Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 867 A Taoist Priest

"Zhang Yu, this thing is indeed not a good thing. Should we let it destroy it?" Pan Yun also understood and suggested from the side.

"It's not that easy to destroy the Red Skull." Hatano Baiyi said disdainfully: "Although the Red Skull's life is connected with its owner, as long as the skeleton is killed, the operator will die. But most of the operators are not because of the skeleton. Those who were destroyed and died, but were killed by others, and the skeletons left behind should be sent to the temple and asked to be cremated by eminent monks. Your Taoism is not weak, but you want to destroy it."

As soon as he said this, Zhang Yu took out a fire talisman and hit the red skull.

This is a bright yellow fire gathering talisman, and the blazing flames immediately rise, making the room look like daylight.

Looking at the red skull, black smoke was already coming out, and there was a "squeaking" sound coming from it.

"Crash!" Suddenly, the skeleton collapsed and fell into the fire.

"This" Hatano in white was horrified when he saw this.

Previously, he only knew that Zhang Yu was powerful, but he did not expect that Zhang Yu was so powerful.

The red skull was burned easily.

Zhang Yu followed suit and kicked the standing red skeleton into the fire.

"Crack, crackle, crackle."

As the fire burned the skeletons, after a while, the four skeletons disappeared and turned into ashes.

Zhang Yu had just realized that it might not be possible to burn this skeleton with an ordinary fire gathering talisman. But with the bright yellow fire gathering charm, it's different.


Just as the four skeletons were burning, the Japanese soldier who was standing opposite them suddenly fell to the sky.

He fell so suddenly that Zhang Yu didn't even touch him.

"He was still standing just now, why did he fall down at any time?" Pan Yun said curiously.

"I'll go take a look." Zhang Yu threw Hatano's white clothes aside, and didn't have to worry about what tricks he was playing. Zhang Yu then came to the corpse of the Japanese soldier, squatted down and took a look, and he quickly discovered some problems.

I saw a corner of orange paper peeking out from the Japanese soldiers' uniforms. This thing looked familiar, wasn't it just talisman paper?

Zhang Yu immediately stretched out his hand and pulled it out. It was indeed a fire talisman.

"Zhang Yu, why do you have talismans on your body?" Seeing this, Pan Yun also became curious.

"He" Zhang Yu was also puzzled, and then patted the pockets of the Jaap soldiers' clothes to make sure there were no dangerous items, and then put his hand in them.

All of a sudden, he took out a handful of talismans.

"So many?" Pan Yun said in surprise.

Then, he pointed to the Jaap Bing's hand, "Look at this, his hand."

The Guizibing's left hand lay stiffly on the ground, with the palm facing up.

Zhang Yu followed and looked around, and immediately discovered that there was a red blur on the Jaap Bing's left hand. Zhang Yu recognized it at a glance, "Thunder in the Palm"

"Is the Palm Thunder the same as the one you just used?" Pan Yun asked in a low voice.

"That's right! It's the same one I use." Zhang Yu nodded.

At this moment, he was even more curious, and he reached out and patted the Japanese soldiers. Soon, he took a picture of something hard on the left side of Guizibing's chest, and it was not small. Based on Zhang Yu's experience, he quickly felt it out. This thing was none other than a compass.

Zhang Yu quickly unbuttoned the Jaizibing's clothes. There was a brother's pocket inside, and he took out a compass.

This compass is dark red in color, which is different from ordinary compasses. There is also a trace of magical power on the compass. Although it is not strong, it can be determined that this compass is a magic weapon.

"Is this a compass?" Pan Yun said.

"Yeah" Zhang Yu nodded lightly, "But this compass doesn't seem to be used to read Feng Shui."

There are not many types of compasses in the world. Most of them are used to read Feng Shui, but some have other uses, such as Zhang Yu's eight-character fortune-finding board, which can find people according to their birth dates.

Lao Wangtou told Zhang Yu about some compasses, but the compass in his hand had no patterns on it, and Lao Wangtou didn't know what it was used for.

Zhang Yu didn't have time to study it now, so he put it aside for the time being and started studying this Japanese soldier again.

Obviously, judging from the talisman and compass that this man was carrying, he was probably not an island devil, but probably a Taoist priest.

He continued to observe, because the man took off his coat and only had a thin undershirt underneath. Zhang Yu soon discovered that there was something wrong with the man's chest.

He immediately took off his undershirt and saw two bloody runes on the man's chest. The runes were blurred and faded a lot, but Zhang Yu recognized them at a glance. One was an amulet and the other was a divine talisman.

There were several wounds on this man's body. The wounds did not look deep. Zhang Yu could tell that they were not shot with a gun, but more like scratches with a sharp weapon. What could cause such wounds was most likely the claws of the four red skeletons.

Zhang Yu could vaguely see that this man should have fought against the four skeletons in his life. Not only that, he might also have killed the owner of the skeletons. With so many talismans and the palm thunder drawn on the palm of his hand, it is very likely that the people in the room were killed by him.

Because those broken bones looked like they had been beaten by Lei Fa. There were also some mummies that were burned black, as if they had been burned by fire talismans.

"What else did you find?" Pan Yun asked curiously after seeing Zhang Yu observing for a long time without making a sound.

"If my guess is correct, it is very likely that this Taoist priest broke in and killed these people." Zhang Yu said.

"Taoist priest? Are you sure he is a Taoist priest?" Pan Yun said.

"That's right!" Zhang Yu nodded, he could already confirm the identity of this person.

"You mean he found the Horikawa troops, then disguised himself as a Japanese soldier and sneaked in, killing these people," Pan Yun said.

"That's right." Zhang Yu said with certainty.

"He sneaked in and killed these people, but how did the people outside die? Also, the other corpses had rotted and turned into white bones. Only his is still intact. What's going on?" Pan Yun said with some confusion.

"If my guess is correct, the reason why his body has been preserved to this day is probably because of the two talismans drawn on his chest." Zhang Yu guessed.

"So powerful?" Pan Yun couldn't believe it.

"I'm just guessing, I'm not sure." After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he examined the man's body in more detail.

There were no fatal injuries on the body. Even if he was grabbed by the skeleton a few times and relied on the divine talisman to protect his body, nothing could be done to him. Zhang Yu was certain that this man's Taoism was not simple, at least not necessarily weaker than Zhang Yu's.

Zhang Yu looked at the man's face again. His face was pale and there were some corpse spots, just like a dead person. But there seemed to be a black mass under his eyes.

Suddenly, Zhang Yu came to his senses and said, "Did he die of poisoning?"

"Poisoned? How could he be poisoned?" Pan Yun couldn't tell at all.

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