

   However, the slave slave is not surprised at all, he has launched an attack desperately!

   That's right, even the sword slave who has just hit Suzaku in a crazy combo still has skills reserved. It can be seen that the number of skills is scary!

   However, this time the slash was obviously not as sharp as the previous blade tornado, and it was not as crazy as the Hundred Sky Slash. It was just a relatively ordinary long-range slash.

Hounds wanted to avoid it, but unfortunately he discovered that the Phoenix and Suzaku are two extremes. The Phoenix only has output skills and does not have some of the dodge and acceleration skills of Suzaku. At this time, he wants to avoid Slash by his own operations. I'm afraid it's some suffering!

   Really, there are disadvantages to a bigger body, and it is not completely dominant!

   While observing the skills, the slash has landed on the Phoenix. There is really too little time for Hounds to understand the skills, and he hasn't even read all the skills. Now the known skills are all output skills, and they can't deploy defense at all.

   Damn it!

   Could it be that the whole eye was so full that he took such a blow?

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