Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 816 Severe Cold

Caiji Pawn Shop.

Zhang Yu and Nie Huaibo followed Ye Rong here. This pawn shop is not particularly far from Kanazawa Jewelry. There are eight pawn shops on the whole street, and the competition seems to be fierce.

As the old saying goes, peers are enemies, but sometimes peers also like to hang out together. Just like an antique street, the effect of clustering together on one street can bring a lot of popularity, which is better than doing it separately.

Now this street is also called pawn street. Although there are also many people from the same industry, it can be said that the entire pawn industry in Zhennan District is concentrated here, and people who want to pawn items also come here.

Even though it's far away and there may be a pawn shop at your doorstep, people still come here. Because you can ask three companies for the goods, you will not be deceived, and you will pawn with the one who offers the highest price.

The three of them entered the pawn shop. The boss at the counter knew Ye Rong and immediately stood up to greet him with a smile. "Mr. Ye, what gust of wind has brought you here? Please sit down quickly."

Ye Rong exchanged polite words with the boss and then asked Zhang Yu, "The necklace you got from our company for sale last time, where did it come from?"

"Is this an item that someone pawned?" The boss was somewhat puzzled.

Usually people rarely ask this about things from pawn shops.

"Then do you know where this person came from?" Zhang Yu asked this time.

The boss glanced at Zhang Yu and saw that although Zhang Yu was young, the outfit he wore was definitely not ordinary. Thinking about it, he should be Ye Rong's friend, so he couldn't be any worse. The boss said: "I still remember that this man was in his early thirties, quite tall and strong, and his accent sounded like he was from the countryside. However, he spoke very sharply, and his hair was quite short, as if he had just been released from prison."

"Did you ask him where he was from?" Zhang Yu asked again.

The boss immediately shook his head and said, "In our industry, we usually don't dig into the issues. If people want to talk, they can talk. If they don't want to talk, we won't ask too much. Because in this case, it is easy for the other party to find another company."

"Then you didn't register him or anything?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"He is dead, so there is no need to register." The boss said.

"This" Zhang Yu glanced around and discovered that there was surveillance in the pawn shop. So, Zhang Yu said: "I see you have surveillance here, can you let me see what that person looks like?"

The boss obviously hesitated and looked at Ye Rong.

Ye Rong smiled and said: "This is my friend. He is very interested in this necklace and hopes to find a seller."

The boss is also a meticulous person, and he instantly understood that Zhang Yu must have thought that this thing came out of the soil, so he wanted to find a seller.

Generally speaking, the things that come out of the soil cannot be one piece, and there are often many burial objects. In fact, the boss thought the same way at the beginning, so he offered the seller a high price. He hoped that after the seller tasted the sweetness, he would continue to sell other items. The result was great, I never came again. I wanted to ask the other party to leave a phone number or something for easy contact, but they didn't leave it either.

Seeing that Ye Rong had already spoken, the boss had to give him some face, so the boss called up the surveillance camera and let Zhang Yu take a look.

As he just said, the man who came to sell the necklace was a tall and sturdy man in his thirties. The man's hair was quite short and he was quite strong. His appearance did not look like a kind person.

It is obviously impossible for a person like this to have such a necklace. Zhang Yu really didn't believe it when he said that the necklace was buried with him, because it was a magical weapon. Who could bury such a thing with him?

Was it stolen?

For a moment, Zhang Yu had such an idea in his mind.

The corpse energy on the necklace is very strong, and the other party will never let it go. Imagine if someone stole your money sword, would you be able to get it back even after digging three feet into the ground? When it is discovered that it has finally fallen into the hands of someone, whether it was stolen or robbed, it must be taken back.

As the owner of this necklace, it would be even more so. In comparison, Zhang Yu thinks that he is a reasonable person, and that kind of evil master can do anything.

At this moment, Zhang Yu became more determined. He needed to find the owner of the necklace first. If it was an evil heretic, like a paper Taoist, then Zhang Yu wouldn't mind killing him. Of course, it is not ruled out that the opponent's strength is far superior to that of Taoist Zhi, but no matter what, he must find his master first.

Zhang Yu made up his mind and said immediately: "Boss, can you help me take a clearer picture of this person?"

"Okay." The boss nodded.

Anyway, I showed it to Zhang Yu, so I just want to be a favor.

He took a screenshot of Zhang Yu and sent it to Zhang Yu's mobile phone. As for whether he could find it, he didn't care. As for Zhang Yu's background, he probably couldn't be worse when he became Ye Rong's friend.

The vision of such a big jeweler must be much higher than that of a pawn shop, so he must have seen something from the necklace.

After saying a few more polite words, Zhang Yu and the others took their leave and left the pawn shop.

After leaving the door, Zhang Yu glanced at Nie Huaibo and Ye Rong and wanted to say something, but he swallowed it and said instead: "Uncle Nie, Qianqian is fine now, I'll go back first, tell me if you can help me" Call."

Nie Huaibo was still worried about his daughter and said, "It's so urgent. Why don't you stay at my house overnight?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Zhang Yu said confidently.

"Well, then, Xiao Zhang, thanks to you today." Nie Huaibo said gratefully.

Ye Rong was confused, and Zhang Yu could also see her confusion. But Zhang Yu didn't give any explanation. Nie Huaibo could talk about this kind of thing if he wanted to. It had nothing to do with him, as long as Nie Qian was fine.

He said goodbye to the two of them, got into his car, and asked the driver to drive to Zhendong. Zhang Yu didn't have any good way to find the person in the photo. The most direct way was to find the patrol officer. He didn't know anyone in Zhennan, so he had to go to Zhendong to find Pan Yun.

There is no Taoist temple.

Zhang Qingfeng, Li Mingyue, Wang Chunlan and other disciples went back to their rooms to rest after evening classes.

In the past few days, the incense in Taoist temples has obviously been much better than before. Many people come to offer incense and some seek medical treatment. Wang Chunlan is mainly responsible for seeing doctors. Big problems cannot be seen, but minor problems can still be seen. Wang Chunlan would treat someone who came to his home with a headache.

"Cough cough cough cough cough."

The wing on the right was occupied by female disciples. When Wang Chunlan and seven of her companions entered the room, she started coughing nonstop.

In fact, she started coughing during evening classes.

"Senior sister, why are you coughing so badly at night? Do you have a cold?" A female disciple said with concern.

"Two patients with severe colds came today. I may have been infected. But it's okay. I have taken the medicine and coughed." Wang Chunlan said and started coughing again.

"But I don't see you getting better, but it's getting a little worse. Do you want to give Master a call?" Another female disciple said.

"It's just a cold. If it's a labor master, wouldn't it make us look like useless people? It's not a big deal. It's just an ordinary cold. I won't be fine if I don't take medicine, let alone if I take it, then I'll go to bed." Wang Chunlan He said nonchalantly.

When everyone saw what she said, they all nodded. After all, it was just a cold, nothing serious.

"Cough cough. Cough cough." Although Wang Chunlan said this, she coughed several times after lying down.

"Ahem." Zhao Qiuju was the closest to her and coughed unconsciously.

"Are you okay? Don't let me get the infection." Wang Chunlan said with concern when she saw that she was also coughing.

"I just heard that you keep coughing and your throat is scratching. It should be nothing serious. Ahem." Zhao Qiuju said.

However, she coughed a few more times.

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