Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 905 Start your performance (ten updates please vote)

A few days later, the day for graduate assignment arrived.

A group of Taoist sects from the Taoist Association came to the courtyard where the temple management major of Zhenhai University is located as scheduled.

The distribution in the past has never been so grand. This time, not only the major abbots and abbots of the Taoist Association came, but Director Qin of the Zhenhai Religious Administration also attended in person. The scene was unprecedented.

A podium was set up in the courtyard, and three presidents, Yuan Zhenren, Lu Zhenren, and Zhang Yu, as well as Director Qin and a group of directors came on stage.

The accompanying disciples from various factions stood around the rostrum, and the graduates of this year's palace management major stood under the rostrum. In addition, there are students from lower grades watching from behind.

Many students are envious. In the past, the number of people recruited by Baimei Palace was limited. Fortunately, this time, they can even expand the number of students. I don’t know if we can catch up with this kind of good thing next year.

"This year's distribution is really grand. It's much bigger than before." "Isn't it? Even Zhenren Yuan and Zhenren Lu are here." "Also, those who graduated this year are really lucky. Can Baimei Palace recruit people?" There are already 200 people, but there have never been so many people in any year?" "Isn't it? In previous years, the number of places was limited, and I heard that we had to compete for the top spots. The White Eyebrow Palace only needs the fifty people with the best grades. This year, we don't care about the results."... …

Some of the people sitting on the podium were chatting and laughing, while some were frowning.

But there are probably only two people who can really laugh, and that is Zhenren Yuan and Zhenren Lu. Everyone else was probably forcing a smile.

Many people overestimated the capabilities of their Taoist temples, and previously thought that they would recruit more disciples than were allocated. Now they finally know the weight of their own family, which is incomparable to a behemoth like Baimei Palace.

Yuan Zhenren had a smile on her face. She looked at Zhenren Lu and Zhang Yu who were sitting on the left and right sides, and then said: "In our White Eyebrow Palace, fifty people came to visit us before. This time, there are another hundred people registering. This year’s graduates are almost half here. What about you?”

"Our Yangchun Temple is still not as good as your Baimei Palace. There are only eighty people registered. When each faction makes their final publicity later, it seems we have to work harder." Zhenren Lu also had a smile on his face.

Then, he also deliberately looked at Zhang Yu and said, "President Zhang, how about you not being a Taoist temple?"

Zhang Yu shook his head and smiled, and said: "Not a single one has registered. It seems that we can only wait until the final publicity to work harder."

"It's not that bad, how could there be no one... Sigh..." Lu Zhenren sighed deliberately and shook his head, but then said: "But it's okay. I'll wait for President Zhang to give it a good publicity, no matter what. There must be a few..."

On the surface, he said this to comfort Zhang Yu, but all fools knew that he was deliberately mocking him.

At this moment, Master Yuan said with great sincerity: "With Zhang Yu's cultivation, there won't be anyone left. I believe that after a while, when my nephew shows off his Taoism, there will still be people who are willing to worship at the Wudang Taoist Temple. It's just that. However... the growth of the Taoist sect requires accumulation over time and cannot be achieved overnight... Martial Nephew..."

At the end, she seemed to want to say something more, but because Lu Zhenren was nearby, she didn't say it.

But Zhang Yu could also tell that Master Yuan probably wanted him to reconsider what he said last time.

It's just that Zhang Yu is responsible now and cannot agree to Yuan Zhenren. Without his master's instructions, Zhang Yu would be more inclined to be an idle worker.

Zhang Yu laughed and said, "Perhaps a few will come to my Wudang Taoist Temple later, but I guess there won't be many."

Everyone knows that although the registration in the past few days is not the final result, it is almost the same. Now that you have chosen, you will never regret it easily. Moreover, there are Taoist temples like Baimei Palace and Yangchun Temple, which are usually crowded. How could I choose another place if I have such an opportunity?

