Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 977 Too much investment

Zhang Yu knew in his heart that it was simply impossible to complete the demolition within ten days by normal means.

Bao Jiayin's words that day served as a reminder to Zhang Yu, unless there was force majeure. The house here was originally going to be demolished, but it was destroyed due to force majeure, and no one could say a word.

In fact, Zhang Yu did not want to make the matter a big deal. Even if he had already made a decision, he still hoped that ordinary land households could be moved out through formal channels. But it's no use at all. I have already increased the price by 30%, and few people are leaving. They all hope to make a fortune from the demolished houses in their hands.

Zhang Yu gave them all, so he couldn't afford it.

Now that you've reached this point, don't be polite. You're not polite to me anyway.

At this moment, Zhang Yu was not in a hurry, but just sat quietly on the Diaoyutai, because he knew that there would be light rain tonight. When the time comes to cooperate with your own spells, you will definitely have better results.

Time passed slowly, and the sky gradually became darker.

People in the demolition area are as usual. Apart from buying groceries and talking about demolition, they rarely leave their homes more than 20 meters away.

They are all worried that the Wudang Group will use their magic forces to demolish their houses in one fell swoop.

"Sister Wang, what are you doing?" "I just came back from shopping for groceries." "The people from the relocation office came again today and told us that starting from today, the demolition compensation will return to the original price and there will be no price increase. Have you heard that? "I know this. Those people are stupid. We won't agree to a 30% increase, let alone no price increase now. I'm determined not to move anyway, let's see who can outlast the other!" "We My family is thinking the same thing. If our family is not given five houses and an additional three million, we will definitely not move."

Everyone is of this caliber.

In the dilapidated courtyard where the two tigers fought, there were now three tables, and a group of men who cared about dragons and painted tigers were sitting around eating and drinking.

Their faces glowed red as they drank, and they all looked in high spirits.

At this time, a man raised his glass and said, "Third brother, let me toast you."

"Third brother, I respect you too." "Third brother, I respect you too.".

The third young man from Temple Street raised his wine glass and said with a smile: "Come on, let's do it together."

Hello everyone, let's drink the beer in the cup together. Immediately they took out the beer from the box and filled the glasses one after another.

"Third brother, this business is really good. You can make money just by eating and drinking in one day." A man with a Nezha thorn dragon painted on his body curled his lips and said.

"I didn't expect this. I thought I would have to fight with Da Biao, but the result is great. Since Da Biao took the office, he has become timid and dare not come. It's really boring." The third young master of Temple Street was proud. said.

"Isn't that right? I think Da Biao is bullshit now. From now on, the world of Zhendong will belong to you, Third Brother." "That's right! People like Da Biao are all out of date now, so they are just bullshit!" "Follow me. The third brother is messing around, eating and drinking every day. Even if he can't leave here, I want to find a girl to have a good time." "Why worry, wait for the money to be divided, and then I will feel good. Hahahahaha .”.

Listening to everyone's compliments, the third young master of Temple Street looked even more proud.

Another minion asked: "Third brother, can we just hold on for another six days and we'll be done?"

"That's right!" The third young master of Temple Street nodded, "In six days, we can split the money and leave. So, brothers, keep holding on, and then there will be a lot of girls who will be happy hahahaha."

At the end of the sentence, he couldn't help but grin.

"Third brother, how much can each of us share?" The man who stabbed the dragon just now asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, I won't treat you badly, at least one hundred thousand per person!" said the third young master of Temple Street.

"One hundred thousand." "So much." "Eat and drink every day, and by then you will earn one hundred thousand."

Everyone became excited again, and the third young master of Temple Street looked even more proud. In this business, he is considered to be prosperous, and his younger brothers can all get ten points, let alone his eldest brother. The money distributed to his subordinates was just a fraction, but he himself could get millions.

This is because there was no fight. If there had been a fight, you would have gotten more.

They can allocate these people to each other. There are several groups of gangsters here. From this, it is not difficult to see that Fan Shiji has also spent a lot of money.

"Ring ring ring"

The third young master of Temple Street's cell phone rang suddenly. He took it out, took a look, and quickly went to the house to answer the call.

"Hey, Boss Jin?"

"It's me." Jin Aoxiang's voice sounded on the phone.

"What are your instructions?" Temple Street Third Young Master immediately asked with a smile.

"I don't have any instructions. I just want to ask you, how is the situation over there?" Jin Aoxiang asked.

"Don't worry, with us here in charge, Wudang Group won't dare to resort to tricks. In addition, we have raised the housing prices here, and no one on the land is willing to leave now. Not to mention that the demolition will be completed in ten days. Even if you give them ten months, it will be in vain." The third young master of Temple Street said proudly.

"That's good." Jin Aoxiang said with satisfaction.

"There are only six days left before the ten-day period. From our side," the Third Young Master of Temple Street deliberately did not finish the sentence.

Jin Aoxiang couldn't understand, and immediately said: "The benefits promised to you are not worth a penny."

"Okay, okay, then I'll thank Boss Jin first. If you have such a job in the future, just come to me."

"No problem." Jin Aoxiang said and hung up the phone.

His phone was not held to his ear to answer, but placed on a table with the speakerphone on.

There were two people sitting at this table, one was Fan Shiji and the other was Qi Wuyao.

"Master Qi, you have heard everything, can you be at ease now?" Fan Shiji looked at Qi Wuyao and said with a smile.

Qi Wuyao has invested so much this time, and nothing can happen. In order to reassure him, Fan Shiji asked Jin Aoxiang to call the Third Young Master of Temple Street.

In fact, Qi Wuyao also asked people to inquire about the situation in the demolition area, but he was always a little worried.

Now there was a smile on his face, and he said: "Lao Fan, I am very relieved when you do things. The main reason is that the investment this time is too big and there is no room for mistakes. As long as you get these two pieces of land, I will give you the money you need." Will be there soon."

"Thank you for everything, Mr. Qi." Fan Shiji said with a smile.

"But Lao Fan, is the concentric knot you gave me useful? It's been a few days, and Pan Yun hasn't come to see me. Does it mean it doesn't work or is just trying to fool me?" Qi Wuyao said.

"How is this possible? I think you should go see Pan Yun again. Wasn't the time you spent together last time very short? She has strong willpower and the time of contact again is short, so it doesn't work well." Fan Shiji explained quickly.

"Really?" Qi Wuyao was somewhat unconvinced.

"Of course it's true. Even if I deceive anyone, I wouldn't dare to deceive you, Mr. Qi." Fan Shiji said with assurance.

But he was also wondering, why didn't it work?

Qi Wuyao nodded and said: "That's true. Then I'll go see him tomorrow. If it doesn't work again, you have to give me an explanation."

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