Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 993 Cruel Capital Accumulation

"It's just beginning...Old man, what do you say?" Zhang Yu asked.

"The Qi family lost one billion. This matter is not a secret. Do you think the Qi family will let it go?" Pan Chonghai asked.

"This...should not..." Zhang Yu nodded.

"Fan Shiji has been forced to a dead end by you, but he will never give in. He will definitely find another way to find someone to help him. Therefore, you must not give him another chance now. He is a very powerful person and will I lost to you because I didn't know I existed and was careless. There are only two ways to deal with this kind of person, one is to use him for your own use, and the other is to kill him. It's impossible to use him for your own use. The only option is to put him in jail and let him die!" Pan Chonghai said solemnly.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Pan smiled again, "Of course, you don't have to do anything to let him die. As long as he is sent to prison, Jiang Xianzhang will not spare him."

"I understand." Zhang Yu nodded.

"Besides, there is one more thing you need to do as soon as possible." Pan Chonghai said.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Fan Shiji still has a lot of Wudang Group shares in his hands, and these shares have been frozen by the bank. His verbal promises to the outside world are of no use, so you have to get these shares as soon as possible. In this way, you can completely There are no worries," Pan Chonghai said.

"How to get this?" Zhang Yu asked curiously.

"As long as Fan Shiji goes to jail, the bank will take out his shares to settle the account. You go to Wen Qiong for help and express your willingness to bear a debt of 3 billion to get these shares. This price is within the range that the bank can bear. , it can be said that after the judgment was handed down, the bank has already classified this account as a dead debt. Even if Fan Shiji's shares are sold, it will only be a smash in a short period of time and cannot be sold for much money. On the contrary, you are the chairman of Wudang Group, It can effectively control all kinds of good and bad news. If 3 billion takes over these shares, randomly releases some good news, and then buys some stock commentators to help build momentum, it is easy to use the minimum cost to sell 3 billion shares. The debt is paid off." Pan Chonghai said with a smile.

"This is a good idea, but I need your help for this matter." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"I'm going back to Taoist Temple to cook soon. How can I have so much time to help you trade stocks?" Pan Chonghai said.

"Then lend me two of your traders." Zhang Yu said.

"This won't work..." Pan Chonghai shook his head, "You have to cultivate your own power now. Remember one sentence, there is no so-called loyalty in this world, it just depends on whether the bargaining chip for betrayal is enough. There is no need to be stingy with big talents, you are already in time We are vigorously exploring talents from all walks of life. The sea is open to all rivers and has a large capacity... remember what I said..."

"I understand." Zhang Yu nodded solemnly.

Then, a question popped up in his mind and he said, "Old man, I suddenly want to ask you something."

"What's going on?" Pan Chonghai asked.

Zhang Yu asked: "How much hatred do you think Fan Shiji has against Jiang Xianzhang and Xiao Mingshan? He wants to take away their company?"

"I think there should be no hatred." Pan Chonghai said.

"No grudge...impossible." Zhang Yu frowned, "If there is no grudge, how can you stare at others..."

"Flies don't stare at a seamless egg. If it is monolithic, who will care about it. Only those who have the opportunity to attack will selectively attack. Fan Shiji is staring at others, and others may not be staring at Fan Shiji. It is said that he has a deep heart The gangsters are ruthless. In fact, in shopping malls, who is not ruthless? Isn't Jiang Xianzhang ruthless? He is even more ruthless than Fan Shiji. At least Fan Shiji is doing legitimate business, and Jiang Xianzhang is not involved in any business." Pan Chonghai said with a smile.

This is true. Fan Shiji is engaged in real estate and securities investment. Jiang Xianzhang has all sorts of businesses, just like his Emperor Racecourse, which is no different from a casino.

