Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 826 Show of hands

Zhendong District.

The small conference room of the District Office.

There were ten people sitting in the conference room at the moment, and each of them had extremely serious faces.

In addition to Executive Officer Tang, Wen Qiong, Fu Senbo and other executive officers, there are also Chief Inspector Lu Weichen and Director of the Medical and Health Department Su Xiaoyan.

The office meetings of the district office have always been like this. They hold general meetings when there is nothing to do, and small meetings when there is something wrong. There are not many people at the moment, but they are all important people in the district office. Something has obviously happened.

That's right, something did happen, and it was not a big deal. Bird flu suddenly broke out in Guangming Town, and the patients developed tuberculosis, which was extremely contagious and the situation was extremely serious.

If this kind of thing can be solved locally, it's best to solve it first. If it can't be solved, you have to continue to report it.

Normally, everyone wants to spread good news as quickly as possible, but this incident really cannot be called a good thing. Therefore, the Zhendong District Office naturally does not want to spread the news too far or make the matter too big.

Especially CEO Tang, who is already retired. If something like this suddenly happens, don't be the only one who can't retire with glory.

And Wen Qiong's current situation is even more serious. She is solely responsible for the outbreak of bird flu. Once adverse consequences occur, the good situation may be ruined directly.

"Everyone, there is an outbreak of bird flu in Guangming Town right now. The situation is very serious, and more and more people are infected. I wonder if you have any good ways to deal with it as soon as possible?" Tang Rubai didn't say any opening words, and he got straight to the point.

Everyone looked at each other, and soon all their eyes fell on Wen Qiong. After all, the Guangming Town area was now her territory.

Wen Qiong is more anxious than anyone else now and has been thinking of a solution.

Seeing everyone looking at her, she also knew that it was impossible for her not to express her position. She quickly said: "I suggest taking emergency rescue measures and sending a medical team to Guangming Town immediately to pick up all the patients in Guangming Town and send them to various hospitals. Large hospitals provide free treatment and strive to make the patients recover in the shortest possible time. In addition, emergency disinfection work is carried out to eliminate infectious bacteria in Guangming Town as soon as possible."

As soon as she finished saying this, she rushed to say without wanting to pay Senbo: "I object!"

After everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned, and secretly said in their hearts, what does Fu Senbo mean? There is nothing wrong with Wen Qiong's suggestion, saving people is more important now.

"Lao Fu, what do you mean?" No one else asked, but Wen Qiong was not polite and immediately asked seriously.

"Right now, the bird flu epidemic in Guangming Town is serious and extremely contagious. If all the patients are taken out, it may have a great impact on the east district of the town. Therefore, my suggestion is to immediately mobilize patrols and completely blockade the entire Guangming Town area. . Stop all projects in Zhendong District and no one is allowed to enter. Those who want to come out must undergo strict inspections. In addition, doctors and nurses are dispatched from major hospitals in Zhendong District to rush to Guangming Town for on-site rescue. During isolation and treatment, the epidemic must not spread to ensure the safety of other places in Zhendong District!" Fu Senbo did not neglect, and his words were really convincing.

His statement received nods of support from several people present.

"That's right." "That's right." "This is a good method."...

The reason why most people think this method is good is because once the epidemic spreads to the entire east district of the town, it will have an impact on everyone. If the Guangming Town area is sealed off to prevent patients from entering, then it will be a local problem in the east district of the town and will have little to do with everyone.

This method seemed good, but Wen Qiong quit. Once the blockade was imposed, things would become serious. Everyone knew that bird flu was spreading in Guangming Town, and it was extremely contagious. In this way, I am not afraid that no one will come to Guangming Town for the time being, but I am afraid that no one will dare to come within a few months.

The contest between Wen Qiong and Fu Senbo only happened in the past few months. If you follow what Fu Senbo said, you will definitely lose.

"Lao Fu, I don't agree with your proposal! If you just dispatch doctors and nurses to the Guangming Town area for emergency treatment, I don't think it is enough to put out the epidemic. Firstly, the medical equipment cannot be in place immediately; secondly, only some of them are dispatched I'm afraid there are not enough doctors and nurses. In this case, the best treatment time is very likely to be lost!" Wen Qiong said equally loudly.

"Medical equipment can be transported as soon as possible. If the manpower method is not enough in Zhendong District, you can ask the Zhenhai Administrative Office for help. Ask the Zhenhai Office to mobilize hospitals across the administrative region to dispatch doctors and nurses. As for the blockade of Guangming Town, I We think it is urgent and we must not allow patients to enter the city again to avoid more serious consequences." Fu Senbo immediately refuted Wen Qiong's words.

At the moment, the two executives are going back and forth, arguing and refusing to give in to each other.

The two of them said something to each other, and it lasted for six or seven minutes.

CEO Tang saw that they were not finished, and immediately coughed heavily, "Ahem..."

This cough was so effective that the conference room immediately became quiet.

Tang Rubai said seriously: "You two should stop arguing. I think it's better to vote by a show of hands! If there are more people supporting which side, we will follow whose proposal!"

This method is the simplest, no one can be offended, and it is very direct.

Often on some major matters, a show of hands is used to vote. Even if it is wrong, as long as the majority of people agree, it will be implemented. Of course, Wen Qiong and Fu Senbo are now arguing that the public is justified and the mother-in-law is justified. Both of their opinions are reasonable. The only difference is which side is beneficial.

Wen Qiong could not object to the idea of ​​a show of hands and had no choice but to agree.

Fu Senbo's previous remarks have resonated with neutrals, and even CEO Tang is inclined to Fu Senbo's statement. Naturally, Tang Rubai could not be the first to raise his hand, but would wait and see what happened after the announcement.

"If you agree with Fu Senbo, please raise your hands!"

"Brush!" "Brush!" "Brush!"...

Good guy, more than half of them.

As soon as Tang Rubai saw this, he immediately looked at Wen Qiong and said, "Since more than half of the people support Fu Senbo, then follow his proposal. You have no objection, right?"

"No." Wen Qiong could only nod.

"Okay!" CEO Tang immediately looked at Chief Inspector Lu Weichen and said seriously: "General Inspector Lu, you should immediately mobilize patrols to blockade the Guangming Town area and never let a single patient come out. Even if there is no bird flu Those with symptoms also need to be examined. The Department of Health will assist in this matter!"

Having said this, Tang Rubai looked at Su Xiaoyan again, "Director Su, you immediately dispatch doctors and nurses from major hospitals to the Guangming Town area! All doctors and nurses who refuse to go, no matter who they are, will be fired!"

"Yes Yes!"

The meeting was over, and the two directors hurriedly followed the orders without any delay.

Other people also left the conference room one after another, including Fu Senbo and Wen Qiong. He glanced at Wen Qiong deliberately and proudly, and said, "Let's go to Guangming Town to have a look. I don't know what the current situation is there?"

This guy's words were high-sounding, but his eyes made it very clear, which meant - I will definitely win this time.

In fact, that's right. His wishful thinking was very loud in his mind. When the epidemic became more serious, he could use his own name to ask Mitsutake Kojima to provide medical assistance. By then, he will still have the credit for quelling the epidemic, and he will be the winner.

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