Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 960 Does he have so much money?

In this steam room, it's already hot. Doing one or two hundred push-ups normally would make you sweat a lot, let alone now.

Zhang Yu's face and body were dripping with sweat. Even the big pair of pants around his waist were soaked now and almost stuck to his body.

Even if Bao Jiayin was lying on the ground, he would still be sweating, and Zhang Yu's body was also soaked. The outline of the body is fully displayed, and it is actually no different from not wearing it.

She yelled for a while, and seemed to realize that it was useless. Zhang Yu was obviously on the same side as Xia Yuechan, so he simply stopped yelling, closed his eyes, and began to make beautiful sounds from time to time.

When Xia Yuechan saw this, she stopped talking so as not to affect the atmosphere here. Soon, she quietly stood up and walked out.

District Office, CEO Wen Qiong’s office.

Wen Qiong, who had had lunch, was now lying on the sofa and taking a nap. This was her daily habit, and at this time, almost no one dared to disturb her.

After sleeping until about one o'clock, Wen Qiong woke up by herself, stood up and moved around, and went to the bathroom.

When she came back, as soon as she sat down behind her desk, there was a knock on the door, "Dang, Dang, Dang."

The time was stuck very well, Wen Qiong said directly: "Please come in."

The door opened and it was the female secretary who came in, "CEO."

"What's the matter?" Wen Qiong said gently.

The female secretary came to Wen Qiong's desk, and Wen Qiong motioned for her to sit down and said.

"Wudang Group has just issued the latest announcement that it will issue an additional 10 billion of group shares. Chairman Zhang Yu subscribes for 5 billion, and the two major shareholders Xiao Mingshan and Jiang Xianzhang each subscribe for 2.5 billion."

"Zhang Yu subscribed for 5 billion from the private placement of 10 billion." Wen Qiong said in confusion: "Does he have that much money?"

"The announcement means that Zhang Yu used the Wudang Taoist Football Team to offset the 5 billion subscription funds." The secretary said truthfully.

"Oh, I remembered." Wen Qiong nodded, and then said: "Do Xiao Mingshan and Jiang Xianzhang recognize the five billion?"

"Since it has been announced, it must be acknowledged," the secretary said.

"It's quite interesting." Wen Qiong smiled slightly and added: "Keep paying attention. I already talked to Liu Guang yesterday. He has no questions about personnel appointments. I will raise it at the office meeting. Do your best."

"Thank you CEO for your cultivation." the secretary said quickly.

She suppressed the excitement in her heart, as if she was afraid of being seen by Wen Qiong.

In fact, with Wen Qiong's eyesight, how could he not see it.

Wen Qiong stood up, and the secretary also stood up hurriedly. Wen Qiong stretched and said, "I didn't sleep well just now. Ask the driver to prepare the car. I'll go home and rest. If you need anything, call me." Telephone."

"Yes." said the secretary.

As the CEO of the district, no one dares to care whether he comes to work or not.

Furthermore, returning to the district office compound will not delay work.

Wen Qiong took the car home, rolled her neck back and forth in the car, and stretched out her hand to pinch herself twice.

At this moment, she couldn't help but think of Zhang Yu, "It would be great if this little brat was here and let him squeeze it for me. But recently, I guess he has been busy enough. I'll wait until he gets over this."

Thinking of Zhang Yu and squeezing her neck again, Wen Qiong remembered another thing, that is, Zhang Yu had sliced ​​her neck that day.

"Little bastard, I almost forgot about this. If I don't treat you well next time, you will be in trouble."

"Ring ring ring"

Wen Qiong's cell phone suddenly rang.

She took it out and saw that it was her daughter calling. She immediately answered the call, "Hello, Xiaoyun?"

"Mom, I can rest tomorrow and I'll sleep over with you tonight."

"Okay, I have nothing to do today, so I will cook in person tonight and cook you two favorite dishes." Wen Qiong has always felt ashamed of her daughter, who did not give her enough care back then.

Now, he should make it up to his daughter.

"It would be great if you cook it yourself. I want to eat braised hairtail, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and fish-flavored shredded pork." Pan Yun said happily.

"Okay." Wen Qiong said kindly.

"Mom, since you cook the food yourself, otherwise" Pan Yun said this and did not continue.

"What else?" Wen Qiong asked kindly.

"How about asking Zhang Yu to try your craft?" Pan Yun said a little embarrassed.

A smile immediately appeared on Wen Qiong's face, and she said softly: "That's okay. You call him and ask him to come to our house for dinner in the evening."

"You can hit me." Pan Yun felt a little embarrassed.

"It was you who suggested inviting him to your house for dinner. What should I say? It's you who should do it."

"I'll fight, I'll fight."

Pan Yun is now in the office of his major crime team.

After hanging up the phone, she found Zhang Yu's phone number. For some reason, she felt a little nervous at this moment. This was a symptom she had never experienced before.

Even she herself didn't know why she was nervous. Wasn't it because she asked Zhang Yu to have a meal at home.

The steam room at Bao Jiayin's home.

She was lying on the ground, and Zhang Yu was still doing push-ups on top. No one was counting now. Zhang Yu didn't even know how many push-ups he had done.

After all, in this case, no one has the intention to count. The sweat on his body dripped out like water.

The scenery here is so beautiful and interesting. Zhang Yu had never seen Bao Jiayin's charming appearance before.

Suddenly, Zhang Yu suddenly discovered that Xia Yuechan was missing. I was too involved just now and didn't notice this.

"What's wrong?" Bao Jiayin asked softly when he saw that he was not moving. .

"It's not that Xiaochan seems to be missing..." Zhang Yu said slowly.

As he spoke, he still looked around, and sure enough, Xia Yuechan was nowhere to be seen.

Bao Jiayin had kept his eyes closed just now, even more so, he didn't pay attention. Now that there was no one there, she immediately realized Xia Yuechan's intention.

Her little heart couldn't help but bump into a deer.

Zhang Yu felt Bao Jiayin's heartbeat quicken and said quickly: "Did she go to the bathroom? I'll get up first..."

As he said that, he was about to stand up, but Bao Jiayin suddenly hugged him tightly, and their hot lips met.

"Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..." At this moment, Zhang Yu's cell phone rang.

Hearing the ringtone of his cell phone, Zhang Yu quickly raised his head and said, "I'll answer the phone..."

"Disappointing..." Bao Jiayin pursed his lips and said angrily, but did not stop Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu stood up and went over, took out his cell phone from his clothes and answered, "Hey, Inspector Pan. Huh."

Zhang Yu did more than five hundred push-ups. Even if you are in good health, your heartbeat will inevitably speed up, your breathing will be uncoordinated, and you will be panting heavily.

Pan Yun immediately sensed something was wrong and said curiously: "Zhang Yu, what are you doing? Why are you still breathing heavily?"

"I'm doing push-ups," Zhang Yu said shamelessly.

However, this is also true. They are indeed doing push-ups, but there is someone underneath.

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