Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 913 Heaven Bridge

Zhang Yu chased after him from Tietou. He was not walking very fast, and it didn't take long to get here. Obviously, it couldn't have just exploded. Judging from the smoke here, it will definitely not dissipate easily because it is inside the cave, so it has been preserved to this day.

Estimating the time, a day and a half can be said to be enough.

Zhang Yu walked to the entrance of the passage and observed it carefully. There are still areas on top that have not collapsed due to the explosion, and the gaps between them are so tight that it is really difficult to tell that there is a stone gate here.

After a while, Zhang Yu could vaguely give an answer. That was when Hua Yunong escaped earlier, he had left someone behind at the intersection outside, delaying the other party's pursuit.

Later, Hua Yunong escaped here, and the stone door here was probably open. After Hua Yunong entered, he probably found the mechanism and closed it.

This move should be very effective in delaying the opponent's pursuit time. At this moment, Hua Yunong might still be safe.

However, Zhang Yu also gave an assessment of the strength of Black Gloves. This time, Black Gloves was obviously determined to win, not to mention the large number of people. If there were not enough people, it is estimated that the people on Hua Yunong's side would not be able to run away directly. Zhang Yu has also seen how tough Tietou and others are.

There is a Western magician here in Black Gloves, and Zhang Yu has also seen this before. With this blasting method, blasting experts must be brought along.

Zhang Yu knew that once he encountered someone, he had to kill him directly, otherwise, it would not be easy to deal with him.

After confirming this, Zhang Yu crossed the entrance of the cave and walked forward.

There were gentle and downward corridors in front of him. After walking for a while, Zhang Yu smelled the smell of gunpowder smoke again. This time the smoke was thicker than before.

Soon, Zhang Yu came to a stone room again, and through the firelight, he saw the situation in this stone room.

This stone chamber is still very large, with two portals on the left and right. The portal on the right is very clean, but the portal on the left is littered with rocks, which were obviously blown apart.

"There is a road on the right. The door on the left was blown open." Zhang Yu groaned.

He held up the compass and observed.

The compass needle started spinning and then stopped quickly.

This time, the black and red hands point to the left, and the silver hands point to the right.


Seeing this, Zhang Yu could vaguely realize the problem.

When the man in black gloves chased here, he probably didn't notice the portal on the left. He saw that the portal on the right was open, so he chased in directly.

The silver pointer pointed there, and it was obvious that this road was where the exit was. The men in black gloves chased for a while, and probably realized that it was not in the direction of the Paradise Bridge, so they turned back and found the stone gate on the left, and then blew it open.

"So what's the situation in Hua Yunong now?" Zhang Yu guessed.

If only the passage on the right side was open when Hua Yunong came, then she should run away directly along this road. However, given Hua Yunong's previous level of cunning, if he had enough time, he would probably find a mechanism to close the stone gate.

"In this case." Zhang Yu looked at the passage on the left. He was vaguely sure that Hua Yunong should have chosen this path at that time.

As for the people with black gloves, their target is naturally not Hua Yunong, but mainly "Tian Yi Mi Tu".

"Tian Yi Mi Tu" Zhang Yu groaned again. He really couldn't imagine why there were so many people who knew that there was "Tian Yi Mi Tu" in Haimen Mountain.

Group after group of people came in to die. This life was really worthless.

Zhang Yu walked into the passage on the left. This time, the passage was not downward, but rather smooth.

Zhang Yu didn't see anyone, not even a corpse.


Suddenly, Zhang Yu saw a light in front of him. The shine is a bit light and looks softer.

As soon as he saw the light, Zhang Yu immediately stopped and did not dare to move rashly. He listened carefully to the movement in front of him, but there was no sound at all. Since there was light, there was no need to turn on the flashlight. He put the flashlight in his pocket, prepared himself for battle, and then continued forward.

There was no sound in front, but the light was getting brighter and brighter. When he came to the end of the corridor, his eyes suddenly opened up.

The place where he sat in front of him was a semicircular square. The light came from above. When I looked up, I saw that there were many luminous pearls. There were probably more than twenty of them. However, it is too high and cannot be touched at all.

Zhang Yu looked around and immediately saw that there were five caves behind him. Only the caves are different in height. The one Zhang Yu walked was the second one from the right and the road was flat.

If you look carefully, you can easily spot the problem. Of these five caves, two have flat roads and should have been designed earlier. The other three are either tall or short, and they look like they were picked up the day after tomorrow. Because it is not difficult to find that there are a lot of gravels underneath those caves.

"Good guy, did I say it was so difficult to walk in there? It turns out that many people have dug it."

Zhang Yu looked forward. The terrain was very open, and he could not see the end of it at a glance.

"The answer should be right in front of you." Zhang Yu walked forward.

A flat river!

It gives people a bleak and chilling feeling.

After a while, Zhang Yu saw a bridge not far ahead!

Yes, it's a bridge.

To be precise, this is an arch bridge. The shape is beautiful, with rounded curves, the arches are parabolic, the bridge body is made of white marble, and the bridge shape is like a pendant rainbow lying on waves.

In front of the bridge, there is a stone tablet with three characters written on it - Paradise Bridge.

Next to the three words "Heaven Bridge", there are two rows of small characters, which read: I advise you to leave quickly and don't look back when you cross the bridge.

"I advise you to leave quickly and don't look back after crossing the bridge."

Zhang Yu stood in front of the stone tablet and looked at the words on it. He knew that once he crossed the Paradise Bridge, he would not know whether he would live or die.

However, one thing is certain, everyone who came here has gone through a lot of hardships, and it is obviously impossible for them to just turn back.

After a person has put in a lot of hard work, once he sees the light of day, he must go through it even if he knows that there are many dangers.

Zhang Yu was able to get here relatively easily because of his compass. If it were someone else who was bumping into each other, it is hard to say when he would have arrived. He looked at everything around him and could see that there was a small river under the bridge with gurgling water. However, this is not ordinary water, but mercury.

It can be seen that the person who decorated this place put a lot of effort into it. Naturally, when people set up these mechanisms, they don’t expect you to take things away easily.

"Now that I'm here, let me see what monsters and ghosts there are after crossing the Paradise Bridge!"

Zhang Yu made up his mind and walked directly towards the Tiantang Bridge.

When you reach the top of the arch bridge, you can instantly see everything on the opposite side.

On the opposite side, as far as the eye can see, the green grass and blue sky are endless, like a paradise. Anyone who sees this picture will probably be intoxicated by it.

Heaven! It is no exaggeration to say that the scenery here is paradise.


Special thanks to: Dao Mingde, the new guide, Hetianyu, Diaoerlangdang, Xiao Jieyucheng, Wugui Gongzi, helpless and generous rewards, as well as today's more than 100 monthly tickets and more than 400 recommendation tickets.

Today I continue to adjust the time difference, so I can't wait until 12 o'clock in the evening to update, so I have to release it on time. Four chapters are updated today. Let me take a short rest and calm my mind, and then continue to explode! !

Finally, I would like to sincerely thank my brothers and sisters for their support!

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