Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 832 The Great Onmyoji

"Master Mingbu." "Master Mingbu."

Nagakatsu Fukuda and Mitsutake Kojima greeted politely immediately after opening the door.

Ming Bulong in the room did not raise his head or open his eyes. After hearing the two voices, he just said lightly: "You two are here, please come in and sit down."


The two took off their shoes, entered the room, and sat down in the middle.

After the two of them sat down, Ming Bulongxing said, "What's the matter with coming here so late? Aren't you going to Haimen Mountain tomorrow?"

"It's like this. There is something wrong over there in Guangming Town. There is a Wudang Taoist temple who claims to be able to crack our new product within a few days. We are a little afraid of the mysticism and traditional Chinese medicine here, and we are worried that it will be cracked immediately. If it falls, it will definitely affect the overall plan. Therefore, I hope Master Mingbu can send two people to check it out. If the other party really has that ability, it is best to destroy it." Fukuda Yongsheng directly explained the purpose of his visit.

After hearing this, Mingbu Longxing nodded slightly and said: "I have never heard of Wudang Taoist Temple before. I only heard that there is a Baimei Palace and a Yangchun Temple in Zhenhai, which are very powerful, and there are many masters in the sect. This Wudang Taoist temple, what is it?"

"I don't know much about this, but the rumors are that it is unknown, and maybe it has some morals." This time it was Kojima Mitsutake who spoke.

"The plan to go to Haimen Mountain tomorrow can't be changed. I think this is it. Leave Riyuexing and Yaksha here. Just arrange for them what you want to do." Mingbu Longxing said.

"Yes, teacher." "Yes, teacher."

The two people sitting at the end agreed in unison.

These two people are a man and a woman. The man is wearing a half-black and half-white robe, and even his hair is half-black and half-white. In his hand, there was a folding fan, and even the two sides of the fan were black and white. The other woman was wearing a red kimono. She was dressed like an island kabuki performer, with heavy makeup and a frighteningly pale face. In her hand was a short fork.

"Thank you so much, Master. I'm sorry to bother you two." Fukuda Yongsheng said quickly.

In the evening of the next day, I was in the backyard of Wudang Taoist Temple.

Next to the bronze cauldron, Zhang Yu sat cross-legged, pointing with his fingers at the big cauldron in front of him.

The fire under the cauldron became weaker and weaker, and finally burned out slowly.

Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief and stood up. He has done everything according to the Hunyuan Ding method, and now he wants to see his results.

This is his first time refining talismans, which makes people excited, nervous and looking forward to it.

Sun Zhaoyi was waiting nearby. Ouyang Yanyan and Xia Yuechan did not come out of the room, and the same was true for Pan Sheng.

When Zhang Yu came to the bronze tripod, he just waved his arm and the top fell to the side. He lowered his head and looked into the cauldron, almost shouting out in excitement.

Bright yellow talisman paper!

There are two stacks of bright yellow talisman papers placed inside, exuding dazzling light. The appearance of this talisman is exactly the same as the talisman Jia Zhenren gave him that time.

"I succeeded! I succeeded." Zhang Yu excitedly grabbed the talisman paper.

There could be hundreds of talismans in the two thick stacks. He could feel the aura contained in the talisman paper and the suction force on the talisman paper, which was absolutely correct.

However, my talisman paper feels a little worse than the one from Baimei Palace. Why is this happening? Zhang Yu naturally understood in his heart that the lightning-struck wood was created by waiting for the Yin spirit in the tree to become a climate, and then waiting for the thunder to strike down. As for his thunder-cleaving wood, he did it directly to make enough food and clothing before the Yin spirit became mature.

Although the lightning-struck wood also contains spiritual energy, it is still inferior after all.

"Uncle Taishi, I succeeded, just a little bit worse." Zhang Yu walked up to Sun Zhaoyi with the talisman paper.

Sun Zhaoyi did not touch the talisman, but just nodded and said: "There are no problems with the heat and formation. It's just a pity that the lightning struck the wood, but there's nothing we can do about it. It's been a day now and time is very tight. You can do it right away." Let’s start refining the blue talisman.”

"Okay." Zhang Yu agreed.

Immediately, he turned his head and looked into the distance. After a quick glance, he said, "Uncle Grand Master, why do I have a vague feeling that someone is watching us from a distance."

"Don't worry about these, let's do business first." Sun Zhaoyi said.

Seeing Sun Zhaoyi say this, Zhang Yu nodded again. The materials were all ready, and during the day, Pan Sheng cut the thunder peach wood into pieces.

Zhang Yu put all the materials into the cauldron as he did last time. After closing the lid, he pulled many branches from the camphor tree.

"Master, use it sparingly. Although I'm not afraid of pulling, pulling too much will consume a lot of money," the camphor tree said bitterly.

Zhang Yu was not polite at all. He first filled the bottom of the tripod. He then drew two more fire-gathering talismans, both of which were drawn on bright yellow talisman paper. With his current level of cultivation, there would be no problem in drawing six or seven bright yellow talisman papers a day.

But Zhang Yu has one worry, that is, after the blue talisman paper is made, he will have to draw ten of them to see whether he can succeed.

According to Sun Zhaoyi, you can go to the Taoist ancestors at that time, and you should be protected by the power of faith. But I’m really not sure whether it will work.

After drawing the fire-gathering talisman, with a "pop" sound, Zhang Yu directly activated it and ignited the branches under the cauldron. He pinched his fingers with his right hand again. Although the blazing flame was not the same as last time, the yellow-orange fire seedlings were also extremely dazzling.

Wudang Taoist Temple is surrounded by construction sites. The construction progress of those buildings is fast, and the buildings are already very high, with more than ten floors.

Because of the outbreak of bird flu in Guangming Town, the construction site had to stop work and all people were evacuated.

At this moment, there were five people standing at the top of a ten-story building. The one in the middle is Kojima Mitsutake, and on his left and right sides are a man and a woman. The man's clothes are half black and half white, in the shape of the sun and the moon. The woman looks like a kabuki, wearing a bright red kimono, and she is definitely a Yasha.

The three of them all held telescopes in their hands. These were high-power military telescopes. From such a distance, they could have a clear view of the situation inside Wudang Taoist Temple.

After seeing Zhang Yu lighting the fire and sitting down cross-legged, Kojima Mitsutake said: "You two, this person is Zhang Yu. He does seem to have some skills. According to your observations, can he be sure to neutralize our virus?"

"I'm not sure, but I wouldn't mind killing him if necessary." Yasha said calmly.

"I just saw that he can ignite the fire talisman with just one move. He doesn't seem to be weak. Are you sure?" Kojima Mitsutake looked at Yasha.

"Haha." Yasha laughed sinisterly and said, "It's just a Taoist fire talisman, it doesn't matter."

As she spoke, she took out a bag from her body and opened it. The bag was filled with clay figurines, there could be more than ten.

Yasha picked out one at random, muttered a few words, and then threw it aside.

With a "bang" sound, after the clay figurine landed on the ground, a woman exactly like Yasha turned out to be.

"Hehehehe." Yasha smiled sinisterly.


The woman who had just been transformed also laughed in the same way, and their every move was the same.

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