Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 8 Breaking the Evil

"That house!" Lin Hai laughed and said, "There aren't any good houses in Yang Ying's place, so that house is a bit attractive on the surface. If you do this, after the client comes downstairs, you can Give him our agency’s business card and see if we can get him to come to our agency to choose a house.”

"Brother Hai, I understand." Chen Zhongping said immediately.

After hanging up the phone, he waited downstairs.

After a while, Zhang Yu, the girl with glasses, and Zhao Guangjian came out of the cave.

Zhang Yu and the girl with glasses both knew Chen Zhongping, so when they saw him standing here, they were inevitably a little puzzled.

Chen Zhongping smiled slightly and walked directly towards Zhao Guangjian. When he came to Zhao Guangjian, he said politely: "Hello, sir, are you choosing a house? I am a real estate agent of Amei Agency. This is my business card."

After saying that, he took out a business card and presented it to Zhao Guangjian respectfully with both hands.

Not to mention that he is a top salesman, and his business literacy is relatively high.

However, this kind of blatant robbery of customers has always been a taboo in the industry. Usually, it is done secretly. There is no one like him. He is obviously looking for a fight. It can also be seen from this that he does not take Jiabao Intermediary seriously at all, and he is openly bullying you.

"Hello." Zhao Guangjian took the business card from Chen Zhongping's hand, glanced at it, and said, "Where is your agency?"

"It's right opposite Jiabao Agency. We have much more housing than Jiabao Agency, and there are more good houses. We guarantee that you can buy the house you want. The house upstairs is really weird. , the windows are not open for ventilation, so don’t take advantage of it. How many customers have regretted after paying the deposit, thus losing time and money in vain." Chen Zhongping is really articulate.

"I know, thank you for reminding me." Zhao Guangjian said, putting the business card into his pocket.

"Sir, I haven't asked you your name yet. Do you have time to come to our agency and have a look?" Chen Zhongping said with another smile.

"I'm afraid I don't have time today. Let's talk on the phone tomorrow." Zhao Guangjian said.

"Okay, okay... let's contact you tomorrow... I won't disturb you, so I'll leave first..." Chen Zhongping was very measured. He nodded and bowed, glanced at Su Hong and Zhang Yu proudly, and then turned and left. go.

Zhao Guangjian didn't say anything again. Although he was taking a chance, he also knew that the possibility of the house being ventilated within half an hour was very low.

Other agents know the problems with this house. It seems that this house is indeed not good, and it is no secret.

He got in the car directly and sat down. The girl with glasses was too embarrassed to get in the car and just stood outside the car.

Zhang Yu asked for the key from the girl with glasses and said he was going to buy a pack of cigarettes, so he went straight to a supermarket not far away. Zhang Yu also smokes, but his addiction is very light and he can smoke or not. He went to the supermarket and bought a small mirror. He also bought a pack of low-end cigarettes worth 6 yuan, and went straight to Building 8.

Taking the elevator to the 20th floor and entering room 2006, Zhang Yu quickly walked to the window. If he knows clearly, the current situation is urgent. If the problem is not solved immediately, he is afraid that this customer will be snatched away by the other party.

Zhang Yu bit his finger and drew on the back of the mirror. What he drew was an evil-breaking talisman. Sunshake was not very powerful among the evil spirits, and it was easy to break.

Normally, cinnabar and talisman paper are used to draw talismans, which is a normal talisman compilation technique. However, firstly, there is no cinnabar, and secondly, even if there is cinnabar, the talisman drawn by Zhang Yu will not work.

The reason is this. The art of talisman compilation is about having talismans and compilation. Talisman paper is easy to buy, but this compilation cannot be bought and must be awarded by the Taoist temple. Lao Wangtou did not have the right to teach Zhang Yu these things, so Zhang Yu only knew how to draw the talisman, but if he wanted to use it, it was not impossible. That is to use blood instead of compilation, and in addition, use the infuriating energy in his body to activate the talisman. power.

He had been practicing with Lao Wangtou for many years, but the zhenqi in his body was still very weak, which was enough to draw talismans.

Soon, the evil-breaking talisman was drawn. He raised the mirror, pointed it in the direction of the sun, and shouted, "Broken!"

As soon as the voice fell, the mirror first flashed with light, and then "clicked" again. A complete round mirror actually cracked in Zhang Yu's hands, and the glass fragments fell to the floor. Zhang Yu was shocked. He never expected that such a thing would happen.

But then, a breeze blew in from the window, and the room instantly felt much cooler. Even the sunshine has become normal, with warmth and gentleness, and it is no longer as harsh as before.

"I succeeded!" Zhang Yu almost shouted excitedly.

He clenched his fists tightly and could no longer feel the pain in his fingers.

After about five minutes, as the breeze blew in, the temperature in the room gradually dropped. It was no longer as stuffy as before, and there was no dizziness.

This was the first time he had used spells to destroy evil spirits, but he didn't expect it to be successful. He felt a little tired, but the joy in his heart was enough for him to ignore it.

Zhang Yu lit a cigarette and rested for a while before going downstairs to see Zhao Guangjian.

Arriving at the car, Zhang Yu gently knocked on the window. Zhao Guangjian opened the car door and said, "Is it okay now?"

"There should be no problem. Let's go upstairs and have a look." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

The three of them went upstairs together, and Zhang Yu had just locked the door of 2006. He opened the door again and walked in first. Zhao Guangjian followed him through the door, and the girl with glasses walked at the end. The two of them were a little nervous, and the dizzy feeling just now made people want to vomit.

But now that I came in, there was no sense of stuffiness or dizziness at all.

"Huh?" The girl with glasses made a surprised sound, and walked back and forth. The breeze blowing in from the window was much refreshing than when she was standing downstairs.

She was extremely puzzled. The last time she came here, she almost fainted on the spot. This house was rumored to be very evil. How could the previous feeling be gone in just such a short time?

Although she is stupid, she is not stupid. Zhang Yu just went upstairs with the key, and now the house has undergone earth-shaking changes. It is certain that Zhang Yu must have done something. How did Zhang Yu do it? She couldn't imagine it.

Zhao Guangjian felt the refreshing feeling in the room and looked at each room. The layout of the room was indeed very good. It was a great deal to buy it at this price.

"I want this house!" Zhao Guangjian said directly.

"Really?" The girl with glasses was very excited when she heard this.

"Of course it's true!" Zhao Guangjian said with a smile.

But then, he paused again and said: "Not yet, I have to ask my wife to come. I can't make the decision on such a big matter by myself right now."

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