"Today, the lottery draw for Shuangseqiu begins. All lottery players, please be prepared and see your lottery tickets to see if they are consistent with the drawn numbers."

The double color ball lottery has finally begun.

As soon as he heard such a sound coming from the TV, Riemann's eyes seemed to fly into the TV.

It's not just her, Brother Da Biao is like this too. He didn't expect how much money he hoped to win, he just wanted to see if Zhang Yu's words were accurate.

At this time, the ball shaker began to blow the ball back and forth, and soon a ball was blown out.

The host immediately said: "The first number is No. 6."

Riemann immediately checked and found that there were four lottery tickets with the number 6 on them.

The ball shaker continued to shake, and then another small ball came out. The host said: "The second number is 18."

Riemann compared it and found that both numbers were successful and only two lottery tickets were left. However, there were two lottery tickets that did not win the 6th number, but did win the 18th number.

She held the lottery ticket and stared at the TV carefully. The ball shaker shook out another small ball.

The host said: "The third number is 9."

When Riemann checked, only the lottery number he selected by his machine won all three numbers.

"The fourth number is 22."

"The fifth number is 23."

As the host read out the numbers, Riemann had already firmly grasped the machine-selected lottery ticket in his hand, because all the five numbers read out earlier were successful.

It was a bit difficult for her to control her emotions, so she bought countless lottery tickets, and for the first time, she won five numbers in a row.

"2! 2! 2!" Riemann couldn't help shouting, cheering himself up, because the red ball number on this lottery ticket also has a 2.

Soon, the host read: "The sixth number is No. 2!"

"No. 2! It's really No. 2!" Riemann was almost crazy and couldn't help shouting.

The first one hit six numbers, and all six red balls hit.

Her body was shaking and now all that was left was a basketball. The basketball number on the lottery ticket was 29. She gritted her teeth and made a low sound, as if she was trying to eat someone, "29! 29! 29! 29!"

Zhang Yu didn't take it seriously, because he knew that Riemann's windfall was very strong today. But Yang Ying and Da Biao are different. They have discovered that Riemann has won six numbers. If the last number wins again, it will be a grand prize of five million!

Finally, the last basketball was shaken out, and the host said: "The number of the last basketball is--twenty-nine!"


Riemann jumped up from his chair and howled like a lioness, "Hit!"

"I won! I won them all! Five million! Five million! I won!"

Brother Da Biao and Yang Ying looked at Rie Man together, and then looked at Zhang Yu. They couldn't believe this scene.

Zhang Yu said that Riemann had a windfall today and asked her to buy a lottery ticket. She actually won, and she won five million in one fell swoop.

This number, even for Brother Da Biao, is not a small number.

Brother Da Biao was stunned and said: "Brother...it's so accurate..."

Riemann can barely calm down now. After all, his family is not the kind he has never seen before, and Brother Da Biao's assets are more than five million. She also looked at Zhang Yu and said in a submissive voice: "Brother... you, you... what you said is so accurate..."

"You have a windfall today, and you have strong windfall luck. It's not unusual to win." Zhang Yu said plainly.

"Then I have to thank you! Brother, each of us can get half of the five million!" Brother Da Biao rushed to say.

When he heard that his husband was going to give Zhang Yu half, Riemann felt a little distressed, but he still said: "That's right, brother, our family will get half..."

"No, this is your wealth, there is no need to share it with me. Everyone has their own luck." Zhang Yu said seriously.

Because Riemann won the prize, he believed in Zhang Yu as if he had seen a god. She toasted Zhang Yu with a few more beers and drank almost all of them before it was over.

Brother Da Biao did not drink at night and personally sent Zhang Yu and Yang Ying home. He was very grateful to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu and Yang Ying went upstairs. Yang Ying had a limited amount of alcohol, but Zhang Yu drank more. The two of them were in a daze. They supported each other and went upstairs back home.

As soon as she entered the bedroom, Yang Ying pressed Zhang Yu's shoulders with both hands, curled her lips and said, "You are quite capable!"

"No, I don't have much ability..." Zhang Yu said inexplicably.

"You don't have the skills, yet you have five million in your family? You can't let me get hit once!" Yang Ying pressed Zhang Yu's shoulder and stepped forward.

Zhang Yu could only retreat and said aggrievedly: "She, she won the lottery because she had a windfall today... She doesn't want to have anything to do with me..."

"She is lucky! Don't I have it?" Yang Ying asked loudly again.

She continued to move forward. The bedroom was not big, and she pushed Zhang Yu to the bedside in two steps.

Zhang Yu said helplessly: "You really don't have it... If you do, I can see it..."

"Then when will I get it?" Yang Ying asked loudly again.

"How did I know this..." Zhang Yu's face was full of innocence.

"You brat, you turned your elbows outward... You said that if I won five million... would I need to be so tired..." Yang Ying's mouth was a little hard to use, and she pressed forward again. step.

At this moment, Zhang Yu had no choice but to retreat and fell onto the bed. As soon as he fell down, his feet naturally had to be lifted forward. Yang Ying's feet were no longer following. As soon as he touched them, her body subconsciously jumped forward.

With a "pounce" sound, Yang Ying's body pressed against Zhang Yu's body.

Fortunately, Yang Ying's arms naturally stretched forward, barely supporting her body, but now, the two people were face to face, and the distance between them was basically a punch's width.

Yang Ying looked at Zhang Yu below and murmured: "You stinky guy... You didn't even ask me to win five million... Do you know that I am today because of money... …My dad is old, and my mother wants to be strong... At that time, Mrs. Liu asked me to marry her grandson, and my dad agreed... But I just didn’t like that guy... I didn’t want to marry him, so I came out. ...I wanted to make more money, and I didn’t want my brother and sister-in-law to look down on me...At that time, I didn’t even dare to go home...I had no choice but to marry that old man...I just wanted to be able to live in glory. Go home... But I don't even dare to take that old man back. Now I have nothing. I don't dare to tell my family because I am afraid that people will look down on me... I regret it so much... Zhang Yu, do you know that I really I regret so much... I regret so much... Wuwu..."

As she spoke, Yang Ying's tears couldn't help but flow down, and landed on Zhang Yu's face.

Zhang Yu saw that Yang Ying was showing her true feelings now, and he could also see that Yang Ying was very sad now.

He comforted softly: "Little aunt, don't cry... If you want to make money, I will definitely help you. If we make more money in the future, I will never let others look down on you..."

"Money... what's the use of just having money... When I married that old man, everyone knew that I was married... Actually... In fact, he and I have nothing, he is not good at all... He and I have nothing. I've never done it... I'm still a big girl now... But if I get married, I have to be married for the second time... I can't marry the person I like... Zhang Yu..." At this point, Yang Ying was already sobbing, her arms tightly hugging Zhang Yu's neck.

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