Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 789 Poisonous! (Ninth update)

"I know you must be surprised now as to why I was able to wake up early after falling under your dark marriage spell." Zhang Yu said coldly.

The middle-aged man was shocked when he heard Zhang Yu mention the dark marriage curse. He originally thought that Zhang Yu didn't know about it, but now, Zhang Yu actually revealed it.

"You, you know my dark marriage spell?" the middle-aged man said in surprise.

"Actually, I don't want to tell the truth because I'm afraid that the people I love and the people who love me will be sad! But I know that some things cannot be hidden!" Zhang Yu said seriously. When he said the last word, he He couldn't help but turn his head to look at Yang Ying and Fang Tong in the hall.

The two girls were looking at him with joy on their faces, and when he turned around, their eyes filled with tears.

"What do you mean by that? Did you already know that you were under a dark marriage spell?" the middle-aged man said in confusion.

"In this world, there is not only one person who knows the round light technique, but I can also do it. To tell you the truth, in fact, when Xiao Jiejie asked me to go to the hotel that day, I already discovered that there was a problem. After she pulled a few armpit hairs from me , and left in a hurry, which was completely inconsistent with normal logic, so I decided that there must be a reason. So, I used the round light technique to observe her, and I saw her staring at a brocade box in a daze, and the brocade box The things placed inside are exactly the Buddhist props for underworld marriage!" Zhang Yu said coldly again.

"Haha." After hearing this, the middle-aged man couldn't help but smile bitterly, shook his head and said: "Women, women, you are really stupid! Since it is acting, you should do the whole thing. Yes, you will definitely be suspicious of it. But"

At this point, the middle-aged man stared and said: "Since you already know, why don't you stop her? No. You should not be under the dark marriage spell. Otherwise, you won't be able to wake up at all. But, you obviously gave birth to a white chrysanthemum. What’s going on here?”

It was obvious that he was confused now and had no idea why this was happening.

"Don't be so self-righteous! I don't know if you saw the scene when Xiao Jiejie collected our hair and put the brocade box under the bed. To tell you the truth, Xiao Jiejie was not as dirty as you thought. At that time , she has decided not to rely on this method, but decided to face Tongtong openly!" Zhang Yu said with some excitement.

Fang Tong in the hall couldn't help but be stunned after hearing this. He really didn't understand why it was brought to his head.

"You mean, she didn't plan to do what I said! Then why did she do it again? I saw it with my own eyes!" the middle-aged man asked curiously.

"Because I asked her to do this!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"You let her do this? Why? Is there any way you can resist my ghost marriage curse?" The middle-aged man looked incredulous.

"Of course I'm not sure I can resist your dark marriage spell, so I definitely won't let Xiao Jiejie put my armpit hair and her hair into the doll. I just asked her to prepare some dog hair and put it into the doll. As for The reason why I did this is naturally very simple. I don’t want someone to stare at me with the round light technique all the time. In this case, I will be very uncomfortable.” At this moment, Zhang Yu’s eyes also widened.

"You mean, you can feel me observing you with the round light technique. And everything you do is pretending to be me, and the ultimate goal is to make me show up!" The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"That's right!" Zhang Yu gritted his teeth with hatred, "When I was in Xiaoweng Mountain, I felt a pair of eyes watching me from the side, and later in the bathroom, I felt this way again. In the past few days, when I pretended to be under a dark marriage spell, I would feel those eyes from time to time. So, I can be sure that you must be related to the person who raises corpses in Xiao Wengshan!"

"He is my senior brother." The middle-aged man smiled bitterly, and then said: "Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu, you are so ruthless in this cruel trick, no one can see it, not even your relatives, not even your lover. It’s such a misfortune to be concealed by you.”

"Hahahaha." Zhang Yu also smiled bitterly, with tears rolling out of the corners of his eyes, "I'm not forced by you! If I don't lead you out, you will always plot against me, my relatives and friends behind my back! Rather than being forced by you, I have been thinking about it, and I am helpless. I think they will understand me. And you, tonight is the day you die!"

This was exactly where Zhang Yu was in pain. Just now in the palace, he was completely conscious. He really heard Yang Ying and Fang Tong's words, and was deeply moved in his heart. Moreover, it was not only touching, but also sad.

He wanted to stand up several times and tell Yang Ying and Fang Tong not to continue bleeding. However, his reason told him that his opponent was hiding not far away and would show up soon. Once he finds himself awake, he will inevitably run away. The enemy is open and we are hidden. He is always watched by such a master. Even if Zhang Yu himself is not in danger, what about his relatives and friends?

Of course, Zhang Yu never thought that it would reach this point. I thought I could use the Seven Star Lamp Life Renewal Technique to lure the opponent out, but who would have thought that this guy could actually use the Gust Wind Technique and just blow out the candle. If Sun Zhaoyi, who knew the plan, had not come up with a solution in time, this drama would have been impossible to end. It's just that this method is a bit cruel.

After Zhang Yu said this, he pointed his hand forward suddenly, and the money sword in his palm shot out directly, hitting the middle-aged man opposite.

"In front of the Buddha's golden throne, Arhats belong together! Drink!"

Seeing the money sword coming, the middle-aged man roared violently.

That loud shout was like a lion roaring in the forest. The bricks and tiles on the hall were shaken to a rustling sound, and a lot of dust fell down.

Yang Ying and Fang Tong, who were standing in the hall, were already severely injured. When they heard the roar, their bodies softened and they fainted on the spot.

The money sword shot by Zhang Yu stopped in the air, only half a meter away from the middle-aged man, but could no longer move forward.

"Lion roars!" Zhang Yu was shocked.

"Drink!" The middle-aged man clasped his palms together and shouted again. Then he opened his palms sharply, and then saw that the money sword was shaken open and turned into copper coins, scattered on the ground.

"Zhang Yu! If that's the case, then you and I will fight to the death tonight!" He shouted coldly, casually pulled out a soft sword from his waist, and bounced off the ground.

I didn't want to, it was okay if he didn't get up, but as soon as he got up, he felt dizzy.


The middle-aged man let out a painful cry from his throat, and the soft sword fell to the ground. At this moment, he saw his right palm, which had turned black.

"Poisonous. Poisonous," he said weakly, and fell to the ground again.

Zhang Yu walked over slowly. He was sure that the other party's breathing was very weak, and he could die of poisonous gas at any time.

As he approached, he looked down and saw the middle-aged man's face was dark. No need to guess, Zhang Yu also knew that the middle-aged man had fallen into Ouyang Yanyan's poisonous palm.

When Zhang Yu was poisoned for the first time, fortunately he reacted quickly and was able to detoxify in time without losing his life. But after the middle-aged man was poisoned, he patronized Zhang Yu and talked without realizing that he had been poisoned.

"Auntie, you are so awesome." Zhang Yu looked towards Ouyang Yanyan and at the same time reached out and took out a talisman paper from his pocket.

The talisman was immediately ignited. Zhang Yu just threw it on the ground, and the middle-aged man's body was filled with fire.

"Uh" he cried out in pain, and then there was no more movement.

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