"It's best that Mr. Fu doesn't know about my method. As long as you help us get the mine in Haimen Mountain, we will definitely let you get what you want." Kojima Mitsutake said with confidence.

Fu Senbo hesitated for a moment and said: "As far as I know, the mines in Haimen Mountain are blocked by the escort team. It seems to be very difficult to lift the blockade and contract with foreign parties. Although it is temporarily under my responsibility, but this time It's not something I can solve with just one sentence, it requires a lot of connections. To do such a troublesome thing, I have to know what method you use so that I can get what I want."

"Since Mr. Fu must know, I have no choice but to tell you." Mitsutake Kojima said, taking out a small glass bottle from his pocket, which should contain medicine. Kojima Mitsutake said seriously: "This thing is called the N802 test subject. It can spread influenza the fastest through poultry. Once people use it, it won't take long for people to get a severe cold, which will cause tuberculosis and lose their lives. As long as we If you put this drug into Guangming Town, the flu will immediately become rampant and it will become a blocked forbidden area. In this way, it will be easy for Mr. Fu to win."

"What?" After hearing this, Fu Senbo stood up suddenly and shouted: "You are trying our medicine! Spread the virus!"

"Mr. No, no, no, you are too impulsive." Mitsutake Kojima raised his hand and shook it gently with one finger.

"No, no!" Fu Senbo said angrily.

"Although this drug is slightly dangerous, our large island country has already developed this flu vaccine. Once the disease breaks out, our large island country will definitely assist your country. And please rest assured, Mr. Fu, our island country will take the lead and You contact us, and the credit will be credited to you. In this way, the position will be logical. As for the early outbreak of the flu, it is indeed valuable to sacrifice a few people. Isn’t there a saying in the country that one general can accomplish ten thousand things? The bone is withered. A small amount is not a gentleman, and a non-toxic person is not a husband. Mr. Fu should think about it carefully." Mitsutake Kojima said with a smile.

"This" time, Fu Senbo sat down slowly. As Mitsutake Kojima said, once the epidemic virus starts to spread in Guangming Town, basically all projects will be stopped.

Wen Qiong may even be held accountable. There is no need for him to make any further contributions to Senbo, and the position of CEO will fall into his hands. If he makes some contribution to the control of influenza diseases, in addition to getting a position, he will also get a big write-up in terms of credit.

"You just said that this virus is spread through poultry. After the poultry is infected with the virus and dies, it will be disposed of. How can it be spread?" Fu Senbo said.

"Hahahaha." Mitsutake Kojima couldn't help but laugh, "It's really funny that Mr. Fu can ask such a question. As an official of your office, don't you understand the habits of your people? Your people have always been selfish and profit-seeking. , even if they know there is a problem, they will still sell them for money. Even if those poultry die due to the virus, poultry farmers will not sit back and watch the losses, and will still sell these dead poultry."

"Haha." Fu Senbo couldn't help but laugh dryly.

Because Kojima Mitsutake is absolutely right. This kind of thing has really happened in China, which is really speechless. Many businessmen will do anything for money.

"Mr. Fu, actually I don't want to tell you about this, but you must know, then I can't help it. Now that you know about the mine, I don't know if Mr. Fu is willing to agree." Xiaodao Guangwu said with a smile.

It seemed to him that Fu Senbo would definitely agree to his conditions.

Sure enough, after a moment, Fu Senbo nodded slightly and said: "I will contact the escort team to lift the blockade regarding the mine. Then, I will contract it to you."

"Then thank you, Mr. Fu. I hope our cooperation will be pleasant." Kojima Mitsutake said, taking the initiative to extend his hand to Fu Senbo.

Fu Senbo also stretched out his hand and shook it with Kojima Mitsutake.

If he loses this time, not only will he not have to continue climbing, but his status in the family will plummet. It is normal to be hidden in the snow and fall into decline from then on.

Fu Senbo certainly didn't want this to happen. Anyway, he doesn't need to take action in this matter. He only needs to solve the mine issues.

To be honest, he felt a little regretful now. It might be better not to ask Mitsutake Kojima and remain an ignorant person.

Jixiang Villa District, Zhang Yu’s home.

Yang Ying and Fang Tong were lying in the bedroom. This afternoon, Fang Tong agreed to Xiao Jiejie's bet and would become pregnant within two months. If you can't get pregnant, you have to allow Xiao Jiejie to come in.

After she agreed, Xiao Jiejie said goodbye and left, but the little girl regretted her impulsiveness a little. How could she be so impulsive and refuse to admit defeat when she saw Xiao Jiejie and agree to such a thing.

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