Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1631: Sacrifice yourself?

Players in the world are on the same server, and the game is also popular for 24 hours due to jet lag. It is rare that players are alone in an area, and players will be encountered more or less.

   However, there are very few players who want to use the sword slave to hang up, and more players are interested in the heart genre of the sword demon.

   That’s right, because the sword slave has born a brand new genre: Rou Knife Rou Jian Liu!

That is to add all attributes to the physique, increase your own health, increase your equipment with dual defenses, usually control the field and play soy sauce, if your teammates are killed, they will be directly demonized into sword slaves and sword slaves, starting a killing that does not belong to you .

   This is also a desperate approach, and it is also a way for many civilian players to become stronger.

   In activities similar to the Guild Tournament, players of this genre can be seen appearing.

  Of course, the demonized sword slaves also have attributes, but the most important thing is to have a superb magic sword or magic sword, so that after becoming a sword slave, the burst of damage will be amazing.

   Therefore, ordinary civilian players want to rely on a perverted skill to turn over and become the master, it is still whimsical.

  On the magic knife, this one in Xie Wendong's hand is definitely one of the best. As a sword slave, there is a metallic luster on his body, as if he himself has become a sharp weapon.

   More importantly, at this time, Xie Wendong has completely lost the control of his body, and he will rush to all creatures with the obsession of killing.

   However, in this game, the closest to him is naturally the Hounds!

   The Hounds, who was still triumphant, took a peek at the situation behind him, his face changed drastically!

   Yes, he had already seen Xie Wendong coming galloping, he had no other weapons in his hand, but he gave people an illusion of extreme danger.

   It seems that he has turned into a wild beast, and there is some exaggerated dust behind the running room. Is this a special effect?

   Damn, where is this guy turned into a slave, obviously turned into a racing car, okay?

   If this goes on, I will definitely be caught up!

   In desperation, the hound gritted his teeth and groaned: "Sacrifice!"

   Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that Hounds wants to sacrifice the Crow on Fire, but he wants to sacrifice himself.

  What, sacrifice yourself?

Yes, in terms of the degree of madness, the spirit beast summoner is no less than the sword demon. Don’t think that the sword demon can become a sword slave and sword slave. We spirit beast summoners can also sacrifice themselves. !

   is crazy?

   Which onion is the sword demon?

  Is it crazy like me?

   I don’t even want my life!

  Actually, Hounds is also forced to make this decision. If he is asked to single out the slave, he really has no confidence.

   Therefore, the ultimate means must be used, and Xie Wendong must not be killed by himself. Otherwise, after a great battle, how can one person deal with a powerful enemy alone?

   Maybe a situation that could have been won will become a defeat!

   Next, the referees and the audience saw the fire crow swooping down in the air, and swallowed the hound in one bite!

   What the **** is this?

   sacrifice or living sacrifice?

   directly let the spirit beast swallow itself?

   Although the screen is not bloody, it is too spoof, right?

   Can the spirit beast eat the spirit beast and the summoner can run away?

   What kind of fierce battle will two runaway guys have together?

   Players who have not seen the spirit beast summoner perform a sacrifice will naturally be surprised, but most players have seen this kind of scene, naturally know that the hound is casting a signal: he is going to fight seriously!

   Yes, the sacrifice skill does not mean that the Hounds will be directly judged dead. He was swallowed into the belly of the fire crow, but he was actually in a special state of suspended animation.

  This special suspended animation state is different from what we usually call suspended animation. The biggest difference is that the hound can also activate skills out of suspended animation.

   Is this much more advanced than [Swordsman] becoming a slave?

   no no no no!

   He can only activate the last skill at this time: Spirit Beast Combination.

  Yes, sacrificing yourself and letting the spirit beast swallow itself is just the first step in the integration of the spirit beast and the summoner!

   In other words, sacrifice is a prerequisite skill for spirit beasts.

  The spirit beast summoner must first enter the belly of the spirit beast before he can activate the secret technique and merge.

   However, this combination is irreversible.

  At this time, everyone will naturally feel that Xie Wendong's becoming a knife slave and the acquisition of the hounds are just a bit similar on the surface, on the surface they are abandoning themselves and achieving stronger power.

   However, there is clearly a difference between the two.

   Knife Slave is a walking weapon that has completely lost the possibility of manipulation, and the player has no control at all.

   However, after the spirit beasts are combined, the brand-new spirit beasts produced are controlled by the player, not the system god!

   That is to say, the mutant fire-bath crow that is blasting off at this time is the Hound deity controlling it!

   The hounds, who had been dead on the surface, have now become the real crows.

Of course, players who don’t know the spirit beast summoner can't see the difference between the two at this time. They mistakenly think that the hound is sacrificing self to achieve a spirit beast with autonomous consciousness, but think that Xie Wendong has gained power The power of his body is still under his control.

   The fire-bath crow has undergone an abnormal change at this time. After UU reading merged, all the original black feathers have faded, and replaced by new slender vermilion feathers.

   In a sense, this can no longer be called a crow. To be precise, you can call him: Suzaku!

   That's right, the luck of the dog is really against the sky, and the mutation effect after the combination is theoretically random.

   In other words, it is also risky to combine with spirit beasts, and risk is that you cannot control the direction of mutation.

Although, it will make the spirit beast become stronger, but the degree of strength is random. If you are not lucky, maybe the fire crow will randomly turn into the fire falcon. Although it is a little bit stronger, the difference is not the same. Big.

   It is this kind of random situation that Hounds actually won the SSR trump card of Suzaku, which is really lucky!

   It can be seen that this guy's lucky value today is so good that he is possessed by GM!

   This is why many spirit beast summoners are obsessed with summoning flying spirit beasts. They can indeed fly freely after being combined, and there is no time limit!

   However, after the spirit beasts are combined, the player will not be able to use many systems correctly. Since they have become spirit beasts, they can only do some spirit beasts.

   even said that even the voice system will mutate, and when the player speaks, only some weird beast calls can be heard.

   This is a lot of laughter.

   Didn't it mean to be controlled by the spirit beast summoner deity, but why the system function is lost?

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