Even though Zhang Yu showed extremely strong magic power last time, places like Baimei Palace produce a lot of masters. From the outside world, Zhang Yu is a recent disciple of Jia Zhenren of Baimei Palace. If he can teach Zhang Yu, Of course, you can also teach others.

As for the final publicity, the effect it can have is minimal.

Everyone sitting on the stage also knows this, but there is no way. It has reached this point. If it is not publicized, I am afraid that there will be no people to worship the door wall. Not to mention small Taoist temples, Taoist temples such as Mingxian Palace and Lu Zuge now regret it. They should not rely on the students' volition, and it is better to distribute them as before.

There was a brief discussion on the stage, and then we started taking turns to promote the Taoist temples according to the Taoist Association’s Taoist temple registration book. Because there are too many Taoist temples, time is limited. Five minutes are given for each Taoist temple.

According to the order, the first one is of course the White Eyebrow Palace. Master Yuan stood up first and said gently: "Our White Eyebrow Palace has nothing to introduce. Everyone in Zhenhai knows about it. Welcome to the White Eyebrow Palace!"

Very simple and very confident.

Her words didn't even take a minute, but the applause from the audience was overwhelming and lasted longer than the time she spoke.

Next was Master Lu. Master Lu didn’t want to be compared with Master Yuan, so he just said one sentence, and then let the others speak.

Facts have proven that the bigger the temple, the less words are spoken, and the smaller the temple, the more words are spoken. There are even those who show off big photos and various certificates of honor.

Things like Mingxian Palace are simply talking about the history of Taoism. This is quite reliable, and the small Taoist temples at the back basically become prospect meetings. Their speech made countless people present shake their heads, and even the students could no longer listen. As for applause, it was sparse.

In the eyes of everyone, this is simply a waste of time.

Finally, near noon, it was Zhang Yu’s turn to visit Wudang Taoist Temple.

"Now I would like to invite the Vice President of the Taoist Association and the Abbot of Wudang Taoist Temple, Taoist Zhang, to speak!"

Not to mention, Zhang Yu held a high status in the students' minds. Before he could speak, there was a burst of fierce applause from the audience.

"Pah-pah-pah-pah..." "Pap-pah-pah-pah..." "Pap-pah-pah-pah..."...

The applause was fierce, but because the first choices were Baimei Palace and Yangchun Temple, the students were just envious of Zhang Yu's strength and had no intention of joining Wudang Taoist Temple.

Zhang Yu stood up, smiled and said, "I won't speak personally, let my apprentice do the talking."

After saying that, he sat down.

This is not unusual. Some elderly people have also asked disciples to promote them on their behalf.

But after Zhang Yu sat down, something unexpected happened.

I saw Zhang Qingfeng and Li Mingyue carrying a sack to the rostrum, and they poured out the contents of the sack, which was a pair of firewood.

"What are you doing?" "I don't know?" "Want to keep warm?"...

The students standing below became puzzled one by one and began to discuss quietly.

Li Mingyue and others pushed him aside, leaving Zhang Qingfeng alone there. Zhang Qingfeng took a few steps back, then faced the students and said with a smile: "We are all acquaintances. I don't need to introduce myself. I know them all. Now I want to give everyone a little show and let everyone see. , something I learned at Wudang Taoist Temple during this period."

At this point, the guy wanted to take a red gourd from his waist. He pulled out the mouth of the gourd, then pointed the gourd at the pile of firewood, stretched out his hand and patted the bottom of the gourd three times.

"Pop!" "Pap!" "Pap!"

Immediately afterwards, three small fireballs were shot out from the gourd's mouth, hitting the pile of firewood directly.


The firewood immediately ignited, setting off a ball of flame.

"This..." "Magical weapon!" "Yes, this is a magical weapon!" "Zhang Qingfeng can use the magical weapon so quickly!" "Real or fake?" "He has only been to Wudang Taoist Temple for a few days. That’s what it takes!”…

In an instant, the surrounding area was boiling with excitement, and the students all burst out in surprise. It’s unimaginable. I was a classmate just a few days ago, and I have only been apprenticed for a few days. I must have learned my skills too quickly.

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