Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 846 Islanders

"Infinite Heavenly Lord! Thank you so much, Dao Ancestor, for showing your sage!"

Wang Jie's reaction was extremely quick. Seeing Zhang Yu say this, he immediately followed suit and then knelt down respectfully.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord! Thank you, Taoist ancestors, for showing your sainthood!" "Infinite Heavenly Lord! Thank you, our ancestors for showing your saintliness!"

When the disciples of the Taoist temple saw him kneeling, they all knelt on the ground and shouted like this.

The believers who followed behind were already stunned by the miracles in the Taoist temple. At this moment, when I saw all the disciples of Wudang Taoist Temple kneeling down, they all knelt down on the ground in unison, and said sincerely: "Infinite Heavenly Lord! Thank you, Taoist ancestor, for showing your sainthood!" "Immeasurable Heavenly Lord! Thank you, Taoist ancestor for showing your saintliness!" "Immeasurable Heavenly Lord!" ! Many thanks to the Taoist ancestor for showing his sage!”.

Among the many voices, I don’t know who said, “Amitabha!”

Hearing this, the believers next to the man immediately stared angrily, and some of them even asked, "Where are you from?" "Are you undercover?"

"That was a slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue." The man quickly explained. Look at his posture. If he didn't admit his mistake quickly, he might get beaten.

Zhang Yu raised his eyes and looked around, then turned back and saw the endless crowd of kneeling people. In an instant, Zhang Yu couldn't help but have mixed feelings.

This is a feeling of admiration. Of course, Zhang Yu also knew that these people were not kneeling to him, but to the Taoist ancestors.

Even Zhang Yu would be surprised by the miracle in front of him. If it weren't for the Taoist ancestors, who could have such magical powers.

Today, Zhang Yu just brought everyone to visit Wudang Taoist Temple. Some people wanted to help work in the Taoist temple, which could be regarded as forming a good relationship. But the vast majority of people, while grateful, just watch the excitement and visit.

But after this scene, there are many good guys who are willing to help with the work. Older people, or those who work, also donate money to build Taoist temples, which means they really have the money and the strength to contribute.

Not only today, but also for the next period of time, Wudang Taoist Temple will be very busy. People in Guangming Town donated money and materials one after another. When their family situation was not very good, they went to Guangming Mountain to help as volunteers.

Of course, Zhang Yu couldn't let these people work in vain. In addition to taking care of the food, he also used the donations from believers as wages for these people.

Because a large number of labor forces were added, the progress of the project was significantly accelerated.

Taoist affairs have always been a top priority. The more believers there are, the more Zhang Yu can get in return from the power of faith. Therefore, Zhang Yu always puts this matter first.

Apart from this, he also didn't forget another thing, which was the sudden and inexplicable appearance of two masters that night. Although he also has enemies, these two are from the island country. Zhang Yu has no enmity with the island country people, so why should he cause trouble for himself.

He did research on this matter with Sun Zhaoyi and felt that it was related to medicine, but there was no direct evidence. The two islanders were burned to death, and their specific identities could not be determined at all.

"Ring ring ring"

That night, after Zhang Yu finished his work and was about to rest in the backyard, his cell phone suddenly rang.

He took it out and saw that it was Wen Qiong's phone number. On the phone, Wen Qiong invited him to come home and there was something important he wanted to tell her.

Naturally, Zhang Yu would not refuse Aunt Wen's invitation. He immediately called the driver and drove to the district office compound in the district.

When we arrived at Wen Qiong's house, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. Pan Yun came out to pick him up and entered the small building. Wen Qiong was not in the large living room on the first floor. Pan Yun invited him up to the second floor and came to a small reception room.

Wen Qiong prepared red wine and some dried fruits. Her mother and daughter sat on one side, and Zhang Yu sat on the opposite side. Tonight, Wen Qiong was wearing a white loose pajamas with pink flowers. Her long hair, which was originally tied up, fell on her shoulders, as if she had just taken a shower, making her look noble and lazy.

She poured the wine for Zhang Yu herself, gently held up the glass, and said softly: "I'm really sorry for making you come all the way. I'll toast you first."

"Auntie is so polite." Zhang Yu smiled loyally and had a drink with Wen Qiong.

After drinking a drink, this time it was Pan Yun who poured him wine. Pan Yun also raised his glass and said seriously: "This incident in Guangming Town is all thanks to you. I would like to thank you here."

Zhang Yu laughed and said, "Does it need to be so formal?"

He also had a drink with Pan Yun.

After drinking two glasses of wine, Zhang Yu said, "Auntie, you asked me to come over because there was something important. I wonder what it is?"

"Originally, I shouldn't have asked about this kind of thing, but it didn't seem to be simple, so I asked about it. In this way, let Xiaoyun tell you." After Wen Qiong finished speaking, she looked at her daughter.

Pan Yun said: "Zhang Yu, the thing is like this. We received a report the day before yesterday that all the chickens raised by Cao Youfu, a big chicken farmer in Cao Village, were missing. Someone saw Cao Youfu pulling a cart before the outbreak of bird flu. The white-striped chickens were sold. The Cao family has always sold live chickens, but this time they sold dead chickens, which was very problematic. In conjunction with the outbreak of avian influenza, our patrol rushed to the Cao family for verification. The Cao family admitted that the chickens at home suddenly disappeared overnight. All of them died. In order to recover the losses, the dead chickens were plucked and sold as white-striped chickens. However, the Cao family denied whether it caused avian influenza."

Having said this, Pan Yun paused and then said: "Our patrol conducted a detailed inspection at Cao's house, and finally found that there were unknown drug residues in the feed barrel. After confirmation, it should be the avian influenza virus. In addition, we also obtained some Bird flu patients learned that the people who initially became ill bought Cao's white-striped chickens. We don't believe that Cao's family could develop the avian influenza virus, so we determined that someone maliciously put it in Cao's chicken feed. avian influenza virus.”

"Is there such a thing?" Zhang Yu said in surprise.

Wen Qiong nodded and said, "Zhang Yu, auntie has something to ask for your help."

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu asked quickly.

"I suspect that Fu Senbo did this, because once there is a problem in the Guangming Town area, he will directly benefit. Such speculation may be a bit of a villain, but at this juncture, someone is asking the Guangming Town area Putting the virus made me have to think of him." Wen Qiong said seriously.

Zhang Yu nodded slightly and said, "This virus is so powerful, can he have it?"

"Normally speaking, he will definitely not have it. This virus has been reported, and there is news that it is definitely not domestic, and it is very likely that it came from abroad. My guess is that maybe it was done by people from the island country, and paid This time, Senbo received strong support from the islanders in the competition for CEO. If there were no islanders investing in Masi Town, Fu Senbo would have no chance of beating me. So, I think it’s Fu Senbo and the islanders. Collusion together." Wen Qiong said seriously.

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