Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 773 Not scientific at all

Guangming Town, Wudang Taoist Football Club training base.

Today is a relatively big day for the team, because the club has contacted an incredible foreign player, the former World Footballer Ronaldinho.

Even though Ronaldinho is getting older, his reputation is still the same. The players on the Taoist team are not very old, and most of them idolize their idols. A big-name star like Ronaldinho is simply everyone's childhood idol.

Not to mention whether Ronaldinho can join in the end, it is okay to meet him up close.

Zhang Yu, Wang Jie, the club's coaches, players and other personnel are waiting outside the training base at the moment.

Within a few minutes, three Mercedes-Benz cars drove outside the base gate. The door opened. From the first car, three people came out, two foreigners, and the other one was the club manager Liu Yadong.

Not to mention Liu Yadong's ability to do things, he has been in the football circle for many years. After Zhang Yu told him about this, he tried his best to contact Ronaldinho. Zhenhai is an international city after all. As soon as Ronaldinho heard that Zhenhai’s team was playing, he decided to come and have a look.

There were quite a few people coming with him, and in the car behind him, five more black bodyguards got out.

Needless to say, Ronaldinho is definitely fashionable enough. He wears a polygonal hat on his head and several earrings hanging from one ear. The clothes on his body are also quite fashionable. But my figure is out of shape, I have some fat, and my belly is very obvious.

However, Ronaldinho's face was full of disdain and he was frowning.

The environment the team is in is really bad. It can be seen that Ronaldinho obviously regrets coming here.

Liu Yadong immediately introduced, "Mr. Ronaldinho, this is the boss of our team, Mr. Zhang Yu, boss."

Zhang Yu took the initiative to greet him. After all, he was a guest from afar. Similarly, Zhang Yu also saw the unhappy expression on Xiao Luo's face.

An interpreter followed the introduction, and Zhang Yu came to Ronaldinho and took the initiative to extend his hand. Ronaldinho shook Zhang Yu's hand symbolically, and then started chattering, " # ¥##% # %% # *\u0026\u0026”

The translator then said: "Boss, Ronaldinho said that this place is different from what he imagined, and he wants to leave now."

Zhang Yu had already expected that such a big-name star might say this after seeing the club's situation. After all, the team's conditions are really not that good.

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Tell Mr. Luo, our team plays metaphysical football. At his current age, it is difficult for him to fight on the green field. But if he joins our team, I will definitely let him His rejuvenation can put him in the spotlight again and make him a superstar."

The translator immediately conveyed Zhang Yu's words. After hearing this, Xiao Luo started chattering again.

"He said that he is also a superstar now and will become the focus no matter where he goes. We just want to use his name for hype and publicity. If we want him to join, we must give him an after-tax annual salary of 30 million euros." said the translator.

With Ronaldinho's age and popularity, asking him to play football is almost a joke. It seems that even Ronaldinho himself knows this. So he decided that this must be the Daoguan team using his name to create hype.

Zhang Yu smiled again and said: "Tell him, I am not a hype. We are the Taoist team. We can definitely give him a second spring. We can definitely make him feel reborn, as if he was in his twenties on the green field." Go play football. I heard that he is called the elf on the football field. He must really enjoy the happiness brought by football. If he can gallop on the field like he did back then, I think it will make people happier than money."

The translator relayed Zhang Yu's words, and a look of disbelief immediately appeared on Xiao Luo's face.

"###\u0026\u0026\u0026\u0026####" He said a lot of unintelligible words again.

"He said you were joking, which is impossible," said the translator.

"I know he will definitely say that." Zhang Yu said, waving to Wang Jie behind him. When Fatty Wang came over, Zhang Yu said again: "See this fat man? He is the unworthy Taoist temple master. Proficient in mystical arts. Even though he is fat, no one here can outrun him. If Ronaldinho is willing to practice with him, he will soon be able to transform back into the green elf he once was. Of course, I know you won't believe it, but We can make a bet. You have brought so many bodyguards and send out the one who is the best runner to see if he can outrun him. If your bodyguard wins, I am willing to give you 30 million euros directly."

At the end of the speech, Zhang Yu's face was full of confidence, as if he was sure to win.

Of course, with Shenxing's vest around, who can outrun Wang Jie?

Sure enough, after the translator relayed these words, Ronaldinho suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Not to mention him, the bodyguards and managers he brought also showed disbelief on their faces.

" # %\u0026"

"He said it was impossible!" said the translator.

"You can let him try. If his bodyguard wins, he will get 30 million euros; even if he loses, there seems to be no loss." Zhang Yu said lightly.

The translator conveyed Zhang Yu's words again. This time, Ronaldinho's eyes lit up, he nodded and said: "¥¥¥\u0026\u0026\u0026\u0026##"

"He said there is no problem, but he hopes that after you lose, boss, you will definitely fulfill your promise." The translator said.

"I will definitely honor it!" Zhang Yu nodded and said.

At this moment, everyone entered the training ground.

Ronaldinho sent a black bodyguard to prepare. The bodyguard was tall and thin and looked like he could run very well.

Generally speaking, black people have an advantage over yellow people when it comes to running.

Wang Jie stood on the starting line wearing a Taoist robe. The black man, on the other hand, was jumping and jumping to warm up, looking confident.

Thinking about it, it might not be safe for him to run with a thin man. But if a fat-headed person like Wang Jie can't run away, he might as well commit suicide.

The players on Zhang Yu's side shook their heads after seeing this scene.

Some were already talking in a low voice, "It's this move again." "This move is so effective." "Isn't it? I can't run on the court. If Ronaldinho can do the same, he will basically sweep away." "That's true."

There were two black foreign players left on the team, and they also muttered in African dialect, as if to say, Wang Daochang is sure to win.

Ronaldinho didn't know what everyone was talking about. His face was full of confidence. He was probably only worried about Zhang Yu defaulting on his debt.

Of course, he was also a little curious as to why Zhang Yu dared to say such things without looking stupid.


Liu Yadong fired the starting gun.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Jie and the black man rushed out together like cheetahs coming out of the gate.

The black man was really dissatisfied with his speed. It was estimated that ordinary athletes might not be his opponents in sprinting.

However, he encountered the Divine Walking Vest! Wang Jie was faster, and he was left behind in seven or eight seconds. After a while, he ran a circle and returned to the finish line. Looking at the black man again, he was still sixty or seventy meters away from the finish line.

"What?" Ronaldinho's eyes almost fell out of their sockets, and he was immediately confused.

The people around him also looked at him in disbelief, with their mouths hanging open, unable to believe the scene in front of them.

How could such a fat man run so fast? Not scientific at all!

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