Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 800 The weirdness of lightning striking wood

"To be honest, we don't know what it means. The main thing is that the trees in Qiao's family will hang a red cloth strip. I don't know if it is a coincidence or what happened. Basically, the trees with red cloth strips in his family have been hanging on them for a long time. Sooner or later, it will be struck by lightning. In view of this, other people followed suit and hung red cloth strips after buying the tree." Zhan Shuaifei said.

"So that's it." Zhang Yu nodded.

He looked at the tree in front of him carefully. Apart from being thick, it seemed to be nothing special.

Zhang Yu asked smoothly: "Can you tell which tree belongs to whose family?"

"You can't tell the difference. Maybe it was almost the same before, but then everyone imitated the Qiao family, so that they couldn't tell the difference at all. That is to say, the forest farm recorded the numbers, and each family would send people to take care of their own trees, but they didn't know how to distinguish them. Wrong." Zhan Shuaifei said.

"It's really interesting. Let's go up and have a look." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

The group of people continued to go up, and there were quite a few trees surrounded by trees with owners.

After passing more than a dozen such trees in a row, Zhang Yu didn't think there was anything special about it. He walked a little further and when he passed a big peach tree, Zhang Yu suddenly felt a gloomy air permeating the tree.

He subconsciously stopped and looked at the big tree carefully.

Bao Jiayin followed him, and when he saw Zhang Yu stopping, he stopped too.

Zhan Shuaiteng, Zhan Shuaifei and Xu Xiaomin immediately stopped. The people walking beside him also stopped.

The giant peach tree looks nothing special on the surface like the trees we encountered earlier. There is also a guardrail with red cloth hanging on it, but the trees are filled with gloomy air.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu pondered for a moment. There were no administrators around. Although it said 'no entry', I didn't even see it.

He simply climbed over the guardrail to take a closer look.

"What are you doing in there? It says no entry." Bao Jiayin reminded.

"I think this tree is quite big and I want to take a closer look." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Smiling, he put his left hand in his pocket and held a fire charm. If anything happened, he wouldn't mind burning the tree, at least his life was at stake.

When we came under the tree, the yin energy became more and more intense. The yin energy here was much heavier than the yin energy of the infant spirit in Xu Xiaomin's belly.

There is shade under the trees, but this shade is not ordinary shade, it is a bit hairy.

Zhang Yu raised his right hand and gently patted the bark of the tree twice, but there was nothing unusual. He then put his hand on the tree and looked at it with his inner eye.

In an instant, he saw a red shadow inside the big tree.

"Yin Ling."

Zhang Yu quickly let go and took a deep breath.

Then, he discovered something was wrong again, and that was the red cloth strip hanging on the tree.

The red cloth strips looked no different from those he passed by before, but Zhang Yu could faintly feel that there was a spiritual energy on the cloth strips.

Because it was hung a bit high, it was inconvenient for him to climb up and take off the cloth strip. But Zhang Yu has gradually realized that this may be a sealing talisman.

"That's right. It must be like this." Zhang Yu suddenly figured it out.

He smiled and said, "This is a nice big tree. I wonder whose tree it belongs to?"

"How do I know this? I didn't write my name." Zhan Shuaifei shook his head and said.

Unexpectedly, a middle-aged man behind said: "This tree seems to belong to the Qiao family. When I came here last year, the Qiao family seemed to bet on this tree. It's a pity that it has been two years and the tree has not been struck by lightning."

"Oh, thank you." Zhang Yu nodded.

At this moment, he further confirmed his thoughts.

Lightning does not usually chop down trees casually. God will not just strike down trees with lightning for fun.

There is often a reason why trees are struck by lightning, and that is because there are Yin spirits attached to the trees for cultivation. Yin spirits are afraid of light, and trees can provide shade, which is the best and safest place to practice.

However, often when the Yin spirit becomes a climate, God will strike down with thunder and kill the Yin spirit attached to the tree. The moment the Yin spirit is struck to death, the essence of cultivation will immediately disperse into the tree, and the tree will have spiritual energy, and it will be called the thunder-cleaved wood.

