Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1117: I don't know if it will be useful to complain 10,000 times

Of course, this period of time was a nightmare for Luo Xia. It was true that she was the first to marry her sister who did not eat mice, and Yang Mimi occasionally coquettishly called her husband during the game, which made Luo Xia feel comfortable. The point of paralysis.

Although, it was the first time that Luo Xia took away the female emperor’s family system in the game that day. Although she suffered malicious language attacks from many female emperor fans, many people even speculated that there was an unclear reality between Luo Jing Xia Shi and the female emperor. Relationship, but Yang Mimi still used the Luoxia level to be the first to meet the family's system requirements to calm the matter.

   However, although there are no insults and doubts, whoever has not spent many quiet days after marriage is willing to be greened?

   Who can stand being green every day?

   And not being greened once a day, but being green four or five times a day!

   There is even a record of nearly two hundred greens throughout the day. This can definitely apply for the Guinness World Records!

   That’s right, the title of Green Hat King has since been buckled by Zhao Jiaxue on Luo Xia’s head, and she has to say her new famous saying "Deserve to be green, be green for a lifetime!"

   It’s not just Zhao Jiaxue. Players in the world should mention the unprecedented Green Hat King. This kind of gossip is definitely very popular with melon players...

   So, the feat of how Natsuki Luojing became the King of the Green Riding Hood and how the empress married hundreds of players has become a tool used by people with ulterior motives to fight against the Guild of Riding Clouds.

   That’s right, the members of the Riding Cloud Association are in chaos, and there are endless remarks about attracting bees and butterflies.

   Fortunately, these people didn't mention the Empress directly, otherwise they would definitely be besieged by the husbands.

   Scolding the Riding Cloud Guild is a matter of the Riding Cloud Guild, but if you scold the female emperor, it is a matter for fans all over the world!

   However, Fat Luo Xia is not so well treated. There are countless people who bluntly say that he is the Green Hat King. Many people laugh at his cowardice, which is simply a shame among men. Unfortunately, no one stood up to speak for Fat Luo Xia.

   Every time, Luo Xia has to turn grief and anger into appetite, why the only way to relieve worries is to overeating, so that his weight has increased significantly.

   He seems to have some fantasy in his heart, as long as he is fat enough in reality, it is impossible for Yang Mimi to cuckold him.

   As the level increases, the experience gained every day and the experience gained from the guild competition account for 100% of the level, and the upgrade is more difficult than before.

   Even those who have the title of Pioneer Sit Well and Watch the Sky are upgraded to level 1 on average every week, which still brings the experience of the first kill of the dungeon.

Everyone in Jingtian was puzzled. No matter how hard they tried to upgrade, the ugly chick and the beautiful aunt could keep up with everyone's level, and they would only take a two-star task independently every day. I don't care about the points contributed by the guild at all.

   As if in their eyes, comprehension skills are nothing more than a piece of white paper at their fingertips. It really makes people wonder how they can maintain their level, but also maintain the superiority of their skills, and the lead of their equipment.

   The indisputable scenery party gameplay, but it has played the top professional player's equipment skill level, I am afraid there is no second explanation except g!

That’s right, of course it’s the scenery gameplay. As long as there is something to do, the two are usually on call, and they will always chat with everyone when there is nothing to do, as if there is no need to clean up monsters or upgrade tasks. There is no difference in the mentality of casual play.

   This is simply showing off your identity in the nude!

   Do you want to be so cozy?

  Aren’t you afraid that our busy group of bees hate you?

   Others are busy, why are you so relaxed?

   Sometimes, Jing Tian and Luo Xia want to write an anonymous letter to report when discussing together, but when they think that the twin sisters may be the inspectors of Tengyi, they just give up...

   I don’t know if it will be useful to complain 10,000 times...

   How could Tengyi Company admit that they are g?

   If you admit that this is not for yourself to find unpleasantness?

   This kind of living bug, let them live on casually...

   On Sunday, September 20, 2020, the 13th guild hegemony ended. The first echelon players from sitting well and watching the sky took the lead to enter the 50 level mark, opening a new chapter in levels.

After reaching level 50, Jing Tian found a very speechless thing, that is, the experience value required to level up was once again greatly increased. The original level of level one a week has been raised by the saliva of world players, and Luo Xia gave it from the system. Based on the experience value required for the upgrade, I am afraid that the first half month is already ideal.

   Obviously, Tengyi Company is deliberately attenuating the player's upgrade speed, so that players pay more attention to the phased equipment replacement and the cultivation of comprehension skills, as well as the upgrading of professional skills.

   After all, there are still many sequelae caused by too fast upgrading. The main problem is that the equipment and characteristic gameplay of each stage may be ignored, and may be overshadowed by the rapid increase in level.

   If you upgrade is too simple, then in the process of fast upgrade you can consider giving up some equipment upgrades first, as long as the upgrade can be guaranteed, which leads to the lack of prosperity of the entire game market.

We have said before that although there are many local tyrants in the game, the local tyrants are not mentally retarded. They are often more savvy than ordinary people. Perhaps at some time they seem to deliberately squander money. In fact, they must have their own purpose, or in exchange for it. The sense of accomplishment and joy you need.

   However, they will not always be regarded as mentally handicapped and have been squandering money for no reason.

   It’s just that, I don’t know, if the world players will abandon the game because the upgrade is too slow.

Obviously not. Due to the continued promotion of the game and the highlights of the game, the number of online players in Sky Dungeon is constantly breaking the highest record. After everyone's level upgrade has slowed down, they will pay more attention to the training of equipment skills and bring their friends and family to play together. game.

  Actually, even if you don’t spend a lot of time on spawning monsters on weekdays, as long as you actively participate in watching the guild power contest on Sunday, everyone’s level will not be too different.

On weekdays, you can focus your energy mainly on the dungeon strategy. Of course, the alliance players in the dungeon are not afraid. The value of the magic core is very high. You can find the hostile to complete the v task.

   Obviously, level 50 has become the watershed of the game. From the beginning, players have been desperately upgrading, gradually shifting to a comprehensive upgrade, and have begun to prepare for the arrival of level 60.

   Sky Dungeon I want to talk about Sky Dungeon with more like-minded people,

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