Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 911 What a coincidence

"The intersection on the left!"

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yu directly played several fire talismans and threw them into the hole on the left.

The cave suddenly became bright, and no more bats or anything else were seen.

Zhang Yu held his breath and quickly rushed into the hole on the left. Because he had learned from the past, he walked forward much slower. He also made up his mind that if he encountered this big red bat again, he would not use fire.

After walking forward for a while, Zhang Yu felt something was wrong. This feeling came from under his feet.

It wasn't that there was something wrong with the sound of his feet landing, but that he unexpectedly discovered that the way forward seemed to be downhill. The slope is very gentle. Walking this distance is equivalent to walking down a flight of steps.

"The way down." Zhang Yu felt happy and even more convinced that this road was probably leading to the Heaven Bridge.

Zhang Yu continued to move forward along the road. After walking for a while, another double-fork intersection appeared in front of him. The entrance was dark. He casually played two fire talismans and illuminated them separately to prevent anything from flying out.

There was silence in the cave, and he followed to check the compass. The red pointer points to the hole on the left in front, the black pointer points to the right, and the white pointer points behind you. Zhang Yu immediately walked to the left. Not long after entering the cave entrance, Zhang Yu could feel that the road was still going downwards, but this road was really long enough.

Not only that, Zhang Yu could also feel that this road was particularly left-leaning and curved.

As he walked, Zhang Yu suddenly saw a light in front of him and could smell the smell of blood.

"What else is there?" Zhang Yu immediately became cautious and listened carefully.

He heard no sound, and there was a deathly silence ahead.

Although there is light ahead, it is difficult to see clearly what is there due to the distance. Zhang Yu turned off his flashlight, made all preparations, and walked forward slowly.

As the light in front of him got closer and closer, he finally saw that it should be a stone room, and there were several corpses lying there.

That's right, it's a corpse, not a skeleton!

Since it is a corpse, it means that these people died not long ago, most likely within a few days, and they may even be the people who put down the rope.

"How did they die?" Zhang Yu continued to move forward, and when he was about to walk out of the corridor, his steps became even slower.

No sound!

All dead.

Zhang Yu stood at the entrance of the cave, scanning everything inside. Dead bodies were everywhere. There were more than forty people dead, including foreigners and Chinese. If so many people hadn't died, the smell of blood wouldn't be so strong.

In addition to the smell of blood, there is also the smell of gunpowder smoke. It is not difficult to see that this place has undergone a modernization battle before. Zhang Yu quickly saw that they should be two groups of people. Although both sides were wearing black clothes, the styles were obviously different.

One side is relatively loose and the other side is tight. Especially those dead foreigners, the clothes are loose. However, almost all of them were wearing body armor.

Because of this, it was particularly tragic. Some were killed by headshots, and some were stabbed to death with random knives. Some were shot in the legs and stabbed in the neck.

"Who are these people?" Zhang Yu muttered and walked in.

"Uh" At this moment, he suddenly heard a very low voice.

"Is there anyone alive?" Zhang Yu immediately followed the voice and looked over.

Then, he actually saw a familiar figure.

"Iron head."

Zhang Yu couldn't help shouting, and rushed to Tietou's side to check the situation.

Tietou was Hua Yunong's thug, and the two of them had fought side by side more than once. Zhang Yu really never expected that he would meet this man here.

During this encounter, Zhang Yu felt a bit like "meeting an old friend in a foreign land", but more importantly, there was an ominous premonition.


Tietou seemed to hear his voice and opened his eyes feebly. He wanted to say something to him, but it was already difficult to make a sound.

"Stop talking!" Zhang Yu said immediately.

He could tell that Tietou's bulletproof vest had been hit by several bullets, but this seemed to be nothing. But there were four obvious wounds on his body, among which the one on his right rib was the most fatal. Most of his body is stained red with blood. The fact that he can persist until now shows that he is in good physical condition.

Although bullet-proof vests can protect against bullets, they cannot protect against knives. After all, the principles of bullet-proof and knife-proof are different. It is not difficult to see how sharp the knife is when stabbing Tietou.

Zhang Yu grabbed his pulse and originally planned to save Tietou, but found that his pulse was extremely weak and he had lost too much blood. It was too late to give him a blood transfusion immediately to save him.

Judging from the way the blood has coagulated, it's a miracle that he's alive to this day.

Zhang Yu immediately took off Tietou's body armor and the clothes inside. The blood coagulated with the wound, and Tietou groaned in pain and almost lost his breath. Zhang Yu took out the silver needle and stabbed Tietou several times near his heart.

Not to mention, this trick really worked, barely giving Tietou some energy in his heart.

"Save Miss" At this time, a feeble voice came from Tietou's mouth.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu instantly realized that Hua Yunong seemed to have really arrived, and something had happened. He immediately asked: "Is it Hua Yunong?"

"Yes." Tietou said weakly again.

"Where is she?" Zhang Yu asked quickly.

Because he knew that Tietou wouldn't be able to hold on for long, and even though Zhang Yu had excellent medical skills, he couldn't cure all diseases. Tietou suffered from trauma and lost too much blood. If it had been anyone else, he would have died long ago.

"Over there." Tietou slowly raised his hand and pointed to a hole on the opposite side.

Zhang Yu quickly looked back and discovered that there were three cave entrances on the side he came from. The path I took should be on the right side, and the one I pointed at was the one in the middle.

There was still a little light in the cave, probably from a flashlight, and it could be seen that someone had died there.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Haha." Tietou just smiled and asked feebly, "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to find "Tian Yi Mi Tu"!" Zhang Yu told the truth, because there was no need for him to lie to a dying man.

"It turns out that you are too," Tietou said weakly.

"Then it's the same for you. It's a blocked area outside. How did you get in?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"We have actually been staring at this place for a long time. Later, we saw that the blockade here was lifted, and it seemed that some islanders came in. We were worried that their things would be taken by them, so we followed them in quickly." Tietou said intermittently.

"Then who are the people who are attacking you? They all look like foreigners and don't look like islanders?" Zhang Yu asked in confusion.

"They should be people with black gloves. Unexpectedly, these people are also staring at this place. It's so big. I don't know where they ran in from." Tietou said slowly.

"Why did you still meet here?" Zhang Yu asked.

"We came in through that cave entrance." Tietou looked at the leftmost cave entrance on the opposite side, and then said weakly: "We were walking towards the cave entrance here. We didn't want them to come out of here, and they happened to bump into each other. Take action"

"What a coincidence." Zhang Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

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