Hanging a red strip of cloth on the tree was obviously done deliberately by a master out of fear that the evil spirits would escape from the tree.

The reason why he hasn't been struck by lightning in two years is mainly because the shadow spirit in this tree has not fully matured yet.

The Qiao family's bet on thunder splitting wood was so accurate. It seemed that it was not just luck, but the help of experts. Otherwise, with this kind of gambling, no one can guarantee that he will be struck by lightning.

No wonder Zhan Shuaifei and the others didn't dare to bet on this.

At this moment, a young man shouted not far away, "Who let you in?"

Hearing the shouting, Zhang Yu and others looked over and saw two young people walking over with unhappy expressions on their faces.

Zhang Yu dug it out and said politely, "I just went in to take a look."

"What are you looking at? Didn't you see it says no entry?" the young man shouted angrily.

Zhang Yu didn't expect that the other party would be so aggressive. He was about to say: Even if he jumped in and took a look, we have something to talk about and are we still going to fight?

However, before he could speak, Bao Jiayin shouted confidently: "What's going on inside? Are you going to beat someone or file a lawsuit? I'm a lawyer. If you think there's something wrong, let's call the police!"

The young man was stunned by Bao Jiayin's tone, and the other one quickly said aggrievedly: "We won't fight with you, nor will we litigate with you. We are responsible for looking after the trees. If the boss has something to say, we will look at it here. Don't let anyone in. And it's clearly written on the guardrail. Aren't you making things difficult for us by doing this? Our boss is here today. If he sees it, our bonus for this month will be gone."

"How much is your monthly bonus?" Zhang Yu asked smoothly.

"Five thousand," the young man replied.

"Whether you see it or not, it belongs to me!" Zhang Yu said, taking out a stack of banknotes from his trouser pocket, about a dozen of them.

He swung it casually and hit the young man's chest. Strangely enough, if the banknotes were swung like this, they would scatter immediately. But none of the money he threw was scattered, and it was still hanging on the young man's collar.

Zhang Yu didn't say anything more, but turned around and left. With his status, it would be a shame to be like this group of people. Although you can also use headache spells and stomachache spells to teach others, after all, there are so many people around, once word spreads, Taoist Association Vice President Wudang Taoist Temple Abbot Zhang Daozhang got into a quarrel with someone because he crossed the guardrail to look at the tree without authorization, and used the headache spell to punish him. It's probably a big joke that someone fell under a curse.

After going through so much, the easiest way to deal with this kind of person is to throw money at you.

Bao Jiayin followed and left. When the others saw Zhang Yu's move, they couldn't help but be stunned. What kind of kung fu was this?

The young man who was hit with money looked down, then looked at his companion, and then said politely: "Boss, I'm sorry."

The other person who yelled earlier also quickly apologized, "Boss, I'm sorry. I was just blamed for being impulsive."

Zhang Yu ignored them and continued walking up.

He frowned more and more as he walked, encountering some more trees along the way, some enclosed by guardrails, some not enclosed. There were quite a few trees with yin energy among them, but those trees with yin energy were all trapped.

Even if I have the art of attracting lightning and knowing which trees can be used as lightning to split wood, it is a pity that it will be of no use. After the chopping is done, it belongs to others as well.


Special thanks to: MD Xiao Min, Unfeeling 2003, The Man Who Discovered Beauty, Lucifer the Night Devil, Dang Erlang Dang, Mushrooms, Book Friends 150513, Lao Wen, Lonely Night, Uncle’s Big Brother’s big reward, and today’s 40 photos Monthly passes and more than 500 recommended votes.

Warm congratulations to me, Sister Xiao Min, for becoming the leader.

Today is a special day. Firstly, the book has been updated to Chapter 800. Secondly, I just wrote about gambling on trees. It happens to be Arbor Day. What a coincidence.

Tomorrow's chapter will be a very interesting, slap-in-the-face and hilarious passage. As for whether it can be updated to ten chapters in one go, Lao Tie cannot guarantee it now, but Lao Tie will try his best.

Even if we don't have so many at 0 o'clock, I will try my best to make up for it during the day.

Thank you everyone for your support to Lao Tie, Lao Tie is grateful! !

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