Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 883 I’m scared (ten updates please vote)

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I don't know what's going on. I'm always scared, especially after the dream I had just now. My mind is full of those things. Otherwise, let's go down together," Pan Yun said with some regret.

I don't know what happened, but Pan Yundu suddenly found that his courage seemed to have weakened. I don’t know how many murder scenes I have seen before, and seeing dead bodies has become a common occurrence. This time was so good, it really made her feel frightened, as if only being by Zhang Yu's side could make her feel more at ease.

"That's fine, the food is ready, take the medicine, and then eat some food." Zhang Yu said.

"Yeah." Pan Yun nodded and got out of bed.

The two of them left the room and went downstairs. Zhang Yu first gave her the medicine bowl and asked her to take the medicine. Like Zhang Yu, the blackness on Pan Yun's face quickly faded and gradually became rosy.

"How do you feel?" Zhang Yu looked at her gently.

"Of course your medicine worked." Pan Yun smiled immediately, and then looked at Zhang Yu tenderly.

Although Zhang Yu had taken medicine, he had gone through several battles last night, and even if he had a near miss, the consumption was not small. In addition, I haven't slept for such a long time, so my face naturally doesn't look good.

Pan Yun also said softly: "Are you sleepy?"

"There are some. I'm going to say goodbye to you and go home." Zhang Yu said.

"Farewell." Upon hearing this, Pan Yun's face immediately showed reluctance and nervousness.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yu asked in a low voice.

"I" am still downstairs now. It's okay to say some things to Zhang Yu alone, but if others hear her, she would rather die. Pan Yun hesitated for a moment and said, "Let's eat first."

The two of them entered the restaurant together. The nanny had prepared all the food. Zhang Yu was not full just now, so he made up for another bowl of rice.

Both of them eat at a very fast pace, so at this point, they are quite in tune. While eating, Pan Yun suddenly discovered a problem. Why hadn't he seen his mother?

Zhang Yu told the truth, and she was relieved when she learned that her mother had left with the file.

After finishing their meal, Pan Yun invited Zhang Yu to go upstairs and enter her room.

Zhang Yu saw that she was suddenly nervous, and he was a little confused. Is this a female man he knew?

After Pan Yun closed the bedroom door, he looked at Zhang Yu and said a little awkwardly: "Can you not leave at night?"

For her to say such a thing would be a shameless act.

"Don't leave. Why?" Zhang Yu was puzzled.

"I'm afraid." Pan Yun lowered his head and said.

"Did I hear it right?" Zhang Yu was surprised.

Pan Yun pursed his lips and looked embarrassed again, "I don't know what's wrong. I'm just scared now. I'm always worried that a corpse will suddenly appear."

Seeing her appearance, Zhang Yu finally understood that even a female man could not withstand such a big scene.

In fact, the scene last night showed that he, Zhang Yu, is a very talented person and very bold. If he were just starting out, he would probably be frightened. Of course, if he hadn't been fine now, he wouldn't have dared to go down and make himself uncomfortable.

"Then" Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, wanting Pan Yun to save his face. If he had to leave, it would be too shameful. Zhang Yu had no choice but to say: "Okay then, I'll sleep next door. If you need anything, just call me."

"No" Pan Yun immediately pursed his lips and shook his head.

"Then where should I sleep?" Zhang Yu was surprised.

Pan Yun said nothing and pointed to his bed with some embarrassment.

"Isn't this appropriate?" Zhang Yu said, spreading his hands.

"When we were undercover, the two of us." Pan Yun said this and was too embarrassed to continue.

Even though he is a tomboy, he is probably not as good as the average girl when it comes to this kind of thing. At first, she let Zhang Yu sleep with her and they were just ordinary friends, but now, she feels a little different from before.

Correspondingly, my face has become thinner.

"Then, isn't that undercover? We are at your house now." Zhang Yu scratched his head, what kind of thing is this?

"But I'm afraid. Zhang Yu, we don't do anything, what can we do if we are aboveboard?" At the end of the sentence, Pan Yun suddenly became serious.

"That's what I said, but..." Zhang Yu swallowed his words halfway.

"But what?" Pan Yun asked seriously.

"But what does it mean when Auntie comes back and sees us?" Zhang Yu frowned again.

"Then you can go to my house." Pan Yun said.

"Pfft" Zhang Yu almost spat out a mouthful of blood. If he went to Pan Yun's house, it seemed even more unclear. If he stayed here, it would be more upright.

"Zhang Yu. I'm so scared. I regret going with you now." Pan Yun said pitifully this time.

It's not easy to get her to say such things. Zhang Yu shook his head helplessly and said, "Okay, okay, then I'll listen to you. I'll ask the driver to find a place to sleep first and pick me up tomorrow."

"Yeah." Pan Yun nodded.

At that moment, Zhang Yu called the driver and asked him to leave first. To be honest, the driver didn't want to stay in a place like this. It was too high-end and not suitable for him. As soon as he heard that he could leave, the driver quickly drove away as if he had been granted amnesty.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yu and Pan Yun looked at each other. Zhang Yu was a little embarrassed, and so was Pan Yun, whose slightly pale face turned red.

She lowered her head unconsciously and saw the clothes she was wearing.

This outfit was what I wore when I went down to the cave with Zhang Yu yesterday. I didn't change it when I came back because I was too tired. Seeing it now, she could faintly smell it, with the smell of corpses on it.

"I want to change my clothes," Pan Yun whispered.

"I'll go out, you change first." Zhang Yu said quickly.

"Just don't go out. Just turn your head away." Pan Yun said embarrassedly.

"Okay." Zhang Yu was convinced.

It can be seen that the mother and daughter basically do not regard him as an outsider.

Zhang Yu turned around and Pan Yun walked to the cloakroom. She doesn't have many clothes here, but she still has pajamas.

After finding a set of loose pajamas, she didn't forget to peek at Zhang Yu. Seeing that Zhang Yu had no intention of looking back, she couldn't help but smile.

She had no habit of wearing a bra to bed, and was not even willing to wear one. In addition, the pajamas were blue and it was not obvious, so I simply took off everything underneath.

After changing, she lay down on the bed, covered the Four Seasons quilt, and then said: "Turn around."

Zhang Yu turned around, but did not get into bed. He was about to lie down on the floor next to the bed.

Seeing him like this, Pan Yun asked anxiously: "What are you doing?"

"I'll just spend the night on the floor." Zhang Yu was straightforward.

"How can I let you sleep on the floor? Otherwise, I will come down to sleep and you go to bed." Pan Yun became stubborn.

"Okay, okay, I'll go up."

If you want to know what happened to Zhang Yu and Pan Yun this night, please read the breakdown in the next chapter.


Here are ten updates. If you have votes, please vote for Lao Tie. Ten chapters will be updated at once. Lao Tie is relatively confident when asking for votes. hehe.

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