Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 922 Cooperation

Michelo's words just expressed Zhang Yu's feelings. Zhang Yu did not want to fight directly with the opponent, lest others take advantage of his loopholes.

Similarly, Zhang Yu also admired the speaker. It seemed that the other person had guessed that he was nearby.

Zhang Yu laughed and didn't show his head. He just said loudly: "You are right. I really don't want to fight with you, but there is nothing I can do about it. If you guys start shooting when we meet, I can't be a living target!"

His voice was calm, and everyone in the black gloves was shocked, and they were about to go over and fight with Zhang Yu.

With the sound of footsteps, Zhang Yu was ready. If he dared to speak out, he would not be afraid of his opponent coming.

"No! No! No!" Michelo shouted immediately, preventing the gunmen from passing by. When everyone stopped, he continued to shout in jerky Mandarin: "It's true that we shot first, and you fought back normally. Those who die on our side can only admit that we are unlucky. Sir, can we cease the fire temporarily and not let others take advantage of us?"

"No problem." Zhang Yu said directly.

"That's good. We're going to search around here. We won't search where you are." Michelo is quite sensible.

Of course, this also illustrates Zhang Yu's strength. If it's really a desperate fight, no matter who wins or loses. But one thing is certain, regardless of whether the black gloves can kill Zhang Yu, at least half of them must be thrown away.

Zhang Yu also had scruples. He didn't kill the opponent with the thunder in his palm. This Western magician indeed had certain strength. Coupled with so many modern weapons, it is definitely not possible to fight head-on. At most, it is a sneak attack and defeat them one by one.

But there is no point in spending time with them now.

However, Zhang Yu was very curious about the explosion here, so he asked loudly: "This foreign friend, I would like to ask, what is the explosion here? I think you have such heavy firepower!"

"Since you asked, I won't hide it from you." Michelo said bluntly: "The trap was just opened, and we rushed over to check the situation, leaving only six people to guard the equipment here. Now, these six people are all dead. , and one of the cutting machines we brought was taken away. The others were all destroyed."

"You mean, someone knows your details and comes here to steal things?" Zhang Yu became curious now.

"We don't know whether this person knows our details. But one thing is for sure, he has no way to leave here and can only rely on our equipment." Michelo said seriously.

"Then you can't leave now?" Zhang Yu asked with a smile.

"That's the theory... but as long as we find the cutting machine, we can still get out." Michelo said.

"In this case, things will be easier to handle." Zhang Yu said.

"What's so easy to do?" Michelo was puzzled.

"As long as we block the door, he will have no way out and will have to come sooner or later!" Zhang Yu said.

"This is true, but the only question is, who can consume more energy than whom?" Michelo said: "Everyone needs to eat. If you bring more food than us, then we will be dead."

"That makes sense. Do you have any good ideas?" Zhang Yu asked deliberately.

"There is a way, but it requires our cooperation." Michelo said.

"Cooperating with you... seems like seeking skin from a tiger, right?" Zhang Yu sneered.

"This is your Eastern idiom... I probably know the meaning... But you should also know that this is a long-lasting contest. I'm afraid we are not the only ones in this castle. It's like the one we just met That woman, a master like her, I can guarantee that there must still be some." Michelo said.

Zhang Yu also thought that what the other party said was reasonable, and it was indeed true. There must be other masters in this castle. Beautiful women can find this place, and so can Onmyoji from the island nation.

If we follow Michelo's statement, the person who stole the cutting machine is most likely an island native.

These are the people Zhang Yu wants to kill, but Zhang Yu hopes that they will do it first so that he can reap the benefits.

"No matter how many masters there are, no one can hurt me if I come and go like the wind by myself. I can run away whenever I want. But you, please be more careful." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"There are advantages to having fewer people, but there are also advantages to having more people. At least there are so many of us, we can take turns sleeping and resting. But you are alone, do you dare to sleep? This should be a protracted battle, you alone How can a person persist for so long?" Michelo said proudly.

Zhang Yu also thought about this problem, so when he came, he also brought some compressed biscuits.

But no one can stand being without sleep for a long time. Tigers still have time to take a nap. Once they fall asleep, they will be easily plotted.

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Is it possible that by cooperating with you, I can sleep peacefully. In my opinion, the people who want to kill me the most are probably you."

"The same goes for you. But we can't wait forever. In this case, it will be very dangerous. It is easy to be eaten alive by the other party." Michelo said.

"Tell me about your proposal." Zhang Yu said.

"What I mean is that there must be one person between you and me guarding the door, and one person going out to find the cutting machine... Otherwise, we will undoubtedly sit back and wait for death... I can let you choose whether to stay at the door or go looking for the cutting machine... "Michelo said seriously.

"What if I don't choose either?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Then I can only take people to find the cutting machine, because I am the only one who has the strength to deal with you and those people, so I will not leave anyone to guard the door. If you are willing to guard, you can guard there, If you just want to wait for good news, you can hide wherever you want. However, once people run away, you have no choice but to break up." Michelo said.

Zhang Yu knew that the other party had no good intentions. But right now, no one can get out, and they can't fight in advance. It's just a waste.

Holding the door has the advantage of holding the door, but if Zhang Yu is alone, once he encounters a master first, it will be a decisive battle. In comparison, it would be better to let Michelo and others hold the door while they wander around.

Because in this case, if we find the "Tian Yi Mi Tu" first, there will be more people in Michelo's group and their goals will be bigger. It will be easy to eat them bit by bit.

If fighting alone, Zhang Yu is confident that even if the opponent can block a palm strike, he will also have other spells to kill him. If this Michelo had absolute strength, I'm afraid he would have taken action against him long ago.

To take a step back, if I meet someone who has obtained the "Tian Yi Mi Tu", even if he is not my opponent, I can easily escape and find another way. It's better than standing guard at the door.

After making up his mind, Zhang Yu said: "Okay, I'll go find the cutting machine, and you guys will be responsible for guarding the door."

"Help you have everything go smoothly." Michelo said with a smile.

Zhang Yu immediately turned around and left. He would not go to where Michelo and others were, but walked towards the back.

Not long after Zhang Yu left, Louis said in a foreign language: "Mr. Michelo, what do you mean by doing this?"


Today is April 4th, and Lao Tie promises that starting from April 7th, there will be a bloody outbreak. It should last at least two days, and try to break out for three or four days in a row! ! !

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