Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 997 Zhendong Spear God (ninth update)


Fan Shiji was lying on the ground, his nose was black and his eyes were swollen after being kicked. His face was full of pain, one hand was covering his heart, the other was raised feebly, and a weak sound came from his mouth.

"What's wrong with him?" "It's not a heart attack, right?" "No way." "What should I do?"

The gangsters were muttering and didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, a "Gah" sound was heard from Fan Shiji's mouth, and the raised hand fell down. He kicked his legs and rolled his eyes.

"It's not like he's dead." "Go and see." "Go and see." "Don't be really dead." "Who will ask for money when the time comes." The gangsters became nervous.

Although killing an individual is not a big deal, if Fan Shiji dies, who will take the five hundred million dollars?

A gangster came to Fan Shiji, checked his breathing, and then shouted: "Out of breath! He's dead!"

"Huh?" "This?" Everyone was shocked and stamped their feet hatefully.

At this moment, the patrol car's whistle sounded loudly outside, "Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep."

"What's going on?" "Go take a look?" Everyone was shocked again and quickly looked out the window.

I saw patrol cars pouring in one after another. There were patrol cars inside and outside the courtyard, their lights flashing, making the surroundings look like daytime.

Then, the horn sounded, "You are now surrounded by the patrol house. Please raise your hands and come out in order. No resistance. Otherwise, we will shoot!"

"What to do?" "What to do?" "The patrol is coming." "So many patrols." The gangsters were all stupid now.

"You are now surrounded by the patrol house. Please raise your hands and come out in order without resisting. Otherwise, we will shoot! We will give you thirty seconds to think about it, otherwise we will launch an attack!" "You have now We are surrounded by the patrol house. Please raise your hands and come out in order without resisting. Otherwise, we will shoot! We will give you thirty seconds to think about it, otherwise we will launch an attack!"

The speaker repeatedly said this sentence, and the person responsible for counting down was, "Thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven. Seventeen, sixteen."

Following the sound, the police officers came out of the car one after another, all of them loaded with guns and ammunition.

Street fights are not a problem for these gangsters, but they have never seen such a battle. During the day, riot patrol officers were always polite when they came to rescue people, but right now, shots could be fired at any time.

"Let's surrender." "What are you waiting for? Surrender quickly." "Go out and surrender."

The less courageous gangster was so frightened that he hurriedly opened the door, raised his hands and walked out.

"We surrender! Don't shoot!" "Surrender, don't shoot!".

The gangsters surrendered one after another. They were just looking for money and were not terrorists. There were many of them, but they did not dare to compete with the patrolmen at all. The gangsters who came out were handcuffed one by one and put into the patrol car behind.

After a large number of gangsters came out, the leading patrolman shouted: "Go in and search!"

Immediately, a group of police officers armed with guns roared in.

In the big living room, there were no gangsters anymore. Jin Aoxiang, who had lost a finger, and Fan Shiji's thugs, drivers, and nannies all collapsed on the ground. Fan Shiji had already died.

"What do you do?" "Is there anyone upstairs?" The patrolmen shouted directly.

"My wife and daughter are upstairs and haven't come down yet. There must be others upstairs. Go and save them." Jin Aoxiang cried and shouted when he saw the patrolman, as if he were seeing his relatives.

"Go up and search!".

Some patrol officers rushed forward.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!".

The doors of each room were kicked open, and the third young master from Temple Street came up with a group of people. Some have already gone down to surrender, some are frightened, and some are lucky and plan to hide first.

The result was great, everyone was caught.


Suddenly, a gunshot rang out.

Hearing the noise, the patrolman who had not caught the prisoner immediately rushed towards the source of the sound.

This is a bathroom, and a barefoot, fairly well-dressed man is lying on the floor. In his hand, there is a machete. This person is none other than the Third Young Master of Temple Street.

To the side, stood two trembling women. The two women were wearing pants, but they had nothing else but a bra. They are naturally Jin Aoxiang's wife and daughter.

A patrolman stood at the door, gun in hand, a little nervous.

"What's going on?" Several police officers came over and asked.

The patrolman looked at the patrolman with the highest badge, frowned and whispered: "Boss, when I kicked in the door, this kid was holding a knife. I originally shot him in the leg, but who knew, he suddenly slipped and fell. It hit him."

"See if he's dead." said the patrol officer with the highest badge.

"Yes." The patrolman hurried over and took a breath, "I'm out of breath."

The patrolman with the highest badge glared at him, then looked at Lin Meimei and Jin Yucui, "Who are you two?"

"They are bad people, we were arrested." Jin Yucui also burst into tears when she saw the police officers, as if she were seeing her relatives.

"We were kidnapped. He asked us to take off our clothes and give him a massage, and he also touched our mother and daughter," Lin Meimei also cried.

"That's the hostage. Is that knife his?" said the patrol officer with the highest badge.

"It's his, he pulled it out from his waist." Lin Meimei cried.

"This man kidnapped you. After our patrol arrived, he resisted with a knife. He was shot to death by our patrol. I think you two can testify, right?" said the patrol with the highest badge.

"Okay." "I testify that he is a bad person." Lin Meimei and her daughter nodded immediately.

Usually, the first shot of a patrol officer cannot be on the body, unless the opponent is resisting with a knife at close range. To use the words of the previous patrol officer, he was originally meant to hit his legs, but the bathroom was too slippery, and the Third Young Master from Temple Street was still barefoot, so he slipped in a hurry. As a result, the patrolman missed and was hit.

This kind of thing is likely to be punished. As their superiors, they had a good relationship with each other, so they might as well let the victims Lin Meimei and Jin Yucui sit in the Temple Street Third Young Master's office to attack and patrol first.

In the villa, upstairs and downstairs, inside and out, the patrolmen searched it several times to make sure there was no one else, and then they sealed it off and withdrew the troops.

When they arrived at the patrol room, Yang Yong and his gang were so large in number and kidnapped that they were definitely defined as a black society organization. Yang Yong and the others are definitely dissatisfied. They are obviously here to demand payment, so the responsibility lies with us. So don't tell the truth.

Jin Aoxiang had no way to deny it and could only admit that he was sent by Fan Shiji and colluded with the Black Society to violently obstruct the demolition. Because he didn't pay, people came to collect debts. During the debt collection process, Fan Shiji was beaten so hard that he suffered a heart attack and died.

As for why others did not die, but the third young master of Temple Street was shot dead on the spot, there is no reason for this kind of thing. Whether it was a manslaughter or a deliberate shooting, no one can tell clearly. But Lin Meimei and her daughter were wronged by this guy, so they naturally helped to testify. They regarded the policeman who killed the Third Young Master of Temple Street as a god, a tall and powerful gun god. As a result, this patrolman actually got a nickname, called the Zhendong Gunslinger who killed the third young master of Temple Street with one shot.

What's even more unexpected is that Jin Yucui actually fell in love with the gun god and started a crazy pursuit. As a junior high school student, she threatened not to marry anyone who was not a master of guns, which became a legend in the patrol world. Of course, this is something for later, so I won’t mention it for now.

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