Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 892 What is most important

"Uncle Taishi, why are you laughing?" Zhang Yu asked in confusion.

"Sect Master, have you ever thought about a question?" Sun Zhaoyi asked.

"What's the problem?" Zhang Yu asked.

"There are more than one and a half people who want to know about the "Tianyi Mysterious Picture" hidden in Haimen Mountain. Isn't it a problem that they haven't been able to take it away after so many years?" Sun Zhaoyi laughed.

"I understand." Zhang Yu immediately understood, "That is to say, even if someone knows this place, they may not be able to find it, and even if they find it, they may not have the strength to take the things away!"

"That's right!" Sun Zhaoyi nodded solemnly, "Silver Corpse's strength should be about the same as yours, but if you are well prepared, you can not only fight her, but you can even kill her. As the saying goes, know yourself and your enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles. If you want this kind of treasure, If you get it, three points will depend on ability, and seven points will depend on chance. Any treasure can only be obtained by those who are destined, and those who are not destined can only miss it, and even risk their lives for it."

"I understand." Zhang Yu nodded.

"Sect Master, what I actually want to tell you is," Sun Zhaoyi's voice suddenly became kind, "your life is more precious than theirs, whether it is "Tian Yi Mi Tu" or other treasures, It's good to get it. If you don't have a chance, don't risk your life. It's not easy for our Wudang Sect to be where we are today. At any time, the sect leader must put life as the most important thing!"

"Yes, Grand Master Uncle" Zhang Yu did not expect that Sun Zhaoyi would say such words.

This kind voice is so beautiful and makes people feel warm in their hearts. In fact, nothing can be more important than your own life.

Although I am curious, I really want to go down into the cave to see what is underneath and what the so-called gods and ghosts behind the Paradise Bridge look like.

But Sun Zhaoyi's words made him calm down completely. But no matter what you do, you must know yourself and your enemy, so that you can be 100% sure.

In the mine, there are now onmyoji from the island country, and there seems to be a great onmyoji. Although Hatano Baiyi said that his strength is lower than Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu understands that his words are not accurate. The methods of these onmyoji were strange, just like the Yaksha and Riyue Xing they met that night. If it weren't for the camphor tree nearby, Zhang Yu would have been caught off guard and unable to parry in the sudden fight.

For the same cultivators, the cultivation of magic power is one thing, and the other party's magic skills must also be looked at. Once caught, the consequences are serious.

In addition, that beautiful woman's defense is too high, which is really annoying. From Zhang Yu's point of view, he didn't have to rush to go immediately. It would be better to let both sides suffer losses so that he could get a ready advantage. In addition to these two families, there is also a guy who can kill a python with one knife. This person cannot be underestimated.

Sun Zhaoyi said nothing, as if he sensed that Zhang Yu was planning something.

After waiting for a while, Sun Zhaoyi said: "Sect Master, I have a small suggestion now."

"Uncle Grand Master, please speak." Zhang Yu said quickly.

"I heard from Wang Jie that the Taoist temple on Guangming Mountain will be completed soon. This is really unexpected, and it also shows that your efforts have not been in vain. Once moved, the new Taoist temple will definitely not have enough manpower, so I think the sect leader should consider Let’s talk about what’s going on over there.” Sun Zhaoyi said.

"I know this situation now. It's just that the Taoist temple can't recruit disciples at will, and it's impossible for the school to give all the students to me. The only way is to recruit some temporary workers first to help with cleaning and doing A knowledgeable guest or something like that." Zhang Yu said.

"Normally speaking, this is the only way. However, people always come up with solutions. I think you might as well find someone to discuss. Maybe this person can have a better solution." Sun Zhaoyi said.

"Who?" Zhang Yu couldn't help but wonder, who else could discuss this matter.

"Pan Chonghai!" Sun Zhaoyi said seriously.

When "he" mentioned Pan Chonghai, Zhang Yu was still a little puzzled. This old guy didn't come to visit his son after helping him last time. What did he mean?

Zhang Yu now really thinks about what this old guy has planned.

"That's right." Sun Zhaoyi nodded and said calmly: "Although I can't see him and don't know what he looks like, I can be sure that this person is not just an ordinary person. He has a high IQ and a very long-term vision. Every word he says sometimes contains insights. So, you might as well discuss it with him."

"No problem. To be honest, I really want to meet him now." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Besides this matter, I think it's time for your apprentice to pack things up," Sun Zhaoyi said again.

"Packaging?" Zhang Yu said doubtfully.

"They can be regarded as a coincidence. When you received the power of faith granted by Tao Ancestor, they also got an improvement. This is their blessing, and it is also the blessing of our Wudang Taoist Temple. There are many things that you cannot personally experience, or do We need them. They started late, and it is not easy to reach your original state all at once. Therefore, the best way is to give them some magic weapons, and you can also train yourself by the way." Sun Zhaoyi said.

"Refining magic weapons." Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but be eager to give it a try.

I have been able to refine talismans. If I can refine some magic weapons, it will also be a sublimation for my cultivation.

There are a lot of lightning-chopped logs at home, just lying there, so why not put them to good use?

"Uncle Taishi is right. I will start refining some magic weapons in the next two days and restore my skills at the same time." Zhang Yu nodded.

Going to the mine this time will also consume a lot of money. The used talisman papers need to be replenished, and some blue talisman papers and bright yellow talisman papers must be drawn to avoid being used to ward off enemies.

All these require time to prepare. If things are taken away over time, you can only say that you are not destined. It is not worth it if you are not fully prepared and lose your life.

After chatting with Sun Zhaoyi for a few more words, Zhang Yu took his leave.

After walking out of the backyard and coming to the front, the disciples were all practicing. Those who are studying medicine are reading medical books, those who are studying formations are doing Feng Shui, and some are drawing talisman paper.

Seeing how diligent they were, Zhang Yu was also happy in his heart. His master taught him a lesson. After using it for so many years, he was so good at it. He collected more than thirty of them in one go. If they all become successful, it would be considered an achievement for him. .

All the disciples saw him now and greeted him one after another, "Master." "Master."

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said, "I have some good news for you today!"

"Good news!" "What good news?" "Master, what good news is there?" When everyone heard the good news, they became even more energetic.

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "For your hard work, I plan to give each of you a little magic weapon!"

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