"But you said that this Jixiang Group, after I took over, was basically an empty frame. It was heavily in debt and its fixed assets were all in the bank. Even if Fan Shiji got Xiao Mingshan's Jindu Real Estate, what's the use? There are as many assets as there are. Debt, both of them are engaged in real estate, and Fan Shiji has more projects than Xiao Mingshan. If you eat Xiao Mingshan's company, you will inevitably hurt the enemy by one thousand and lose eight hundred by yourself. It doesn't make much sense." Zhang Yu curiously said said.

"That's because of your participation. Without you, Fan Shiji wouldn't have spent much money to eat up Jindu Real Estate without you knowing." Pan Chonghai said.

"That's right." Zhang Yu nodded.

"Power and capital, once you get involved with these things, are like drugs, which make people unable to give up. It seems that you got Fan Shiji's Jixiang Group, but it seems to be of no use and it has taken on a lot of liabilities, but why don't you think about it, this is a Huge capital. Any capital is often premised on debt. Debt is not important. You just need to make your capital snowball, getting bigger and bigger. Without capital, how can you qualify for debt? Jixiang The group must have reached a bottleneck in its development. Doubling the capital is not impossible, but it will take at least five or six years to achieve it."

Having said this, Pan Chonghai smiled mysteriously and said, "Do you know what capitalists rely on to accumulate wealth?"

"What?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Plunder!" Pan Chonghai said very seriously: "The so-called plunder is nothing more than plunder. Jindu Real Estate is weaker than Jixiang Group, and Tianzi Group is stronger than Jixiang Group. If Fan Shiji can take the opportunity to seize Jindu Real estate, and then you can take over Tianzi Group in one go. If successful, Jixiang Group's assets can be expanded three times. With hundreds of billions of assets, it doesn't matter even if you are heavily in debt. If you want money, banks and the stock market can Get a lot of money. Just like your private placement, if Fan Shiji wins Jindu Real Estate, he can easily double the number of shares issued in the stock market."

Zhang Yu suddenly realized that this is how capitalists’ money often comes. To put it bluntly, it’s robbery.

"It's not just Fan Shiji, but many capitalists are like this. Some use the big to eat the small, and some use the small to eat the big. After swallowing, you will naturally have to bear a lot of debt, but as long as the capital increases, everything else is secondary. To use an analogy Well, let’s just talk about the Qi family. They have relied on various means to swallow up companies one after another and get involved in various fields. The assets of the Qi family can be hundreds of billions, but their liabilities are also about the same. Now the economy The system is not yet mature. Unlike foreign capitalists, who have completed capital accumulation, their liabilities and assets have a certain ratio. However, our businessmen have not yet achieved this step, so most of their assets and liabilities are 1:1. ." Pan Chonghai said calmly.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu completely understood what was going on.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of his Wudang Taoist Temple and what Shangguan Ning said to him, that is, the Zisun Temple.

You, Zhang Yu, have the ability to build a Wudang Taoist temple, but it is not that easy for you to build a second Wudang Taoist temple.

The first is to have land, the second is to have so many Taoist priests, the third is to explain what you mean by building so many Wudang Taoist temples, and the fourth is to waste time. It’s not that a Taoist temple can be built in one day. It took the efforts of many local people and the appearance of miracles to build the Wudang Taoist Temple in Guangming Mountain in such a short period of time. When you want the second one, it's not easy, and the easiest way is of course to grab it. Let other Taoist temples become the descendants of Wudang Taoist temples.

Fan Shiji is like this. It took him many years to build a Jixiang Group. If you want to build a Jixiang Group again, I'm afraid it won't be that easy. How much land will it take to build, how much time, and how much money will it take.

In this case, the easiest way is to rob and eat Jindu Real Estate. Fan Shiji is equivalent to having another Jixiang Group, saving time and effort. If you eat the Tianzi Group again, your assets will double again.

It's just that this kind of business war is often cruel.


It was promised that there would be ten chapters, but there were a few things that were not written well, so I deleted three chapters. I will update five chapters first, and Lao Tie will continue to work hard. If I say ten updates, I will update ten. Lao Tie will definitely get rid of the remaining five chapters today.

Thank you brothers and sisters for your support! !

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