Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 974 Tit for tat

The next morning, Zhang Yu and Bao Jiayin went to Wudang Group together. Bao Jiayin is not only a lawyer at Dongzhen Law Firm, but also now a legal adviser to Wudang Group.

This was a big contract involving one billion yuan, and Bao Jiayin didn't dare to be careless at all. She even called the firm specifically and invited two colleagues who were responsible for economic cases to come over and help, so that there would be no problems.

They met Xiao Mingshan, Mr. Jiang and others at the company, had a brief meeting, and then headed to the Zhendong District Notary Office.

The notary office operates at the window and is quite transparent. However, given their identities, Zhang Yu and Qi Wuyao certainly cannot handle such matters in the lobby. The notary office provided them with a conference room where both parties discussed all the details of the contract.

Not only that, they even invited people from the notary office to go to the demolition site to determine the scope of the demolition area.

According to the contract, if Wudang Group cannot complete the demolition within ten days, it will have to transfer the two pieces of land at the original price. If Wudang Group completes the demolition project within ten days, then as a shareholder of Wudang Group, Qi Wuyao will regard Wudang Group as having great potential and inject one billion yuan free of charge.

Even the one billion yuan in funds has been temporarily frozen by the Joint Tribunal of the Notary Public Office, and will be handed over to the party that wins the contract after the demolition results are determined.

This is the first time for the notary office to handle such notarization. Coupled with another billion in funds, the notary office was also very careful and took care of every aspect.

You know, this notary fee is not a small amount. It was not the usual window fee. Both parties to the notary paid 500,000 yuan each.

It took a full day for the notarization to be completed.

After everyone went back, Zhang Yu immediately held an emergency demolition meeting at the company.

The main point of the meeting is that both the relocation compensation and the area of ​​resettlement houses will be increased by 30% on the original basis, and the contract will be signed within three days. If it is not signed within three days, it will be restored to its original status.

There are quite a few people who have not moved now. An increase of 30% is definitely a big number. Of course, Zhang Yu had one billion to support him, so paying 30% more was nothing.

The number of staff in the relocation office's working group has also increased, but the additions are all women to avoid possible fights.

They are a formal company, and work is inevitably scheduled during the day. It's not early now, so it's impossible to execute it immediately. We can only wait until daytime tomorrow.

And that night, someone had already started working. The people working here are definitely not some unscrupulous group, but the Third Young Master of Temple Street, Yang Yong and other gangsters.

Zhu Shaode, one of the local landowners. My family's house is not big, only about 20 square meters. The current resettlement house is guaranteed to be 50 square meters, and there is no need to pay for the difference in area. Zhang Yu is a loyal boss, and it is ten square meters more than the number stipulated by the office. It is free of charge. If you need to increase the area, you will have to pay more.

Zhu Shaode's family originally planned to move, but because they couldn't rent a house for the time being, they left immediately. Later, I saw that many people had not left and were negotiating terms with the developers. It seemed that they could get more benefits. After some research, Zhu Shaode and his wife were not in a hurry to move. They planned to buy at least a 90-square-meter resettlement house. .

While I was having dinner tonight, there was a knock on the door. Zhu Shaode shouted "Who is it?" and went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, he saw four men standing at the door, which shocked him.

"What are you doing?" Zhu Shaode thought he was from the developer.

The leading man was Yang Yong. He said carelessly: "Are you Zhu Shaode?"

"It's me." Zhu Shaode said carefully.

"I bought your house." Yang Yong said bluntly.

"If you buy this place, it will be demolished immediately. I won't sell it." Zhu Shaode shook his head and said.

"I'll give you 1 million!" Yang Yong said immediately.

"1 million." Zhu Shaode was immediately startled.

"Sell it or not?" Yang Yong said coldly this time.

"Really?" Zhu Shaode asked carefully.

"Of course!" Yang Yong said seriously.

"Then, you can sell it. But when will you pay?" Zhu Shaode was obviously worried.

"Don't leave tomorrow morning. Our people will notify you. Now you are not the only one who has sold the house to me. It is much more cost-effective than the developer's compensation. When the time comes, let's go to the real estate trading hall to settle the bill together." Yang Yong He said carelessly.

"Okay, okay" Zhu Shaode nodded repeatedly.

For the price of one million, you can already buy a nice house in Dongzhen District. My house is small and the compensation money is definitely not enough to buy a house. I have to wait for the relocation house. If the other party gives one million, it would be great to just sell it and then buy a commercial house to live in.

Seeing that he agreed obediently, Yang Yong waved his hand and left immediately with the people to talk to the next family.

These gangsters are all taking action tonight, and of course they won't buy everyone's house. Their target is those small houses, like Zhu Shaode's house, which are only about twenty square feet. Even if they go big, they can only buy a house of more than 30 square meters at most.

The reason is very simple. It is difficult to negotiate for a large house and it will cost a lot of money. The houses of these small households are easy to negotiate, and can be purchased for more than one million yuan, and only two million yuan will be enough to survive.

Although we don't talk about big houses, according to Fan Shiji's idea, the landowners here will definitely feel that their houses are particularly valuable when they see these big gangsters charging high prices for their houses. They will never agree to the ordinary price. I will never leave easily.

That night, the Third Young Master of Temple Street, Yang Yong and others purchased more than fifty houses. In the morning of the next day, they took people to the real estate transaction hall to check out and transfer the property.

Fan Shiji not only bought these dilapidated houses at high prices, but also deliberately spread the news. Even the Wudang Group's deadline to complete the demolition was revealed. And people threatened that no matter how much the asking price was, the developer had to agree. If the developer dared not agree, the land would have to be given up.

Good guy, all the people who had not moved out of the demolished area knew about it, and even those who had already moved out heard about it, and they all felt extremely regretful.

Those who have not moved away are thankful that the opportunity to make money has come. Why should I struggle in this life? I can make a fortune by pointing to this shabby house.

Some families are worried that there are few people in the family and they will be alone, so they find relatives to take charge.

Wu Dahe, one of the local landowners, has a relatively large house, more than fifty square meters. My daughter-in-law and son are both at home, and I even hired relatives at home to help me for a fee.

Seven or eight people were sitting on the kang, eating melon seeds and drinking tea. At this moment, there was a knock on the door, "Dang, Dang, Dang."

Wu Dahe immediately took his son out and opened the door. The people who came were a man and a woman.

"Hello, are you Wu Dahe's family? We are staff from the relocation office."

"I'm Wu Dahe, what can I do?" Wu Dahe said carelessly.

"Our boss has said that the compensation for relocation will be increased now. As long as you sign and move out, our company will increase the original price by 30%." said the female staff member.

"An increase of 30%, how much is that?" Wu Dahe asked with his nostrils pointing to the sky.

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